The two people who practiced in the cave and Xiao Tuanzi didn't notice this. When they really noticed, the cave had undergone earth shaking changes.

Originally, when Xia Jue took the treasure, this cave was just a general one, slightly damp.

Around is some moss piled up a whole wall, and now, moss disappeared in the cracks of the wall, and the temperature from the beginning of cold and humid to now slowly hot up.

The dim cave was very bright because of the disappearance of moss or the sunlight. If Xia Jue didn't settle down at the moment but saw the situation in front of him, he would be surprised.

After all, in such a short time, I can imagine that this cave has changed so much

And the pool of water that originally stored the treasure actually penetrated through the cracks in the ground at this time. In the blink of an eye, there was no lake left, leaving a concave and convex place.

This is different from the appearance of spiritual exhaustion. It seems that

It's far from that, but it's hard to ignore the changes.

All the changes can not affect the two people in the cave, because there is no dangerous signal of the cave reform, which leads to Xia Jue and the spirit consciousness released on Wednesday not aware of some problems.

By the time they came back, the scenery had changed.

If there is no change in the three inch space they are sitting on and the scenery outside the cave, they all have to think that they have entered a dreamland or have been changed into a cave

Look at each other, it seems to have the same understanding of each other's doubts.

After taking xiaotuanzi out of the space of the bracelet, Xia Jue wakes xiaotuanzi up by means of contract. Xiaotuanzi doesn't know about the cave at the beginning, so he is very confused by Xia Jue at the moment.

I don't know why the master called him out this time. After all, he was sleeping very comfortably in the border.


Nuo Nuo's voice was full of doubts, and Xia Jue was also very confused, but no one could give him an answer.

Helpless, Xia Jue had to ask: "little Tuanzi, do you feel anything unusual around here?"


Little Tuan Zi was silent for a moment. It seemed that he used his own spiritual power to make an exploration for the surrounding places, but he didn't get anything, so he could only say no in the end.

He wondered why Xia Jue asked, so xiaotuanzi was very attentive this time, but he just recovered, and he couldn't do what he wanted.

We can't find out what the situation is, and we can't blame him

After explaining his situation with Xia Jue, xiaotuanzi could only say that he could not help this situation.

Since we don't know why this cave will change, Xia Jue and Wednesday don't want to leave easily. If they miss any chance, it's thanks.

It was Xia Jue who thought of Wednesday and asked xiaotuanzi: "xiaotuanzi, you reminded me that it was OK on Wednesday. How did you know it was OK on Wednesday? Is it spirit exploration? At that time, my consciousness was not clear. I was in a state of bewilderment, so I didn't know what happened on Wednesday. I think you should know? "

"He's OK on Wednesday. He knows he'll be OK without spiritual exploration."

Xiaotuanzi was very confused about Xiajue. In his opinion, it was not a problem at all.

Hearing that little Tuanzi said so, he was not calm on Wednesday. He immediately said, "how can it be ok? I feel like I'm going to die! Xia Jue said, "but I don't want to die on the spot."

"But I didn't use the power of the border. If it wasn't for Xia Jue, how could I survive?"

Wednesday's words were very reasonable. It seemed that Xia Jue's words were not correct at all. On the contrary, he felt that the other party was modest and didn't let him have too much burden.

After all, it's not so easy to repay the kindness of saving lives

What's more, it will cost a lot to rescue yourself from the gate of death in that situation

Like vitality or something.

So, after that, Xia Jue was in a coma, even longer than he, who had experienced death

The more I think about it, the more firmly I am convinced that my speculation is reasonable.

Seeing that Wednesday was so stubborn, Xia Jue had no choice but to smile bitterly and say, "I really don't have it."

At this time, xiaotuanzi finally understood where the two people's doubts were, and immediately opened his mouth unconvinced, although he felt that he was more powerful.

But this topic with the voice of glutinous glutinous, but there is no sense of dignity.

"On Wednesday, you were not saved by your master, but you can say it was saved by your master."

Wen Yan immediately said to Xia Jue on Wednesday, "I'll tell you, you must have saved it..."In the face of such a Wednesday, Xia Jue was very helpless, but he was very puzzled about xiaotuanzi's words. He couldn't help asking: "I saved it. Why didn't I have any impression?"

Xia Jue doesn't think that he can save his opponent's life by feeding his precious pills to Wednesday. If he can save his opponent's life next Wednesday, it must be how to untie his opponent's assassins

But he didn't do it. In the final analysis, it must not be the person he saved.

"Master, of course you don't know about it. You owe me a lot on Wednesday."

Xiaotuanzi first jumped himself on Xiajue's shoulder, and then slowly opened his mouth.

Only on Wednesday, listening to Xiao Tuanzi's words, he was very confused. He didn't know the meaning, but he didn't dare to refute. He really wanted to know why he could survive.

After all, at that time, he was also very desperate and eager for salvation.

"Do you remember the mask before I left you? That's it

"Well? That will soon disperse. After that, I can be hurt. Then you will go back to your master. How did you save me. But thank you for your aura. It gave me a little time to rest at that time, otherwise I would have died earlier. "

"That's it. You know that I gave you the power mask. When you were ready to die, I opened it again, so you didn't die. So you said, do you want to thank me?"

What xiaotuanzi said was very reasonable, as if he had already thought about how to repay him on Wednesday.

Hearing the voice of xiaotuanzi, Xia Jue could only tear the other side down from his shoulder and hold him in his arms.

Let it not have that kind of aloof feeling.

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