Xia Jue is impatient. He feels that he has been cheated by this cheap master.

He had never heard of such a way of cultivation. It's not worth killing.

"It's too late for you to agree now. No matter whether you admit it or not, whether you want to or not, you have settled down. If you don't want to die, just fight with 12 points."

Xia Jue was so angry that he could not speak.

"By the way, three days later, it's the trial of the virtual heaven and secret place. I'll lead you in. The secret place is limited. Only the friars in the foundation period can enter. So you don't have to worry. With your current ability, there should be no problem in dealing with the friars in the foundation period. Moreover, there are many opportunities. That's the real talent and treasure, not the illusory things of the six major gates "I'm not sure

Dao Qing did not talk to Xia Jue after he finished, so he closed his eyes.

"The real natural resources and local treasures."

If Xia Jue was thoughtful, wouldn't it be of great benefit to his cultivation?

Xia Jue was a little dejected when he thought of the six major schools in the south of the five ridges.

The natural materials and local treasures in the trial are illusory. They can only be used as integral points, which is useless at all.

The goods on him were taken from the so-called "proud sons".

If what Daoqing said is true, it will make a lot of money.

With Tai Long Sword and magic mirror in hand, Xia Jue is confident that there will be no problem in self-protection during the foundation period.

Then he stopped asking more questions and began to meditate.

For three days in a row, Xia Jue didn't go out of the room and concentrated on practicing the skills that Daoqing gave him.

Dao Qing seemed to be settled. He didn't even open his eyes.

Three days later, it was time for Daoqing to start the secret realm of empty heaven.

Dao Qing wakes up from his settled state, pulls Xia Jue, who has already finished his cultivation, and goes out.

All the friars in the city set out at this moment, and the streets and the sky were full.

"That's a lot of people."

Xia Jue can't help feeling that the number of people in the trial of the six major schools in Nanling is not only one and a half stars less than that of the empty heaven.

"That's natural. It can be said that in the whole eastern region, the famous orthodoxy, there will be disciples who come here to experience, and even in other regions, there may be people."

Dao Qing explained to Xia Jue.

Xia Jue nodded and followed Daoqing to fly out of the city.

After flying for about half an hour, he appeared in front of a huge mountain.

The mountain is about ten thousand feet high, emitting a mysterious Taoist rhyme, with rules floating in it, revealing an invisible pressure, which makes people gasp.

The whole mountain is full of flowing light, and a door about ten feet wide appears in front of people's eyes.

"Is this the entrance to Xutian's secret place?"

"That's right."

Tao nodded.

At this time, many people around him noticed his two masters and disciples, and looked sideways one after another, revealing their indescribable eyes.

"Daoqing, I didn't expect you to appear here. Aren't you afraid of being attacked by us?"

A voice appeared coldly, with a sense of dignity.

"Hum, why don't you dare, younger generation? Not everyone can call my name. Go and call your elders to talk to me."

Daoqing looked at the man. He was a middle-aged man with a golden crown on his head and a purple robe and jade belt on his body.

"Isn't this the elder of Zixiao palace?"

Sure enough, someone recognized him.

The elder of Zixiao palace gave a cold hum, which immediately silenced the man.

"Daoqing, you shameless old thief, stole my ancestral master's clothes. Today I want to teach you how to do it."

"You don't have any qualifications yet. Quit."

Dao Qing said coldly.

"Well, you are too big."

The elder of Zixiao palace snorted coldly and stretched out a hand to explore Daoqing.

The palm of his hand suddenly became bigger, as if it could cover the world. Xia Jue suddenly felt that it was dark in front of him.

"I dare to show off my skills."

Daoqing didn't think so. He drank lightly in his mouth. The huge palm of his hand imitated the Buddha's electric shock, and immediately retracted.

The elder of Zixiao palace is pale and looks at Daoqing with an incredible look.

"Hugh is fierce!"

At this time, the other side rushed out a few figures and came in the blink of an eye.

"Dao Qing, can you settle the grudge between you and my holy land now?"

"Hum, steal the top secret of my Taiyi religion and tell me what you should be guilty of?"

"I will fight with you in Ziyuan dynasty!"


The identities of these people are amazing. They are the top forces in the eastern region. As soon as they appear, many people are afraid to provoke."Ha ha, I didn't expect that so many people jumped out for the sake of a virtual heaven secret place. It seems that this virtual heaven secret place is extraordinary!"

Dao Qing's eyes narrowed. In the face of so many enemies, he didn't retreat.

"Cut the crap and watch the moves."

One of them took the lead in attacking Daoqing. His cultivation was released, which immediately changed the situation here.

Xia Jue is speechless. How many forces have he offended? This is the holy land, the imperial court and the top school, which makes him feel empty.

"Ha ha, do you want to fight with me? It's wishful thinking. If your ancestors show up, maybe I'll be afraid. "

With a wave of his hand, a clear light flew out and hit the man, which immediately made him back and spit blood in his mouth.


Everyone was silent, and no one dared to speak. Unexpectedly, Daoqing's cultivation was so strong that he raised his hand to repel a strong one.

At last, Xia Jue's face was very gloomy.

“??? What are you looking at me for? You can't beat master. Do you want to fight me? " Xia Jue's eyes were too frightening. He was as sharp as a knife. He didn't know what he had achieved.

However, it seems that the realm of Daoqing capital should be higher. He didn't boast. These people are not his opponents.

Dao Qing dissipated to also notice this change, complexion changed of cold come down, say.

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. If you old boys dare to fight my apprentice, I don't mind blocking your door and killing one after another."

Those people's face suddenly some ugly, just a cold hum, one of them said.

"Daoqing, what you said that day is true? As long as the friars do not surpass his two great realms, they can attack him at will? "

"That's right."

Dao Qing said calmly.


There was an uproar all around.

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