With a scream, the whole world was quiet.

However, it's quiet here, but it's the opposite outside of the big array.

Seeing that Xia Jue could easily defeat the Tianjiao in front of so many people, everyone was scared.

"This time, he completely suppressed the light of all people. This time, he was the only one to be the leader."

"That's right. Li Zhuifeng and Wang Xixue have become yesterday. Now it's Xia Jue's drama."

"Who would have thought that such a dramatic scene would take place in this Taoist trial, and that a boy who was originally lonely and nameless would make a big splash. It is estimated that this kind of thing will not happen again in the next hundred years."

The audience was filled with the idea of sigh and emotion.

"Rich, rich, this time we are rich, Mr. Wen."

"I didn't expect that Li had such a great fortune. Li built a foundation and hoped to thank Xia for offering and di lingzong."

The power of Xia Jue has been completely established in this war. It can be said that the overall situation has been basically decided. Those who bet on Xia Jue are in the grip of victory. Naturally, they are very excited.

"Suzerain, it's done. This time, it's done. Our local lingzong is going to rise completely this time."

This time, they not only solved Lin Kui's inner trouble, but also made the Tianjiao in the whole Taoist trial dim. This is undoubtedly the best result for their di lingzong, so the thirteen elders were very excited.

"Dad, do you see that Xiagong has really done it? It turns out that he is the cornerstone of the rise of our dilingzong."

Hou ling'er danced with excitement, as if she had done all this.

"It's the most correct thing I've ever done in my life to accept Xia as an offering. I'm going to take off now."

At this time, Hou Xiaotian doesn't need to say anything more about calmness, because unless the Daochang formation deliberately aims at Xia Jue, he will be the leader this time.

Some are happy, others are sad.

Of course, it is the people of wanguzong who are worried.

Watching the Tianjiao of their own clan massacred, they were very depressed.

Especially the high-level people of wanguzong.

Originally, they were expecting these boys in their own family to win a good place for wanguzong this time, but they didn't expect that this kind of thing happened once in a hundred years.

However, although this unexpected and shocking thing happened, they were only annoyed that their pride did not win. Most of them were not annoyed at Xia Jue.

It's because there have been thousands of trials in the Taoist school. If every time the heavenly pride in the clan is killed by someone else, they all hate others, then this trial can't be held for so many years.

But although most of the high-level officials of wanguzong didn't hate Xiajue, a small part of them didn't care so much.

For example, Chang HUFA and Li HUFA.

In previous years, there was a default hidden rule in the Daoist trials.

That is, as a high-level disciple of the six major sects, when they are in a desperate situation, the other party can't do too much, for example, take away the token and points, and give them a way to survive.

As for whether they can survive in the end, it depends on the skills of their disciples. After all, it's no wonder that others have given face.

But Xia Jueming knew that Lin Kui was his apprentice, and he dared to kill him mercilessly, which made him blush.

Compared with Chang HUFA's inner annoyance, Li HUFA beside him has lost his mind.

He placed high hopes on the Tianjiao group of wanguzong, which was destroyed, and there was no hope for them.

Now there is only one way for him, that is to prepare to pay a large amount of Yuan Shi.

Tens of millions of Yuan Shi Na, he can be described as breaking the sky.

To be honest, he really wants to go straight now.

But after thinking for a long time, he still didn't dare to make the decision.

If he runs away, the debt will naturally be resisted by Wan guzong.

It's no different from treason to leave this mess to wanguzong. This crime is enough to make him die eight hundred times. He dare not do it.

"Ah, this group of rubbish really lost my face." Li HUFA, who had lost all his heart, cried out helplessly.

Chang HUFA, who was angry about Lin Kui's death, was startled by the sudden cry.

Then he thought of Li HUFA.

After a while, Li hugfa seemed to think of nothing

Li HUFA, who was cold all over, did not hesitate after hearing this: "of course I want him to die, but what else can I do at this time?"

"No, there is a way. It depends on whether you dare to do it." Often protect the Dharma to make a speech to entice a way."What, say it!" At this time, Li HUFA was like a drowning man. When he heard that there was a ray of life, he would not dare to do anything.

"Now the boy has become the climate. Unless the people in the field attack him, it's impossible to kill him..."

"of course I know that, but now the boy is powerful, and no one is full of food. He is the first one who dares to go up and seek his own death."

Li HUFA naturally understood the truth, but the battle just now really scared all the arrogants in the field. He believed that no one would dare to attack the boy at will.

"Don't worry. Let me finish first." Chang HUFA's face flashed a trace of ferocity, and then he continued: "now the people inside can't threaten him, only the big array of Daochang!"

"Daochang formation, what does that mean?" Li HUFA doesn't quite understand.

"The great array of Daochang has infinite power. If it deliberately targets a person, even if he is more powerful, he will die without life."

"Is the Daochang array deliberately aimed at one person? It's impossible. "

When you enter the Taoist array, the danger index of all the conceits is the same. You never say that someone will be more dangerous, unless it is because of your own bad luck.

"Li HUFA, it's up to people. The Daochang formation doesn't deliberately target one person, but those of us who are outside deliberately let him target some people." The Dharma protector is implying crazily.

"You mean..." Chang's expression became surprised.

The other side has said so naked, if he can't understand it, it's really a pig.

"Yes, Li HUFA, there is no other way at present."

Chang's original intention was to say that the other side had no choice, but in the end he changed his tone and said it mildly.

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