"Father, Xia worships him, won't something happen?"

Hou ling'er looks worried and looks at Hou Tianxiao. She is worried.

"Judging from the current situation, there should be nothing wrong with Xiagong. With that peerless secret treasure in hand, we should be able to cope with it."

Hou Tianxiao shook his head and said uncertainly.

"Although Wang Xixue, Li Zhuifeng and a group of Tianjiao of the five major groups have joined hands, if they want to win the summer worship, they still have to be a little short. The Lord can rest assured."

One side of five elder, at this time suddenly said.

Hou Tianxiao nodded and said nothing.

"Xiagong, you must not have an accident."

Hou ling'er also looked at the picture in the sky and said to himself with a complicated look.

At this moment, Xia Jue in the sky, holding the dragon sword, killed everywhere, and his clothes were full of blood.


The dragon sword is so powerful that it seems to be a great weapon. After being stained with the blood of many people, it sings softly.

There is a faint sound of dragon howling.

Xia Jue was also a little surprised that this dragon sword was so extraordinary today.

No wonder Gu Qingying has such a high expectation of the Tai Long Sword.

It seems that there are many secrets hidden in this dragon sword, which makes him feel relaxed and happy.

"Vacuum fingerprints!"

Xia Jue's eyes are like electricity, and his left hand urges his martial arts skills. With one move, he forces Li Zhuifeng back.

At the same time, he made endless moves to the sword of Taiguang.

"Here! How can it be that you are just a casual practitioner, and how can you have such a terrible sword skill? "

Xing impermanence quickly waved his sword to resist, and his whole body seemed to be locked by Xia Jue, as if all the flaws were exposed.

This makes Xing Wuchang's clothes, already soaked in cold sweat, shocked.

If it wasn't for Xia Jue, he would have to deal with Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng, as well as the other five big men. Xing Wuchang had no doubt that he had died by Xia Jue's sword.

Xia Jue is so skillful that they can't breathe, which shocked all the people present.

At present, more than half of the five major disciples have been killed and injured. The rest are real elite disciples, and some of them are not even worse than Xing Wuchang.

But in the hands of Xia Jue, there is still no difference. Without two moves, he was forced to retreat.

"He, who said he was just a casual practitioner?"

"Yes, come out. I promise I won't shoot him!"

"He has been killed by Xia Jue."


All of them were in a panic. Xia Jue was just like a pervert. Yuan Li seemed to be in constant flow.

The longer you are tired, the braver you are.

Even Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng are heartfelt, this guy, where the courage.

In the face of so many of them, they killed many of their own disciples.

It doesn't make sense!

In fact, they thought too much about it. Although Xia Jue had a dragon sword in his hand, he was not afraid of any of them.

But with so many people, Xia Jue was still a little scared, but he was already on the point and had to send it.

The other side obviously has a premeditated plan. How can it be so easy to go?

What's more, the situation is not dead now. Will you keep them and continue to block yourself after the trial?

Therefore, Xia Jue had to bite his teeth and continue to fight.

At this time, there were only a dozen people left in the field, and none of them were masters in the middle of foundation building.

Xia Jue could hardly cope with it.

It's just relying on the Tai Long Sword and his own unique skills, so he hasn't fallen behind.

"Let's go together. I don't believe that Xia Jue really has such great ability. He hasn't exhausted himself for such a long time!"

At this time, Li Zhuifeng suddenly gave a big drink, and the sword in his hand came out again.

It is said that his all-round cultivation is derived from the inheritance of Qingsheng.

Qingsheng can be seen from his name. He is a great master in the realm of sage.

Saints are even more powerful than their great powers. They have already become saints. Otherwise, they would not be saints.

Daneng can open up its own space cave in famous mountains and rivers, which can be achieved by human resources.

But saints can create a small world out of nothing.

This kind of means has exceeded the ordinary people's cognition.

Of course, in the present age, it is absolutely impossible to become a saint.Let alone saints, there are few breakthroughs.

In the past ten thousand years, no one has ever been recorded as a saint.

This is enough to prove how difficult it is to practice to this level.

Li Zhuifeng can be so strong, and he is also one of the best in Nanling. It has something to do with the inheritance of Qingsheng.

Although people are eager, but there is no way, after all, other people have a good chance, this kind of thing can not be forced.

Of course, Li Nanling is not the only one who does not have the power to catch up with his family.

Otherwise, he would not have come to the test.

"Li Zhuifeng is right. We all try our best to kill him!"

Wang Xixue's eyes flashed a sharp color. The nine heaven holy body was really extraordinary. It could enhance her combat effectiveness to the greatest extent. At the same time, it could continuously absorb the aura between heaven and earth for her and transform it into the yuan power consumed by the friars.

It can be said that in the same realm, Wang Xixue is almost invincible!

Only if you have a constitution no less than her, can you make a comparison.


Although the other five prime ministers had doubts in their hearts, they were also annoyed to see that Xia Jue was still in no man's land under their joint attack.

They attacked Xia Jue one after another.

Seeing this, Xia Jue can't help complaining secretly, but he has a lot of moves in his hand, and a sword flower picks it towards Xing Wuchang's chest.

Xing Changchang was so frightened that he quickly dodged.


At the same time, a long sword in his hand resisted Xia Jue's Tai Long Sword, but his clothes were broken by Xia Jue.

Xia Jue said in secret that it's a pity, but there's no accident. This punishment is impermanent, but it's the pride of the sword clan. How can it be so easy to lose?

If he couldn't make a single blow, Xia Jue turned his toes and swept out the Tai Long Sword to the others behind him.

"Ding Ding!"


There was a series of metal collisions.

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