Xia Jue was happy to see it, and he looked at it curiously.

This * * is not a good role to provoke. Xia Jue can see it from the fact that he let his subordinates attack him before.

**Although the heart beat drum, but still look bad staring at Nanyang, said: "I said, you don't have to, for a person you don't know, to have any conflict with me chongtian pavilion? Our chongtian Pavilion is the top power in the cultivation world. I advise you to do it yourself. "

Obviously, * * didn't want to fight with Nanyang. Nanyang showed his strength of building a successful foundation without any disguise, which made * * afraid.

Even if there are many other people, although I'm not afraid of him, I'm bound to suffer some damage when dealing with Nanyang. This is not what I'm happy to see.

And although he has the strength of the foundation period, his fighting capacity is not strong, otherwise he would not take so many younger brothers with him to protect his safety.

When Nanyang heard * *'s words, he could not help showing a look of disdain on his face and said: "chongtian pavilion? What is the chongtian pavilion? I haven't heard of it. If I don't beat you, I can compete with Xia Jue. I don't care about you. "

Nanyang's words, let the people around, all showed an incredible look, even Xiajue is the same.

Is there anyone in the cultivation world who has never heard of the name of chongtian pavilion?

But Xia Jue thought about it again. This guy claimed that he came out of some wild land. It must be normal not to know.

But * * is different. Listening to Nanyang's words, he belittled them. Even if * * has enough endurance, he can't stand it now.

I saw a trace of anger on the face of * * and then said coldly, "what did you say? How dare you say you haven't heard of chongtian pavilion? I really don't know if you are arrogant and ignorant, or if you dare to ignore our chongtian Pavilion. Hum, I'll show you the strength of our chongtian Pavilion. I hope you can bear it. "

Nanyang blinked, and then said, "OK, hey, let's try your strength!"

**With a wave of one hand, he yelled, "go!"

**After that, the disciple who was full of foundation construction immediately rushed to Nanyang,


He pulled out his sword and stabbed at Nanyang.

Nanyang put away his playful expression and took down the axe on his shoulder. He was not in a hurry to attack. He just looked at the disciple who had completed the foundation period and rushed towards himself.

When he was about to get close to his body, Nanyang suddenly gave a big drink. His voice was like thunder, which made the disciple who had built a successful foundation jump.

"Go to hell!"

Later, Nanyang swung his big axe, toward which base period of the great perfect disciple, is an axe quickly split out.


The power of the axe is quite amazing. I only heard a loud noise. The sword in the hand of the disciple who had completed the foundation period broke into several pieces!


At the same time, Nanyang in the hands of the axe, at the moment the power is not absolute, still toward him to chop down, is a loud noise.

All they heard was a sound of rubbing, which built the foundation period of the disciple's body, then quickly flew out, and then fell heavily on the ground.

At the same time, a blood spurted from his mouth, leaving a bright line in the air.

Then, the disciple, who was full of foundation, turned his eyes and fainted.

This scene shocked everyone, including Xia Jue. I didn't expect that Nanyang's strength was so amazing!

It's just a fight. The other side lost so easily.

And there's no room to fight back!

Although these proud sons did not pay attention to the disciples of the chongtian Pavilion, no one was surprised at the moment.

In any case, the other side is also a successful disciple in the foundation period. It's just a move to be defeated so easily.

Even if it is them, I'm afraid they can't do it?

The most shocking thing is * * who is the most powerful person under his command.

But now he was defeated by Nanyang, which made him feel a little timid.

However, with so many people present, he still didn't show it subconsciously. Otherwise, if he lost face today, he would be mistakenly thought that their chongtian pavilion was just like this.

And if these people get out, where does it put his face?

"Is that all you can do? It's too weak. No one can fight? "

Nanyang waved his axe, then looked at * * and others with disdain and said.

**Can't help a face of black line, this guy, really can look for trouble!However, he could not ignore the cruel words from others, otherwise he would be considered as a counsellor.

Thinking of this, * * had turned around to look at the men behind him, and then said: "you come with me! Take him

"This Young master... "

Suddenly, the men of * * were in trouble, because they all saw the strength of Nanyang with their own eyes. What's the difference between letting them go and looking for death?

**Seeing this scene, I couldn't help getting a little annoyed and said with a gloomy look: "what? You don't think you need to listen to me, do you? "

Seeing the gloomy and watery look of his young master, his subordinates could not help but stir up their spirits. No one knew his methods.

"Little Lord, we will go up now."

A person should be a, dozens of people then hard scalp toward Nanyang rushed in the past.

Although there are a large number of people, their momentum is weaker after all.

"Hum, that's ridiculous. Do you think I can do anything if there are too many people? You waste, you dare not fight with me, even if you let them die! "

Nanyang snored with disdain, then waved his axe and rushed to * *'s men.


Nanyang in the hands of the axe, he played out the power of the wind, a burst of Hu chop in a crowd.

All of a sudden, the screams rang out one after another. All the people who were hit by Nanyang's axe screamed one after another, and then fell to the ground with blood.

There are many more people, directly broken bones, the pain of the face appeared distorted expression.

There are those who want to resist or fight against Nanyang directly. Under Nanyang's axe, they fight directly on the street.

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