Xia Jue even felt that the talents of those people might be even stronger than him.

It's a top power. It's a strong young man who has been trained with all his heart. No accident, he will be the pillar of the clan and will inherit the highest power.

This kind of person, normally speaking, except for the same level, it is very difficult for anyone to compete with them.

But Xia Jue didn't worry. With his talent and those ancient secret methods, the foundation should be no worse than them.

What is lacking is only the time of cultivation, which is not as long as they are.

And the resources are not as easy and abundant as they came.

"Hum, if you want to go, come here quickly. I'm not afraid of you."

Xia Jue snorted and patted the storage bag. The dragon sword had already appeared in his hands.

"To die."

All of a sudden, more than a dozen people all look pale and drink coldly. They take out their magic weapons one after another and attack Xia Jue here.

"Vacuum fingerprints!"

Xia Jue suddenly drank, and a Yuan Li flew out of his hand. He hit the person in front of him and let him vomit blood and fly out.

They were shocked. They didn't expect that Xia Jue's cultivation was so powerful that he hurt a person seriously.

"Kill him!"

But after all, these people are well-informed people. They quickly react and use a killing move to Xia Jue.

Toward Xia daojue, a ray of light hit in the past.

"Liuguang sword!"

"Bo Ruo Zhang!"

"The first level of Qinglong skill!"


All kinds of moves attack Xia Jue one after another.

Xia Jue quickly uses the Yufeng Jue, promotes the Yufeng Jue to the extreme, and quickly dodges out. At the same time, Yuanli rushes into the dragon sword and launches a counterattack.

The Tai Long Sword is a secret treasure. Now it gives full play to his power. A yuan force is projected from the sword body and quickly sweeps one person.


The man had a split in his chest, and his face was pale because of excessive blood loss.

At this time, Xia Jue's body moved, and the Yu Feng Jue was already in front of one person.

"Turn the tiger's arm!"

As soon as Xia Jue drank it, he clapped his hand toward the man. Suddenly, the man's chest was depressed, his ribs were broken and his internal organs were damaged. After a while, there was no sound.

"Dare you

One of them was furious. He was a master in the later period of the foundation period. Seeing that Xia Jue had defeated his own people one after another, he was a little angry. He took out a treasure bottle from the storage bag, threw it into the air and suppressed it towards Xia Jue.


The vase zooms in quickly in the air, which is the size of a person. Under the impetus of the later master of the foundation period, it shows great power at the moment.

From the mouth of the treasure bottle, it spurted out endless light, quickly covered Xia Jue, as if to devour him.

Xia Jue Yilin is worthy of being a monk among the top forces. He really has some means.


Xia Jue holds the dragon sword and urges Yuan Li to fly up towards the direction of the vase.


The Dragon Sword seemed to give out a sound of dragon chanting. It cut the vase into pieces and fell to the ground.

"What? It's imitated from the treasure bottle of the main road. Although it's not as powerful as the treasure bottle of the main road, it should be enough to deal with the friars in the foundation period. He broke it with one sword? "

"What sword is that? It's definitely not any product, but I've never seen it! "

People were a little surprised. They didn't expect that the secret treasure of a master in the late foundation period was destroyed by Xia Jue.

At the moment, the master in the later stage of the foundation period is bleeding in his heart. It took him a long time to cultivate.

It's damaged here. He wants to kill Xia Jue.


Some people directly offered up a few Dharma talismans and threw them out to Xia Jue in the air.

"Ha ha, you have a lot of good things!"

Xia Jue can't help but feel a little bit hot. These people can easily take out a few talismans. When they use them, they don't feel any heartache.

It's false to say that he doesn't envy.

It's a pity that his cheap master, apart from a Book of skills, didn't do him any good.


FAFU was urged to send out a terrible breath and flew towards Xiajue.

"Bang bang!"

Then, when he was close to Xia Jue, he burst out one after another, and a breath of astonishment burst out.


Xia Jue shows his wind defense tactics. He is like lightning and quickly avoids the past. However, even so, the energy of explosion still blows a corner of Xia Jue's clothes."Ding!"

At the same time, Xia Jue's Tai Long Sword had already been waved. He collided with a man's long sword, and immediately cut the man's sword in two pieces.

"Jingtao palm!"

At this time, another man also attacked Xia Jue, showed his martial arts and patted him on the back.


Xia Jue had a keen sense of the person behind him.

Between him wrist suddenly backhand a turn, too long sword already toward behind of that person stab to go out.

The man couldn't escape and was directly pierced by the dragon sword.


There was a trace of fear and reluctance in the man's eyes. What was surprising was that he didn't expect Xia Jue's reaction. He was so quick and moved so fast. He was late and came first, and in the blink of an eye he was killed.

"Bang bang!"

Xia Jue turned around and kicked him out, bringing out a big blood rain.

The rest of the people showed their surprised faces. They just made a few moves. They let him kill two people and hurt them seriously.

"Since you've done something to me, you should be ready to be killed by me. Now it seems that your preparation is not enough."

Xia Jue sneered and looked at these people with disdain.

At first, he thought that there was something different about the disciples of these top forces. As a result, they were still the same and vulnerable.

It seems that the strength of a monk can not be measured by his school.

Although these people are only the real young proud men, even servants.

However, which late foundation period of the master is obviously not in this list.

"Hum, but you've got some advantages by chance. What's to be proud of?"

He didn't believe that Xia Jue was really so strong. This kind of means is comparable to his family.

"Hun yuan Jue!"

This person drinks lightly, displays the martial arts, spits out a ray of light in the mouth, and sweeps toward Xia Jue.

There was a dangerous smell on the light. Although it was weak, Xia Jue was aware of it.

Show Yufeng Jue to avoid, Xia Jue a beat, magic mirror appeared in his hands.

At the same time, quickly in the magic mirror, perfusion force.

Be ready to find a good opportunity to call.

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