As soon as Xia Jue and Du Yuehan escaped from Changyue Town, a group of people flew out of the largest residence in Changyue town.

This group of people generally have the immortal who controls the magic weapon to fly, the other half runs on the ground, but one also exudes the smell of the immortal.

Du Yuehan saw things falling from the sky, can't help but ask Xia Jue strangely.

"Mr. Xia Jue, how do you know that they will come for us?"

"If it comes to light, then nogan dares to lie to me.

"the next time I saw her, I used all kinds of means to humiliate her.

the next time I see her husband, I'll send her a few months' hand signals to Chang Hsien town to repair it.

At this time, the several ganlingjing masters tightly hold behind Mo Xiaoze, the son of garrison envoy Chang Yue, and chase Xia Jue in the direction of their escape.

Although Ozawa is handsome, he is a young man with temperament. At the age of 30, he has been practicing in ganlingjing and is also a talent.

This time, with powerful subordinates, he arrested six Xiuxian women.

It was a gift for the adults of the northern capital. The big men gave him pills and magic weapons, and went further on the road of cultivating immortals.

But now, Ozawa is so angry that he doesn't even have time to inform his mother. He goes out with a lot of people, and someone plunders the gifts he gives to the adults in beididu under his eyes.

Mo Xiaoze from a distance to see Xia Jue with Du Yuehan flying in the air, not even the controller? Isn't it a bit exaggerated that such a small person has mobilized so many people himself?

That bastard lied to himself before breakfast, saying that the fake chief inspector needs at least spiritual cultivation.

Obviously, it can't establish the spirit world.

Du Yuehan saw Mo Xiaoze and others coming from behind and urged Xia Jue to say, "brother Xia Jue, hurry up, take out your magic weapon and hang it on the controller. They are going to catch up with you."

Xia Jue is very embarrassed. He hasn't mastered the controller yet.

At this time, I was a little dissatisfied.

Why don't you tell me the most basic cultivation method? For example, what's the secret script for an immortal like Yu Qi to travel at home?

Du Yuehan wants to get Xia Jue. Is he a new beginner who doesn't even know the basic method of controller? Seeing Xia Jue's shabby clothes, she thought he was a poor monk and sighed.

"It's a pity that they searched my treasure bag and recycled my lingque sword.

Otherwise, I can lend you my magic weapon. "

Xia Jue also saw the pursuers close behind him. If he went on like this, he would catch up sooner or later, and his true Qi couldn't hold so far. He couldn't help it. Xia Jue coldly looked back and pulled Du Yuehan to the ground.

See Xia Jue two people finally can't escape, Mo Xiaoze face show ferocious smile, "men kill, women catch back to you to play.".

Mom, if you dare to escape from Laozi's hand, I will make you regret being born in this world. "

Ozawa and four talents who are also in ganlingjing are the first to catch up with Xia Jue. Five people surround two Xia Jue with five pointed stars.

"I don't know which sect this Taoist friend belongs to? What are you doing in changyuege? " Ozawa surrounded Xiajue, not eager to attack, but afraid that Xiajue is a famous school, after committing a crime, the patient will be infinite.

"It's no use to me. If you want to fight, come on." Xia Jue's white eyes were shining, and he had a lot in his hand.

Ozawa said: "there is courage.

Hands up

"Ouch!" Suddenly, there was a rich old man, who was like a rich man, talking.

"Wan Lao, what's the matter?" Ozawa's expression is not happy, but the old man is the guest of Changyue, so he has to save more face.

The old man named "wanlao" is also ganlingjing. He has been listed in ganlingjing for decades and is already old.

I told Mo Xiaoze.

"Son, just now my old lady used God's knowledge to explore the youth in front of her, but she couldn't see him. This youth may not be simple"

according to Wan Lao, Mo Xiaoze also opened his mind to explore Xia Jue, but he still couldn't infer the depth of Xia Jue's cultivation from the strength of his mind.

Do you think Xia Jue has gone beyond the realm of Ganling? I can't believe it! Look at Xia Jue's appearance. He is 18 years old at most. How can he enter the realm of true cultivation fairy at such a young age?

Ozawa felt relieved and said, "Wan Lao, you are too careful.

There's nothing he can do to help the boy detect his treasure.

I think the ruler in his hand is a good magic weapon.

Who used to kill that man? "

Several elders of Changyue town in ganlingjing didn't move. Mo Xiaoze had more than ten kunlingjing masters. At this time, the big man came out with two copper hammers, and the two hammers collided and said, "young man, let me hit that child."Ozawa nodded, the burly man with a fierce face approached Xiajue step by step.

Xia Jue had little actual combat experience, but he was far ahead of the big man in front of him on the border. Without waiting for the big man to get close, he made some tactics in his left hand.

The fire snake in the fierce fire tactics curls up, gathers the fire spirit of heaven and earth from Xia Jue's palm, and sends it to Xia Jue's palm. The fire snake with thick and thin fingers points at the bronze hammer man.

The reason why immortals are regarded as immortals in the eyes of ordinary people is that the means they can play are far less than that of ordinary people.

For example, playing with fire, because many immortals can play with fire, and Du Yuehan, who has just established the spiritual world, can also play with little fire snake.

The fire snake made by Xia Jue is really too pocket.

The man who practices in kunlingjing is not a fool either. He makes a big move for Xiajue. Seeing Xiajue's little fire snake laughing, if such a small fire snake is destroyed by the original spirit hammer he bought with 1000 times of real spirit stone, it will definitely disappear.

Therefore, the big man didn't mind bumping into the big hammer or Xia Jue's little fire snake at all.

Ozawa and the practitioners of ganlingjing have a look of disdain in their eyes. Xiajue is weaker than they think.

Xiayue sighs that dujue is really poor.

However, everyone was surprised that after the little fire snake hit the sledgehammer, not only did it not dissipate, but in an instant, the whole sledgehammer was surrounded by flames and suddenly turned into a hammer. The color of the red flame was like re training the sledgehammer.

The big man screamed, the heat from the hammer scorched the heart of his hand.

He put down his weapon in a hurry, but the flame had spread to him. From the palm of his hand, the small flame instantly developed into a fierce fire dragon.

After a while, the coke piled up on the big man's arm, and then it was the big man's eyes.

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