After entering the cave, Xia Jue made a fire and sat down with a roar.

A few hours later, a man's voice sounded.


"It seems to be the sound of a wolf?"

Xia Jue had a suspicious look on his face.

Before he thought too much, the howling sound was getting closer and closer. It seemed that he would be close to the cave.

No longer hesitating, Xia Jue stood up directly and explored the situation outside the cave with his sense.

After about twenty breaths, he felt that some dangerous objects had surrounded his mouth.

"You animals, I think you want to die!"

These animals have found him here. It's no use hiding any more, so Xia Jue will go out directly for a while.

The light of Xia Jue was not out of the cave.

"Wolf demon?"

Xia Jue seems to know what monster is coming.

"Woo woo."

After seeing Xia Jue coming out, the wolf demons obviously realized that he was not easy to be provoked. They didn't dare to rush up first. They just slowly surrounded him and seemed to be waiting for an opportunity.

But Xia Jue is afraid of them.

"Vacuum fingerprints!"

Without the slightest bit of procrastination, Xia Jue is a direct martial arts in the dense wolves.


A loud noise sent out, dozens of wolf beasts were shaken away, among which the limbs were broken and the corpses were flying everywhere.

"I didn't expect that there was a demon pill in this group of wolf demons."

Looking at those shining pearls far away, Xia Jue was surprised.

Maybe it was Xia Jue's attack that aroused the ferocity. Instead of retreating, these wolf demons rushed at Xia Jue bravely.

These wolf demons are just the appearance of the medium-term strength of the sky level. How can they cause any damage to him? He soon killed hundreds of them.

In the process of killing, Xia Jue is also collecting demons.

These wolf demon Dan is not a very good talent, it takes five to accumulate a point.

But no matter how small the mosquito is, it's meat. Xia Jue has accumulated more than 30 points.

"Ouch, ouch!"

Just as Xia Jue was enjoying the harvest, a sound from the East rang out from the sky.

Then he noticed a very strong breath coming towards here.

"Wolf king!"

There must be a wolf king among the wolves, and the voice and momentum just now, Xia Jue immediately guessed what was coming towards him.

Sure enough.

The next moment, a giant wolf king about three feet high appeared in front of him.

This wolf king is different from other demon wolves.

The eyes of those demon wolves are green, while the eyes of the wolf king are red, which seems to be very angry.

See the wolf king's arrival, those thin and small demon wolf all retreated to its behind, faintly a pair with it head appearance.


The enemy is very jealous when they meet. Xia Jue killed so many of his subordinates. Naturally, the wolf king wanted to kill Xia Jue.

"Well, animals are animals."

Seeing that the beast attacked him quickly, Xia Jue's backhand was a big vacuum handprint.

With a bang, the wolf king flew out and fell on the ground.

However, the blow did not seem to hurt him. He shook and stood up quickly.

"The skin is rough and the flesh is thick!"

Xia Jue was surprised to see that the animal was not hurt at all.

After the wolf king over there changed his mind, his huge tail swayed slightly, as if he was brewing something.

Xia Jue didn't think about it for a long time. He saw the wolf king swinging his tail and throwing it at him. Dozens of sharp objects flew towards him at a very fast speed.

"Good guy, there are still hidden weapons!"

Don't dare carelessly, Xia Jue showed the wind, never stop to avoid the attack of these concealed weapons.

After about half a quarter of an hour, the wolf king's concealed weapon seemed to have been used up, but it folded its tail.

"Beast, is it my turn now?"

Xia Jue looked cold, and the magic mirror appeared in his hand.

Feeling the powerful breath in the magic mirror, wolf king seems to be a little scared, only to see its pace slowly back.

"I'm afraid now, but it's too late!"

After the vitality is injected into the magic mirror, Xia Jue irradiates it towards the wolf king.


After being illuminated by the light of the magic mirror, a huge blood hole appeared on the wolf king's abdomen.Seriously injured, the wolf king can't care so much. If he wants to survive, he can only run behind him.

Seeing that the beast wanted to run away, how could Xia Jue let it run away, so he immediately used his imperial power to catch up with him.

I have to say, maybe the threat of death is hanging over the head of the beast.

It seems that the beast has been inspired to have the potential of his body. Xia Jue, who is determined to resist the wind, can't catch up with it for a while.

In this way, one man and one beast chased out for about ten li. At this time, the wolf king was slowly weakened due to his heavy injury, and Xia Jue in the rear gradually lost his patience.

All of a sudden, there was a beam of fire ahead.

The wolf king is not weak in wisdom. He knows that there must be someone in front of him. At this time, the more he mixes the water, the more he can survive. So he doesn't hesitate to go to the fire.

Outside the Daochang battle, people who were already sleepy immediately woke up after seeing this scene, especially jianyizong, one of the six main gates in the battle.

Because in their God's perspective, Xia's pursuit of wolf king is heading for the gathering place of Tianjiao.

"Suzerain, that is the gathering place of Jianzong Tianjiao!" Elder thirteen's mind suddenly became nervous.

Jian Yizong can become one of the six major sects, and its strength is not weak.

And his clan is famous for their swordsmanship. As for those arrogant people in the trial, they are all proficient in all kinds of powerful sword skills, which is the reason why the thirteen elders are worried.

"Don't panic. It's just the sword sect. They don't want to be the Wangu sect. They don't have any grudge against Xiagong. They won't want to fight with Xiagong to the end when they know that Xiagong is powerful." Hou Xiaotian comforted himself.

"The patriarch is right. With the strength of Xia worship, the Tianjiao of Jian clan dare not fight to death." After listening to Hou Xiaotian's words, the thirteen elders can only think about the good side.

At this time, the place where Tianjiao gathered was where Daochang tried sword.

"No, there are enemies!" A foundation builder around the fire found something in an instant.

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