Forget it, I'd better go and have a look first. I've been busy fighting for the altar stone for a long time. I can't say that I'm not only going to have a look at this treasure land.

Making up his mind, Xia Jue clapped the storage bag, and an altar stone fell into his hand.

Then he took the altar stone and went quickly to the treasure land.


Holding the altar stone, he was not directly excluded by the light curtain as before, but smoothly entered into it.

The space inside is similar to the space of stars in the universe. At a glance, there are bright photoelectricity everywhere.

After a little inquiry, Xia Jue wanted to walk towards the nearest light spot.

But at this time, he suddenly found that he could not walk, and his body was in a floating state.

"What's going on?"

Facing such a strange scene, Xia Jue was slightly surprised.

When he looked up at the bottom, he found that there was no land under him, and he was just like floating in this space.

It's strange here.

After calming down for a while, Xia Jue felt that this treasure land was strange.

Next, Xia Jue became familiar with the floating state. After he could skillfully control the floating direction of his body, he floated the bright spot on the side.

Just a few dozen breaths, he came to the bright spot.

Come to the side of this bright spot, Xia Jue finally knows what these bright spots are.

It turned out to be a large glass utensil, and the light was emitted from the surface of the utensil.

After a careful inquiry, he felt that there seemed to be something stored in the glazed ware.


Xia Jue directly smashed the glazed ware with one blow, and saw a treasure of heaven and earth appeared in front of him.

"Natural resources and local treasures!"

Xia Jue was a little surprised. This natural material and local treasure looks extraordinary, which he had never seen before.

Without too much hesitation, he put the treasure into the storage bag.

After putting this treasure into the storage bag, Xia Jue finally knows what kind of treasure it is.

Up a full 50 points, which can be said to be the top talent treasure, right?

It really deserves to be a land of treasures. If you can get so many points from a tree of natural resources and natural resources at will, there may be more precious natural resources and natural resources in the future.

Xia Jue, who wants to understand this, is not neglecting. He immediately goes to the next bright spot.

After a long time of incense burning, Xia Jue smashed many glass utensils and got hundreds of points.


Just as he was about to continue to look for the bright spot, suddenly a sound came from a place about forty feet away from him.


It's strange to say that he's been searching in this treasure land for so long, but he hasn't met anyone yet, and now the sound from the distance makes him very curious.

"Li Zhuifeng, what do you want to do?"

"Well, what else can you do?" Li Zhuifeng stood with a negative hand, looking very relaxed at the people in front of him.

"Li Zhuifeng, you and I have no grievances or grudges. There are many treasures everywhere in this treasure land. Why do you plan to attack us if you don't look for them?"

"Ha ha, so what? Is there anything faster than robbing you?" Li Zhuifeng remained unmoved.


" Pa Pa, you're right, there's really nothing faster than direct looting. "

Just as the two sides were communicating fiercely, a figure came out in the dark.

This man is not Xia Jue, who else can he be.

"Xia Jue, it's you!"

When it was clear that the visitor was Xia Jue, Li Zhuifeng looked gloomy.

He didn't expect that he was so unlucky that he could see the evil star in this big treasure land.

"I'll give you two choices. First, I'll call you points and tokens from your family and go away. Second, I'll kill you all, and then I'll take your points and tokens myself."

Xia Jue tone understated, as if to say a trivial thing.

"You..." Li Zhuifeng gritted his teeth and looked at Xia Jue. He was already angry in his heart.

I think he was originally the man of the year in this Taoist trial, the favorite of the leader.

But I didn't expect that since this bastard appeared, he completely covered up his light and let him become a supporting actor.

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha

Li Zhuifeng bullied those Tianjiao to see this scene, as if out of a bad breath.

This is really a response to the saying, "the wicked have their mill."."Well, you're wise. What about you?" Xia Jue turned his head and looked at Li Zhuifeng.

"I'll give it to your mother and die for me!"

Li Zhuifeng, who has always been highly sought after by people, has never been so angry. He immediately plays a martial arts skill against Xia Jue, and plans to fight with him.

"Since you want to die, I'll do it!"

Xia Jue looked cold, and the magic mirror appeared in his hand.


The strike from the magic mirror collided with the opponent's skill. There was no damage on both sides. Basically, it was equal.

Here Xiajue didn't neglect, he continued to play Yufeng, and decided to lean towards Li Zhuifeng.

"Big Luo thousand silk!"

Li Zhuifeng gave a big drink and saw that his palms were emitting bursts of tiny green silk.

After these green silk came out of his hand, they shot at Xia Jue with extremely fast speed.

"Come on."

In the face of such a situation, Xia Jue's face is still not the slightest fear, he once again urged the magic mirror.

However, the effect of this magic mirror seems not ideal.

After floating for a while, the green silk, which was broken by the magic mirror, reconstituted, and then attacked Xia Jue again at a very fast speed.

"Not good."

The green silk was so strange that even Xia Jue didn't react for a moment.

"Whew, whew, whew."

Xia Jue kept avoiding the green silk, but because the number was too much, he still had some colors on his body.

"Ha ha ha, you'd better take out your sword to protect your life, or you'll die."

In fact, he was not convinced of Xia Jue.

He thought that the other side was just relying on his powerful magic weapons.

If there is no such magic weapon, then he can kill the other party in an instant.

"Is that how you want to die?" Xia Jue's face became cold.

I didn't expect that Li Zhuifeng was so difficult.

It seems that these well-known Tianjiao are not so well-known. If they are careless, they may die in the hands of each other.

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