Obviously, it's not good to stay here all the time, but it's not impossible to recover your vitality and indulge xiaotuanzi to enjoy here.

And now this strange phenomenon, if you do not understand, Xia Jue also feel some unwilling.

After xiaotuanzi was sent away, Xia Jue looked back at Wednesday and asked, "how can you control this border?"

This is not a question of doubt.

It's just that as soon as I asked, I felt as if something was wrong.

Wednesday's strength is so weak, is it really because of luck that we can survive alone in this dreamland?

According to the strange map to know the existence of the treasure, at the moment can easily come to the border.

Access is not affected at all

There is something strange behind this. Although he has doubts in his heart, Xia Jue doesn't pay attention to this aspect. Instead, he is waiting for the answer on Wednesday.

Xia Jue was not sure about the origin of Wednesday and this dreamland, but Xia Jue seemed to instinctively feel that all the behaviors on Wednesday were just coincidental.

"I didn't know how to control the boundary at first, but didn't you go to subdue the monster? I'll wait for you here. After all, the field of medicine has a wide field of vision. I think you can come back soon. "

"I don't want to go anywhere else, either. It's the same as the map. I'll wait until you come back. As a result, I don't know how long it took. Instead of waiting for you to come back, I met someone else. At the beginning, I didn't care. I didn't know if the enemy would attack me or not. I didn't expect that the other party would attack me suddenly! "

"Strange to say..."

With that, I recalled what happened at that time on Wednesday.

At that time, he was sitting down under the tree waiting for Xia Jue to come back, but he didn't expect that Xia Jue had been away for some time, so when he was bored, he sorted out the storage bag Xia Jue had just given him and found that some pills could be refined by himself.

He started refining and chemical work.

He also knows that his strength is really not good. If he goes with Xia Jue, it will definitely affect each other. So he wants to improve his ability, so that he can take good care of himself without Xia Jue's extra care in the future, without any harm.

But before he had finished refining the pill, he found that there seemed to be someone's breath around him. He just thought that Xia Jue had come back, but he didn't expect that it would be the breath of several people.

He didn't dare to act rashly, so he restrained his breath and hid behind the tree to observe these people.

Fortunately, these people are just attracted by the medicine field. They seem to be selfish to the medicine field, but they don't know how to open the boundary of the medicine field.

I've been searching around the medicine field for a way to break the border, and Wednesday's strength is really not high. At the beginning, everyone's heart was on the medicine field, so I didn't notice his existence, but later someone was on the alert.

On Wednesday, when I thought things were wrong, there was no way out.

Seeing that the sword in front of him was about to fall on him, he was frightened on Wednesday, closed his eyes tightly and waited for the pain to come, but the pain didn't come, but felt a heat on his wrist. He was puzzled on Wednesday, opened half of his eyes, and saw the dazzling light of the bracelet he had just turned out and unconsciously carried on his hand -

then he was tied The border is shrouded, and then the opponent's moves are blocked outside by the border.

It didn't fall on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, he was very confused, but he didn't dare to stop. He immediately ran to jiejie, which is the middle of Yaotian.

The other side was also very confused about why they could enter the border unconsciously on Wednesday. They kept thinking about countless ways outside, but they didn't successfully enter the border in the end.

At first, I was very worried on Wednesday. After all, I let myself in.

If you don't carefully let someone in, his life will be lost.

But later gradually found that the other side does not seem to be able to deal with the border, then ease up, bold began to practice.

Later, he found that the sound of fighting seemed to be coming from outside. He stopped practicing suspiciously and guessed that the other party didn't fight because he couldn't get into the border?

With this in mind, I came to the border on Wednesday to watch what happened outside. I didn't expect another group of people in the original empty place. Then the two teams became hostile. After a hard fight, they stopped each other.

In case of death on Wednesday, he would not be far away.

So I don't know what these people said, but seeing them all leave and squat on the tree, I dare not leave the border again on Wednesday.

At this time, it was only on Wednesday that I found that the bracelet seemed to be able to make contact with myself, and then

He learned about the boundary through the bracelet and knew how to put it in and out freely. He secretly tried to open a small door to the border, but he didn't dare to go out.Fortunately, no one on the other side noticed the change of the border. On Wednesday, he breathed a sigh of relief and closed the door.

Heart way these people won't squat down all the time, and Xia Jue if busy finished also will certainly come back to look for oneself.

At that time, he will be safe. Thinking about this, he will be practicing in the border on Wednesday

Then he heard the fight again.

He stopped his practice and looked at it. He found that Xia Jue had come back. When he was impulsively trying to go out, he thought that his strength would only drag Xia Jue down. So he endured his impulse and silently watched Xia Jue fight with these people.

Fortunately, Xia Jue and them were oppressive victories, so he didn't worry too much on Wednesday. After Xia Jue's competition, he only came out to meet Xia Jue.

"So it is."

After listening to the words on Wednesday, Xia Jue said after a bit of meditation.

It's a thrilling thing to say, and it's rare that he had such good luck on Wednesday. It happened that the bracelet got into his hand, and it also happened that it was bound at the critical time. The bracelet reacted and saved his life.

In the end, he chose to come back here to see what happened on Wednesday.

Just as it happens, we will wipe out all the enemies on Wednesday. Otherwise, when they go back, more people will think about Wednesday, about the border, about the medicine field

Patted Wednesday's shoulder, Xia Jue had no choice but to smile.

Sometimes good luck is not something you can envy.

"Xia Jue, do you want to try to feel the structure of the boundary?"

With that, I wanted to take off the bracelet to Xia Jue on Wednesday.

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