"Believe me, let me go is the best result, otherwise you will regret it." Li Zhuifeng covered his chest and floated slowly towards the rear.

"I really regret not killing you." Raise the sword of Xia longjue.

But at this time, Li Zhuifeng had some movements.

It seemed that something was wriggling in his stomach, and then a golden bead about the size of a longan came out of his mouth.

As soon as the bead came out, some of the six high-level people who had been sitting outside the Taoist array stood up.

"How can Li Zhuifeng have the golden elixir?"

"It's impossible. Li Zhuifeng is just a foundation decoration. How can he have the golden elixir?"

"It's said that Li Zhuifeng got the inheritance of a great power. Does it mean that this golden elixir was obtained in that inheritance?"

After seeing this golden elixir, a group of people outside the Taoist array began to talk about it.

"Suzerain, this Li Zhuifeng actually has the golden elixir of the golden elixir period. Xia worship is dangerous this time."

Along the way of practice, the foundation is the golden elixir.

To this realm, strength can be said to be the real omnipotent existence.

Now there are only six major sects in Lingnan, and they are all old monsters who have lived for a long time. They are extremely rare.

And now the golden elixir period of the master's life of the thing, the golden elixir appeared in the trial of Li Zhuifeng's body, how can this let thirteen elder not shocked.

"I didn't expect that Li Zhuifeng still had this kind of thing against heaven."

Originally, Hou Xiaotian thought that Xia Jue was safe in this trial, but he didn't expect this sudden change, which made him worried again.

"Alas, Xiagong is still too reckless. Li Zhuifeng had already begged for mercy before. Xiagong would be finished as soon as he was ready. Why should he take advantage of his temporary anger to get into such a dangerous situation?"

Although I can't hear what both sides said before, it's not hard to guess from their words and behavior, so the five elders guess so impatient.

"He had a chance to get a golden elixir. I think his original idea was to keep the golden elixir warm in his body. When he reached the top of the later stage of foundation construction, he could use the golden elixir to break through the golden elixir.

But I didn't expect to encounter such a big crisis in this trial. It's the reason why I have to take out this golden elixir and plan to blow myself up! " It was yuanbeishan, the deputy leader of jianyizong, who said this.

The original strength of Beishan has reached the peak of building foundation, so what he can see is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people.

"What, self exploding elixir!"

"The elixir of the elixir period is powerful. If it explodes, can this treasure land hold it, and can this Taoist array hold it?"

"Yes, if Li Zhuifeng blew up the golden elixir, it would be dangerous if the Taoist array couldn't hold it. If the array was suddenly broken like this, the power of lifting the space would be enormous. All the conceits in the trial would be in danger."

Hearing that he was about to explode the golden elixir, everyone on the scene did not care where Li Zhuifeng got the golden elixir. The important thing now is not to destroy the test.

"Don't worry, everyone. Li Zhuifeng is just in the middle stage of foundation building. Even if he wants to explode the golden elixir himself, he can't give full play to some of its powers. Besides, this battle is built by six of us. Even if the real elixir comes here and explodes the golden elixir himself, I'm a little sure that he can follow."

Just when everyone was upset, Ning Hu, the array master of jianyizong, stood up.

It may not take advantage of the array if we fight with the monks of the same level normally, but if we urge the array, it will be a completely different scene.

When an array mage urges an array, it's no exaggeration to say that he even deliberately crush the friars of the same level.

Now, the six masters of the array have spent a lot of effort to build the grand array. The power is conceivable, which is the reason why he has the courage to say this.

"Is this really master Ning?"

"Master Ning, can this Taoist array really resist the self explosion of Jindan?"

Although Ning Hu came forward to guarantee, but the public still seemed to be a little distrustful.

"Well, are you questioning me? Or are you questioning the six array mages of our six major sects? " Heard being questioned, Ning Hu appears a little dissatisfied.

"Dare not, dare not."

"Look over there!"

Among the crowd, I don't know who yelled, and then all of them subconsciously looked up at the light curtain of the Daochang formation.

After everyone turned his head, a huge light appeared on the light curtain.

Seeing this, people don't have to think about it and know that Li Zhuifeng is the one who blew up the golden elixir.

Under the glare, the treasure land turned into nothingness.Then the scene again moved to the land of Duobao.

The power of the self explosion of the golden elixir is still spreading, and the scene outside Duobao is instantly leveled hundreds of feet away.


Everyone in the field took a breath after seeing such a huge power.

"Do you think they're still alive?"

I don't know who asked such a question, and then everyone began to think about it.

This problem is also a matter of public opinion, public opinion and old-fashioned opinion.

Both of them are very powerful. It's not too surprising that they can survive this violent explosion, but it's also normal to die.

"I think they are still alive, which is powerful, but in the final analysis, they haven't fully exerted the power of the gold elixir's self explosion. With their strength, they should be able to survive."

"Xia Jue also said that Li Zhuifeng had been injured before. I think the chance of survival should be very low."

Without too much conjecture, the dust and smoke in the light curtain of the large array of Taoist temples dispersed, and the scene inside became clear and visible.

Xia Jue's sword was deep on the ground, and his right hand was on the hilt. As for the distance within one meter of his whole body, a light yellow curtain was formed.

At the moment, it seems that he has not been consumed by all his strength.

In any case, although he consumed a lot of money, he was still intact. Compared with Li Zhuifeng, who fell on the ground and half of his shoulder disappeared in the distance, he was not much better.

"This..." this scene makes the people who look at the appearance of the Taoist array unable to say a word for a long time.

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