"Sir? Well, call me uncle! " Cloud Hao thunder stabs Xia Jue to say aloud. Xia Jue was startled and immediately knelt down on the ground to call his uncle. Then he stood up.

After patting Xia Jue on the shoulder, Yun Haolei finally showed a gentle smile and said, "at that time, your father and I traveled across the mainland looking for high-level skills. We found this book together

"It's just that this skill is obtained from the treasure house of the demon sect. It's the Bible of the demon sect. It can make people improve in a moment, but it's full of demons and enchantments."

"Father, you have to get this book. He said that it's up to the cultivator to be possessed, but I always think it's not so simple. Don't let him practice. Then he took the book to shengtianshan. "

"Because of this book, we had a fight, and he never came to see me again."

So, staring at the direction of Xiajue Town, mumbling to himself. "Brother Han, don't worry. When the child comes to me, I will take care of him. "

Yun Haolei and Xia Jue turn around the main hall of Longling Pavilion and walk along the mountain road to the back mountain of niufeng. It's cool and comfortable.

He asked Xia Jue about Han Haoyun while walking along Yun Haolei. Sometimes he told him the old story between him and Han Haoyun to let Xia Jue know him better.

Finally, he came to the cliff like a knife.

Yun Haolei looks at Xia Jue and asks seriously. "This is the treasure house of Longling Pavilion. There are all kinds of skills in it. You can go in and choose what you want "

" no, my nephew doesn't learn anything except my uncle and the book of heaven. " Xia Jue said firmly.

Yun Haolei's face turned cold and said, "the magic of the book of heaven is very powerful. I can't learn it!" Say it sternly.

"I have to learn!" Xia Jue's voice became louder, and he was absolutely staring at Yun Haolei with his sharp eyes. Yun Haolei thought that he would be with him for a long time, but he would be able to learn the book of heaven smoothly, but he still didn't teach.

"Boy, I tell you again, in this respect, no one can tell you the book of heaven except me." Yun Haolei said coldly.

Xia Jue said: "in the vast continent, I don't believe who will become the book of heaven except you. You don't tell me. I'll find someone else. " Then turn around and go down the hill.

As soon as Yun Haolei's face was cold, he cried out. "Here comes the man, take him away and put him in the forbidden area!" As soon as he dropped the words, more than a dozen white auras came out of the cliff. They were all like iron ropes. Xia Jue knew him. The cliff made a loud noise and the stone gate opened

Longlingge forbidden area is the only hell like legend in the mainland.

Only the most heinous people were locked up in the forbidden area, suffering from such inhuman sufferings as mirage, wind and fire. Xia Jue, a young man of spiritual cultivation, even if he is the elder of Longling Pavilion, he will not die after entering.

Now I see Xia Jue tied up and left like a forbidden area.

Elder Wu Xian flashed from the air, knelt down in front of Yun Haolei without saying a word, and said: "the Lord of the pavilion is merciful. Han Haoyun, the father of Xia Jue, has a life-saving grace for his subordinates. I hope the Lord of the pavilion will look at his subordinates and help them."

At that time, the bloody white water also came to the front, knelt down and said: "Sir, subordinates just want to waste Xia Jue, I hope you spare my life."

But Yun Haolei didn't hear him. He looked at Xia Jue with cold eyes and waved his right hand. Xia Jue was thrown into the stone gate.

In the sky, Xia Jue quickly moved the Xuanling in his body, put the cover of Xuanling around his body, adjusted his body, and looked at the darkening cave in front of him like electricity.

The stone gate crunched shut.

Xia Jue thought he would fall to the ground, but he was still floating in the air. At this time, can only hear the front of the "ring" sound, soon blowing the awe inspiring wind. It's like a sharp blade across his body.

The wind can't help tearing his clothes, hurting his skin, going deeper into his meridians, eroding the mysterious spirit in his body.

Xuanling shield is broken.

At this time, Xia Jue's consciousness activity, the inner whirlwind of Dantian turns straight down, recovers all Xuanling, and is threatened by the wind on mortals.

As soon as the river wind passed, the temperature of the Sky Rose instantly, and the nameless fire suddenly appeared, wrapped in the white color of Xia Jue.

Originally, the temperature was extremely high. After Xia Jue was surrounded by flames, the temperature dropped rapidly. The blood in his body coagulated slowly, the heart beat more and more slowly, and the breathing became more and more difficult.

Xia Jue clenched his teeth and forced himself to wake up. Then he put his right arm back and pulled out Tianchi.

"Ah As soon as he drank it, the ruler soon grew to three feet long. The shining black light restrained the fire of hell. Xia Jue's body soon became lighter. He waved the ruler left and right in his hand and broke the fire of hell.

As soon as the fire of hell went out, a gust of wind came again. Xia Jue could no longer hide from the sky ruler. He grasped the sky ruler with both hands, felt the familiar smell from above, raised his head and split it in an instant.

But he didn't move.

He fell down because of his father Han Haoyun.

Han Hao cloud full face remorse, pointing to Xia Jue said. "Rebellious son! "You're a pervert!"

At that time, there was a sudden thunder like sound around. "The father of Xia Jue's killing must be killed in a deceptive way and returned to the family rules." Then, there are countless people from poor families, Yue families and Bai families. Standing in front of the Bai family is his mother Bai Liuying."Ah Looking at the cold faces of countless people, Xia Jue felt the life force flowing down his face

With a loud bang, Xia Jue found that he was still in the forbidden area, and the shadow of Yun Haolei appeared in front of him.

"Xia Jue, I threw you into the forbidden area for no reason. Are you not willing to suffer? Is there resentment? "

Yun Haolei's figure suddenly appeared, accompanied by his thunderous voice, "Xia Jue, I threw you into the forbidden area for no reason, suffering from pain, are you not reconciled? Is there resentment? "

Xia Jue looked at the figure of Yun Haolei and said with a resolute look: "uncle, naturally I'm not reconciled. Naturally I have a grudge. However, I am not content to be thrown into a forbidden place by you, nor am I suffering from resentment and pain. I'm sorry I didn't go to heaven like my father. What I hate is that my 16 years wasted too much time. phantom! Right? You can't make me flinch in embarrassment. "

"Yes, you are still Han Haoyun. You have a hard temper. See how long you can hold on! "

The figure of Yun Haolei disappeared from the forbidden area and was replaced by nothingness.

"Young master Xia Jue, why haven't you come to the slave house for a long time? The slave house is thinking of you." Jiao voice suddenly came from the air.

In front of Xia Jue's white eyes, a soft woman appeared. This woman is old, her eyes are far away, her eyes are like eyes, and her body is plump and beautiful.

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