"Wang Xixue, why are you gnashing your teeth at Xia? Xia has done nothing wrong to you." Looking at Wang Xixue's gnashing teeth, Xia Jue couldn't help making fun of him.

"I want you to die!" In the face of such ridicule, Wang Xixue can't bear it. She directly clapped her hand.

Wang Xixue's hand mixed with the power of the collapse of the mountains and the earth, which made the people around him can't help but back a few steps.

"Vacuum fingerprints." Xia Jue is naturally not willing to be outdone. He also uses his martial arts to fight back.


Two strikes collided, and each side stepped back a few steps. It seemed that they were equal, but in fact Xia Jue took advantage.

The reason is that Wang Xixue is just a slap of anger, but Xia Jue shows his martial arts directly.

But even that shocked people around.

Because Wang Xixue is in the middle stage of foundation construction, it is difficult to resist even the middle stage of foundation construction with her strength.

In front of him, he was able to take over easily with his strength in the early days of foundation construction. Although he used his martial arts skills, he was able to take over Wang Xixue's hand, not to mention his martial arts skills. Even if he used his life saving skills, it was a matter of pride.

"Who is this man? How can his strength be so terrible?"

"I don't know. It's strange. I never seem to have seen it."

"With the strength in the early days of foundation building, Wang Xixue resisted such a blow. This man is by no means ordinary."

People around are talking about it all the time, while Li Zhuifeng and Tianjiao, such as the six sects, don't talk about it in a loud voice, but they are all sweeping Xia Jue back and forth with puzzled eyes.

"Wang Xixue, I think you and I are all here for the altar stone. Why don't we take the altar stone and go to the land of treasure? Besides, why do we have to fight here?"

This woman is obviously not easy to deal with, and there are so many people around watching, Xia Jue really does not want to entangle with her here.

"If I don't kill you little thief, it's hard to get rid of my hatred!" Wang Xixue is impatient with Xia Jue, even the words like thief come out.

In fact, it's not surprising that she said that, because in her heart, she always felt that this bastard had stolen what she deserved.

The speaker has no intention to listen. Wang Xixue's words make people listen to her. Now many people are imagining what Xia Jue has done to her.

"This man is really a model of our generation. Even Wang Xixue dares to do it."

"That's right. Although the female demon leader is as beautiful as a flower, those who dare to make up her mind will come to no good end. I didn't expect that this guy could live so long."

"This boy is very lucky. He even touched Wang Xixue."

People around are talking with a bad smile.

So many people are talking about that Wang Xixue is not deaf. She also realizes that she has said something wrong, but it's too late.

"You bastards dare to talk nonsense again, I'll cut your tongue." Wang Xixue angrily threatened the surrounding crowd.

In the face of Wang Xixue's threat, in order to avoid real anger, the lawless female devil all shut up.

"Ha ha ha, Wang Xixue, don't you always boast that you are a saint? I can't imagine that you will be raped." Others are afraid of Wang Xixue, but Li Zhuifeng is not afraid at all.

"Asshole, she just robbed me of my natural resources and local treasures. If she had killed me, could he still survive now?" Wang Xixue argued angrily.

"Well, there's nothing to say about this. In this place, whoever has a big fist is the truth. Since those natural resources and local treasures fall into Xia's hands, it's Xia's. why do I rob you?" Where would Xia Jue agree with the other party's evil idea.

"Xia? He is Xia Jue

"What, is he the Xia Jue who is number one in the table?"

"In addition to him, who else can rob the natural resources and local treasures in Wang Xixue's hands?"

After hearing Xia Jue calling himself Xia, people seem to find something.

"Xia Jue?" Hearing that this guy's identity was confirmed, Li Zhuifeng couldn't help looking at him in surprise.

These days, he has been thinking about who this guy is, where he came from, and what he has. But I didn't expect that he was such an ordinary person today.

"You're right. In a place like this, whoever has a big fist is the reason, so today I'm the reason." Wang Xixue sent out a fierce breath and aimed at Xiajue in front of him.

"Ha ha." Xia Jue laughed, "Wang Xixue, let's not talk about whether you can beat me. Even if you can beat me, your own consumption must not be small. At that time, are you sure others won't fight you, brother Li?"

Xia Jue turns his head to Li Zhuifeng.

After hearing this, Li Zhuifeng turned his eyes and said, "this is not true. We are just gentlemen. How can we take advantage of others' danger? Wang Xixue, although you have resentment and revenge, Li Zhuifeng will never interfere."Although Li Zhuifeng spoke with awe inspiring righteousness, Wang Xixue was not a fool, and would not believe the other party's words.

Just now, her words have been regarded as a dead feud with the other party. It's really strange that the other party will have no chance to beat the water dog.

But I'm weak. If I don't do it, I'll let the thief go?

How can we do this? This man is so hateful. He must be killed anyway.

Wang Xixue's heart began a battle between heaven and man.

After half a sound, she finally figured it out.

Now is not the time to work hard with this person. You don't have to be in a hurry to kill him. There are still many opportunities in the future.

"Why, didn't you hear what I said just now?" After thinking about it, Wang Xixue turns her head and looks at the people in the six gates.

As soon as they saw that Wang Xixue didn't do anything to Li Zhuifeng or Xia Jue, they turned around and questioned them. Doesn't that mean they are soft persimmons? So they got angry right away.

"It seems that I, Zhu Hong, haven't spoken for a long time. I've been forgotten outside, haven't I?" A brave young man in a white robe came forward.

"Zhu Hong, you have the courage to stand up!" Wang Xixue said sarcastically.

"Hum, I'm presumptuous. If I don't teach you a lesson, I'll be self coupling and invincible!"

When Zhu Hong patted the storage bag, a small silver drum flew out and fell into his hands.

"This is the silver drum."

"Zhu Hong is a disciple of wanguzong's level 10 potential. It's normal to have a silver drum, but I'm curious that he can give full play to the power of the silver drum."

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