After Xia Jue's death, it's not too late to deal with this character.

Anyway, there are so many people on their side. If they want to leave on Wednesday, it's hard to fly, isn't it?

So no one cares about Wednesday. Everyone is watching the battle on Xia Jue's side.

"The sooner we can solve Xia Jue, the better. He is not clear about his ability now. If the delay makes him familiar with the ability brought by his new realm, it will be even harder to deal with it!"

It seems that the leader of a certain team, after several hundred moves, was very unwilling to tell the people around him.

However, when Xia Jue heard these words, he raised his mouth and said with a smile, "sorry, it's late."

As soon as the voice fell, the dragon sword had penetrated into the speaker's heart, and then the team was buried here.

But there were a lot of onlookers. After a moment, a new group of people started a new war with Xia Jue.

On Wednesday, I was scared to watch, but I didn't dare to breathe out loud. I could only try my best to reduce my sense of existence, hoping that no one would notice him.

See these people and Xia Jue duel, every move is a kill move, that ruthless force and kill intention, but he has no way to deal with a move!

Under such circumstances, how can he not worry?

Worried about their comfort at the same time, also afraid of Xia Jue will fall into the wind.

If they fall into the downwind, it means they will be dead!

This end, Wednesday just a little thought, then cold from head to foot.

Xiaotuanzi is also very worried about the safety of his master. The master and he are connected. The contract has already been made. If Xia Jue has any accident, it will not come to a good end as the spirit of the contract.

But compared with the contract, xiaotuanzi worried about Xiajue more from his inner feelings.

Xia Jue is almost the first person to see for xiaotuanzi.

After he had spiritual consciousness, he lived through a lot of years in the magic weapon. The limitation of Rune made him unable to grow up and contact the outside world. However, after meeting Xia Jue, he saw Xia Jue, the owner of his contract, who was struggling with himself, seizing any opportunity that he could seize, and constantly growing up through competition with himself and reflection.

The other side will not be able to have more cruel and more advantageous ways to use him because he is a spiritual object, and directly liberate him from the rune and magic weapon.

Then he made a contract to give the spiritual things the greatest benefits.

Xiaotuanzi doesn't think he made the contract. The smart Xiajue didn't see through it. The other party just didn't see through it.

In the world, has there ever been such a person willing to be good to it?

Later, he indulged it in his arms and took good care of him.

Clearly, the spirit things in the contract are treated coldly, and his life and death will not affect the master. If the master's life and death will affect him. Therefore, when people encounter danger, they let the supernatural things solve it first, and then they face the danger by themselves.

However, Xia Jue went against his way and went against the danger to solve him and protect him well.

It is the most dangerous place to fight with him on Wednesday, and it is the most dangerous place to stay with him.

In fact, the host doesn't know that he doesn't have to worry too much about safety on Wednesday.

The bracelet on Wednesday's hand can freely retract and release the border. When the deep forest is completely retracted on Wednesday, there is a border on the body that can't be broken.

But Xia Jue still wants to arrange xiaotuanzi here on Wednesday. It's definitely not just a matter of safety on Wednesday.

To be sure, it's to make xiaotuanzi safe.

Little Tuanzi was deeply moved when he thought of this.

At the beginning, when Xia Jue broke through in the dreamland, he was as resentful as he was on Wednesday.

Why did Xia Jue have to break through at this time? If the border was fragile, would they not have no place to die. Although Xia Jue is his master, his emotion is not as selfish as that of Wednesday, but in fact, he is just a spiritual creature who just came out to see the world.

At this moment, he felt the thunder above his head, felt a force around him, and the spirit power dispersed around him. When Xia Jue came back to him, how could he feel the sage's no resentment.

However, now he how to complain.

Xia Jue's figure is still in the scarlet, and xiaotuanzi doesn't dare to know Xia Jue's situation with the feeling of contract, for fear that if he thinks his mind moves, he will be distracted and in danger.

But looking at such a group of people to Xiajue's direction in the past, xiaotuanzi's heart is very worried.

At the same time, he also felt the person under him - he was also very nervous on Wednesday.

The body can't control a little shiver, because anxious and appeared some thin sweat, and then withstand the wind, it is able to feel the sound of rapid heartbeat."Brother Xia, it's going to be OK."

Deliberately lowered the voice, but there is no way to cover up the meaning of shaking.

Xiaotuanzi is also very worried. Now, I don't know what group of people it is. Xia Jue still faces the enemy alone, as if he didn't know he was tired. There are still a lot of people watching

At this time, xiaotuanzi couldn't help thinking of the seal, the powerful seal, why didn't the owner use it?

If you use that, these people around are not a problem, right?

Xia Jue didn't want to use the seal, but now he is not sure that he can use it well. If he faces so many enemies today, he is really alone, he will not panic. But he didn't dare to gamble on Wednesday and xiaotuanzi's life to bet that he could use the seal well.

Just now, he forgot to pay attention to the situation outside, which led to the situation on Wednesday and xiaotuanzi. At the moment, if he took out the seal again, he would not care about their safety. What's the difference between such a way of doing things and those who want their own lives for the benefit of the other party.

If he only has interests in his eyes and nothing to do with himself, isn't that what he hates most?

After taking this into account, Xia Jue became more and more brave. His strength is not that he can not deal with these people in front of him. He is not afraid. Even if he is tired, he can protect the people he wants to protect!

In the twinkling of an eye for a breath, Xia Jue then put into a new battle.

Although everyone thought that this time had passed for a long time with their own ideas, in the blink of an eye, a hundred moves had passed. In the process of switching between groups of people and horses, it was just a long time.

For Xia Jue, this time is also a big challenge. He has to go all out to bear the attack of different people

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