"These people have finally put down their prejudices and United."

Chang Dharma's eyes also flashed a glimmer of splendor, and then said.

"It's also human nature. Xia Jue's performance is too dazzling. It's true that wood shows in the forest and the wind will destroy it. This arrogant guy doesn't know how to restrain himself, so it's normal to be targeted."

Li HUFA said with indifference.

"Well, that's right. If at this time, the six array mages do something, no one will find out!"

You fa always said to protect your face.

"Wonderful, wonderful! In this way, no one will find it strange. After all, in the face of the siege of so many proud sons, it's Fair for Xia Jue to die in the trial of the Taoist school. Ha ha ha... "

Li HUFA soon returned to his taste and could not help laughing.

Often the Dharma protector smiles, but also can't help but be proud.

At this time, outside, those who are watching the picture in the sky, can not help but talk.

"This Xia Jue is too much of a showman! The combination of so many people is equivalent to that half of the people in the testing field have dealt with him. "

"Yes, it seems that Xia Jue is doomed after all."

"No matter how amazing he is, he still has no chance to win in the face of so many people's siege."

"Oh, what a pity!"

A lot of people were very happy. They bought a lot of Yuanshi from Li HUFA.

If Xia Jue really gets the first place, they can say that they will lose everything.

"Well done! That's what we're going to do. We're going to attack them together! "

"My Yuanshi doesn't have to float in the water, ha ha..."

"It's a pity that he has so many points. In the end, all of them are just wedding clothes!"

Of course, some people are happy and some people are worried. If these people are happy, some people will be worried.

For example, Wen Jiankong, di lingzong and others.

"Well, this boy is very sharp. If he wants to finish the trial successfully, it seems that he can't do it now?"

Wen Jiankong sighed and looked sad.

Although Xia Jue had killed a group of people in wanguzong before, it was different this time.

But if the remaining five sects had disciples, they would unite Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng.

Such a terrible lineup, not to mention Xia Jue, even if he is empty, I'm afraid he can't do well.

Most of them are the best of heaven. They are not weak in cultivation. With the secret treasure in their body, their strength can not be underestimated.

Although Xia Jue has magic mirror and dragon sword in his hand, where is the gap between his realm.

The consumption of yuan power alone can make Xia Jue hard up.

"Dad, do you think there will be something wrong with Xia Gong?"

At this time, Hou ling'er also looks worried at Hou Tianxiao.

"I don't know. I hope Xiagong won't have an accident, but I have to believe him!"

Hou Tianxiao shook his head. Although he said so, he still had no bottom in his heart.

On fighting alone, Hou Tianxiao believes that with Xia Jue's strength, no one will be his opponent in the test of Daoism.

But so many experts unite to deal with him, I'm afraid it's not so easy to get away.

"There's a heaven in the summer, so let's watch it quietly."

Five elder at this time strange calm, eyes not shun looking at the sky in the ranking.

Hou Tianxiao looks at the five elders in surprise. He wonders why he seems to be transsexual at this time?

Feel Hou Tianxiao's eyes, five elders can't help feeling goose bumps, quickly explained.

"Summer worship brings us such a surprise, don't you understand? Before, in our opinion, it was the situation of death capital, but Xiagong easily broke it. So in my opinion, this Xiagong will bring us surprise, unexpected surprise, wait

"Yes, the five elders are right."

Hou ling'er's eyes were full of hope.

"Hey, hey..."

Five elder listen to Hou Ling son's words, can't help embarrassed Shan Shan a smile.

Hearing the explanation of the five elders, Hou Tianxiao showed his thinking.

Indeed, as the five elders said, although it's different this time, which one is not the summer worship? All safe in the end?

After thinking about it, Hou Tianxiao can't help but feel relieved, but he is still worried.

Of course, it doesn't matter.

At the moment, Xia Jue, who is in the center of the storm, is still collecting natural materials and local treasures in the land of treasure.

Because most people don't have as many altar stones as Xia Jue, they only have one or two chances to enter the land of treasure.

Therefore, deeper and deeper, the level and quantity of natural materials and local treasures are also increasing.Soon, Xia Jue collected 8% points.

Plus his original points, now he has 6100 points.

For this score, let a lot of people speechless, this is about to reach the top half of the record!

This guy is a pervert!

However, after seeing Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng, as well as the remaining five major doors, these people are not so optimistic.

After all, no matter how many points there are, we still need to have the strength to maintain it.

Although Xia Jue had what strength, but in the siege of many proud sons of heaven, he was still a lot weaker.

But Xia Jue didn't know that he had been targeted.

After he had collected all the natural resources and treasures here, he was swept out by the power of Duobao.

Xia Jue is not surprised. Anyway, his points are enough. No matter how much they mean, no one can surpass him.

Unless Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng, one of them, can tell the difference between the two, and kill some other disciples, there may be a little chance.

But it's almost impossible.

In front of Xia Jue's eyes, a flower reappeared on the altar. Then he jumped off the altar and walked towards the periphery.

It's only one day away from the end of the test. In this last day, it must be the most intense day.

In order to compete for points, some people will be unscrupulous shot, just to get a higher ranking.

This is inevitable. After all, there are so many resources. These days, the natural materials and local treasures in the test of the Taoist school have been collected almost.

Even if there are omissions, they are not worth mentioning.

The big head must be on each cultivator.

However, Xia Jue did not intend to join them, anyway, his points are enough for him to win the first prize.

There is really no need to continue to fight. Xia Jue is not a murderer himself, so it is of little significance.

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