If it's really as energetic as xiaotuanzi said, the value of these herbs is very valuable, and the trained pills must be extraordinary, but now the herbs are trapped in the border, and he may finish refining the herbs in such a short time.

So now how to solve these herbs is the key problem.

After all, it's not easy to come here, enter the border, and have the possibility of picking herbs. It's a pity to abandon it.

"Brother Xia, are you worried about this? Don't worry, this border can be freely retracted for me, and the herbs in the border are already in my bag, as long as I take the border back into the space of the bracelet! "

Smell speech, Xia Jue is a burst of surprise again, this small regiment son and space he all have some accidents, didn't expect this bracelet a dead thing can condense a space?

But soon, Xia Jue thought of a problem.

"The space in your bracelet has no spiritual power. How can you afford these herbs? What's the difference between this and storing them in a storage bag?"

The value of herbs is reflected when they are still alive and have spiritual power in the body.

If there is no spiritual power in the storage bag and other space, the herb can't absorb the spiritual power, so it will slowly consume the spiritual power in the body. At that time, the herb may not even be as good as ordinary weeds.

"No, Xia Jue, you don't know. The medicine field and jiejie are connected with the bracelet in my hand, so the spirit power is naturally included. It seems that the spirit power can be stored in it. I don't know if it will produce spirit power..."

This made Xia Jue understand one thing. This bracelet is actually a magic weapon. It has its own space, similar to the magic weapon that xiaotuanzi used in the rune magic weapon at the beginning. There is space for xiaotuanzi to have spiritual power at the same time. However, xiaotuanzi's magic weapon has weak spiritual power, which is only enough for xiaotuanzi to survive, but there is no way for xiaotuanzi to survive Tuanzi grew up.

Maybe the function of this bracelet is similar to that of xiaotuanzi's magic weapon, but the better thing is that it can provide spiritual power

This magic weapon is very powerful. If he encounters it, it's better to get one for xiaotuanzi, so that xiaotuanzi can grow up without being in danger

But obviously, this bracelet belongs to Wednesday now, so it won't win people's favor. Moreover, the bracelet automatically chooses Wednesday as its owner, and others can't get any advantage.

Xia Jue didn't have this idea. Instead, he said something else to Wednesday. Then he mainly listened to the environment on this side and looked at the familiar and incomprehensible map in front of him. Xia Jue once suspected that the direction on Wednesday was just a mistake

For example, it is clear that it is desert here, but why is there such a deep forest with aura accumulation?

Maybe the map is wrong?

But it's more likely that Wednesday was wrong

As for why Xia Jue is here to listen to "nonsense" on Wednesday? It's just conniving xiaotuanzi to absorb more spiritual power here.

Xia Jue thinks that this little Tuan Zi has lived in the magic weapon for such a long time. He has never left the magic weapon. He doesn't know how many hands he has passed in front of him and how many years he has spent. Now he has made a contract with him. Now that he has such a free and safe time, it's better to let him have a good time.

After listening to Wednesday's "nonsense" for a while, Xia Jue and Wednesday took out the storage bag and practiced slowly.

The small world seems to be open for a long time, and they are not in a hurry to go out. It's very safe inside the border. Now they have a lot of things on hand. Besides, there are so many people staring at them. It's better to take this opportunity to practice slowly in a place with plenty of aura

The main reason is that although you can't feel the spiritual power of the medicine field here, you can feel the spiritual power outside. It's also a good thing to practice with the spiritual power outside the border.

Much more efficient than anywhere else

So Xia Jue and Wednesday are very satisfied with this.

Although xiaotuanzi said he enjoyed the environment here, he didn't slack off. Seeing that his master and Wednesday were practicing, he also nestled on Xia Jue's shoulder and practiced slowly.

Although he didn't know what effect his practice had, he was born with a general, he knew how to practice, how to devour the spiritual power and turn it into his own use.

Although he didn't have any tricks, he was able to absorb the spirit power, and he didn't know where the spirit power would go in the end

It's just that the process of absorbing spiritual power is very comfortable, so xiaotuanzi is also happy to start practicing

They just ignore the world disputes outside the border and grow stronger in their own world

I don't know how long it took for Zhou Sanxian to recover from his meditation, and his strength also improved. He looked at the changes in his body with great interest and went to see if there were any changes in the medicine field

Since he knew that the border could be controlled by him, and the herbs could be owned by him, he was very concerned about this medicinal field, and every time he wanted to see whether the herbs grew well.At this time, nature is no exception.

It's just that these herbs have been in the border for a long time, and they haven't received any external influence, so they haven't changed much.

And the only thing worth noticing is that the herb next to the one xiaotuanzi took is blooming?

Can this herb blossom and bear fruit?

Wednesday was very confused about this, looking at Xiao Tuan Zi resting on Xia Jue's shoulder, he rubbed him.

Then he kneaded a few times because he felt very good. Xiaotuanzi was interrupted during the rest. He was very upset. In addition, the other side kneaded again and again, and said in a voice that didn't wake up: "don't do it..."

On Wednesday, he was stunned, and then began to laugh. Just as he was about to continue, Tuanzi opened his eyes and saw that the person who was manipulating himself was not his own master. He was very angry. Seeing that the other person was ready to reach out, he immediately used his aura

Then, as soon as his finger touched xiaotuanzi on Wednesday, he was attacked by a lot of aura. He could not help stepping back a few steps to release the attack of aura

Strong aura makes people unable to deal with it directly. If it is not for xiaotuanzi's mercy, the impact of powerful Aura will break several fingers on Wednesday in an instant.

After being forced back by Lingli on Wednesday, I just giggled

After all, he didn't mean to play a trick on xiaotuanzi, but he didn't know why. After he felt that the other side felt good, he began to knead a few times.

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