Is it true that the other party is himself, what he sees now is only a fantasy, and the existence of the other party is due to his imaginary enemy?

Xia Jue, who was thinking about this problem, was distracted by the incident. Then he was shocked by xiaotuanzi's exclamation, and his cheek was hurt by Yuanqi, and a bloodstain was scratched.

"Master, are you all right? Isn't it you? Why are you hurt! "

"Wait, master, you, he! Why on earth, why does he have injuries? "

When Xia Jue said this to xiaotuanzi, he noticed that there was a bloodstain on the other side's cheek. He could feel the position of the injury on his face.

But I didn't succeed. I didn't hurt the other party?

This bloodstain, it is him to appear slowly.

It's not because of Xia Jue!


See Xia Jue don't start, but back a few steps and the other side open distance, small regiment son can't help but exclaim.

"Will what I see be an illusion, just a mirror effect?"

Xia Jue asked in a low voice, as if only xiaotuanzi could give him an answer.

"I don't think so, master. He has the same breath as you. I can feel it. If it's not a living person, there's no way to have this breath. "

Hear small regiment son so nervous mouth, summer Jue put down this reasoning, then took out too long sword.

If the opponent does not have a small ball, then there should be no weapons!

So when he was so firm in his opinion, Xia Jue took a sword with him.

But what I didn't expect was that at the moment of Xia Jue's hand, the other side also gathered a sword in his hand, and then a sword spirit came over.

The two forces of sword Qi meet in the middle, and then burst out a strong force, making the empty land tremble slightly.

It seems that mirage can't bear this kind of power, but unfortunately, mirage seems to accommodate this power, and no change has taken place since then.

Looking at the Tai Long Sword in the other side's hand, the power is just like that in his own hand. Xia Jue can't help feeling that * * is really a wonderful gift for himself.

This dreamland has surprised him. Who would have thought that there is nothing in a dreamland, and the first gift of the dreamland is a cover up?

Up to now, there is a man who is against him in this dreamland.

Wait, will there be more strange things?

It's hard to say.

Xia Jue sighed for a while. It seems that he can't get out of this illusion without defeating the person in front of him.

However, the other side is really not themselves?

Can it be an illusion

But these, only defeat the other side to be able to know.

After making up his mind, Xia Jue put aside his thoughts and continued to compete with the other side.

Each other's and their own Yuanli are really consumed in this empty place where they don't even have Lingli.

I don't know how long later, Xia Jue also felt a little tired. Looking at each other's actions, it was obvious that the other side was the same.

So Xia Jue couldn't help but have an idea in his heart, * * * Don't you really want to consume yourself to death in this dreamland?

Wait? Just now seems to be my first hand, won't the other side have no hostility to themselves?

"Well, who are you and why are you here?"

"Don't you know who I am? I am you. As for why you're here, it's just killing you and taking your place. "

Compared with the original Xia Jue, the fake Xia Jue was more disdainful. He didn't seem to care why he was trapped here and why he was fighting.

"Does that make sense? You're not really me

"You can't deny that I'm not you. I have the same memory and strength as you. All your moves are accessible in my hands. The difference between you and me is that xiaotuanzi firmly believes that you are you and I'm not you."

"But out of this fantasy, I can take your place. Because of the contract, I can even change xiaotuanzi's memory. At that time, there will be no more you in the world, only me named Xiajue! "

Hearing that, Xia Jue seems to have grasped something.

Soon, Xia Jue interrupted each other's words and said, "do you mean that you know how to leave this dreamland?"

"Fantasy is what I can control. If you die, I can go out. But if I die, you may not be able to go out! "

"Oh? I'll try, but I don't know how you're going to kill me? But were you cheated? When I hurt my face just now, didn't you? Besides, my strength has decreased, and so have you. "

"Don't you think that once I'm dead, you'll disappear?"

Xia Jue obviously didn't believe in each other's words."Don't lie to me. This is the only chance I can survive. I don't want to give up!"

Seeing the same face as himself, Xia Jue could hardly think about the situation of the other side.

When the other party was born, he was already doomed to such a fate, and was instilled into the dreamland. His memory, his ability, and his moves were all familiar to the other party.

But how about this? The other party is not him, and can't understand the hardships he has experienced.

For example, his pain and effort in practicing this move did not enable him to experience the fetters and feelings he met with Wednesday and others.

After all, he is not himself, can not produce empathy, so there will be another face.

Obviously have the same experience and ability, but have different ideas.

I know that if I go on like this, I may disappear according to the person who let me appear

But try.

"You don't need to look at me with such pity. I don't need your sympathy... "

The fake Xia Jue didn't feel anything.

"From the moment I can inherit your memory, I know that I am you. Anyway, I will kill you. I can't allow other people to know these things. Either they will die together or I will live. That's the meaning of this dreamland. Don't struggle! "

The words of the false Xia Jue reminded the real Xia Jue. Indeed, if it were him, he would not allow other people who understood everything.

Never let the other side survive!


If he does not allow this kind of thing, how can the other party allow it?

So there must be a death between them.

No matter success or failure, the other party will die, so why don't they try their best?

If he is really killed, can he really take his place and live on?

Who said that this is not a chance to survive? Is it meaningless to talk about other things in the face of such an opportunity?

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