

Su Changqing and Su Junhao rush up to help Su Jianwei.

"Su Changming, look at the good things you've done. You're making dad angry." Su Changqing scolded.

"Don't do me wrong. It's your own fault." Although Su Changming said so on the surface, no one could see clearly what he was thinking inside.

"Dad, take grandfather to the hospital first." Su Junhao is leaving behind Su Jianwei.

It wasn't long.

Su Jianwei sent him to the hospital for rescue.

"Dad, what do you do now?" Things have come to this point, Su Junhao has no way.

"Wait until your grandfather wakes up." Su Jianwei is also a God without a master.

A few hours later.

The door of the emergency room opened.

"How's it going, doctor?"

The eldest son of Su Qing went up quickly.

"The patient's heart had some problems, and he was stimulated, so his blood pressure suddenly increased. Fortunately, the situation is stable now, and it will be OK after a period of good care." The doctor replied.

"That's good, that's good."

Su Changqing and his son put down their heart and then went to the ward.

At this time, Su Jianwei has slowly recovered some consciousness.

His lips moved as if to say something.

But he was wearing an oxygen mask on his face, but Su Changqing and Su Junhao heard what he was saying.

Then Su Jianwei raised his head and made a gesture to write.

"Get the pen and paper and see what your grandfather wants to say." Su Changqing quickly ordered.

Su Junhao immediately ran out.

Before long, Su Junhao took back the note.

Su Changqing put the pen on Su Jianwei's hand, and then he propped the paper on his hand.

Su Jianwei slowly raised his hand and wrote a series of numbers on the paper.

After su Jianwei finished writing, Su Changming took a look.

It's a phone number.

"Whose number is this, dad?" Su Changqing couldn't help asking questions.

Su Jianwei made a babbling voice again, but Su Changqing and his wife still didn't hear him clearly.

"Grandfather, do you want us to make this call?" Su Junhao seems to understand what Su Jianwei means.

Su Jianwei nodded difficultly.

Su Changqing see Su Jianwei is this meaning, suspicious under took out the mobile phone to dial the number.

"Doodle" after dozens of seconds.

The other end of the line finally got through.

But there was no sound from the other side.

Su Changming summoned up the courage to say.

"Hello, my name is Su Changqing, this number is my father asked me to call..."

after su Changqing finished this sentence, the other party still had no reply.

About a minute later, Su Changqing couldn't help it.

"Hello, are you still listening?"

When Su Changqing wanted to make a phone call, a female voice came from the opposite side.

"What happened to him?"

This voice made Su Changqing feel familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

"You mean my dad?"


"He's in hospital now and can't listen to the phone."


"Because something happened at home, he was attacked by Qi and blood for a moment, so...

because he didn't know who the other party was, Su Changqing didn't dare to tell the other party in detail, so he could only vaguely take it with him.

"Where is it now?"

"In Zhonghai first people's hospital."

"I'll be right here."

The other party finished and hung up.

"Dad, who is it?" Su Junhao is also curious.

Su Changqing shook his head.

"Dad, they said he was coming soon." Su Changming said to Su Jianwei on the bed.

Hearing this, Su Jianwei showed a smile of satisfaction.

At the same time.

In an ancient courtyard in Kyoto.

A woman over 40, but with some charm, put down the phone.

"Hum, Dad, you finally think of me now. You didn't think I lost the face of the Su family back then, but I know you must have encountered a very difficult problem now, otherwise you won't contact me, but after all, I owe you the kindness of giving birth to me and raising me. I helped you settle this matter, and then our father and daughter's kindness will be cleared up." After the woman finished talking to herself, she left the door.

"Get ready for the Zhonghai flight at once.""Yes, ma'am." A bodyguard in black went down to arrange it.

More than an hour later.

I don't know why.

Tower crazy adjustment of this route, it seems to be to vacate a runway.


A small private plane slowly landed at the airport.

After landing at the airport.

The elegant woman came down from the plane with sunglasses.

"Madam, it's the peak time for China shipping to get off work. We have a helicopter ready for you to go directly to the hospital." A person who has already picked up the plane here said.

Charm woman nodded, with a few bodyguards in suits on the helicopter.

In this way, the helicopter crossed the congested road of Zhonghai city and stopped in the parking space of the hospital ambulance helicopter.

After the woman got off the plane, she rushed to Su Jianwei's ward.

Su Changqing and Su Junhao were surprised to see such a woman come in.

"You are..." Su Changming asked.

Charm woman did not explain, but directly took off the sunglasses.

The woman's face was so blue.

"You're... Jane!"

"You haven't changed much, brother Changming." The charm woman opens a way.

"It's really you, Jane!" Hearing what the other party said, Su Changming can already confirm the person in front of him.

This is Suzy, his sister.

However, more than 20 years ago, when he just graduated and joined the Soxhlet group.

Su Zhenyi didn't know why she was expelled from her family by Su Jianwei.

At that time, Su Jianwei's tone was even more intense than that of chasing Su Changming.

At that time, Su Jianwei seemed to want to kill her.

At that time, Su Changming did not know what mistakes she had made, which made Su Jianwei so angry.

But Su Changming did not dare to ask more questions.

Because whenever Su Zhenyi is mentioned, Su Jianwei is always furious.

So much for you.

He thought suzhenyi might have been starved to death somewhere.

I didn't expect that she didn't starve to death today. On the contrary, she seemed to be doing well.

This makes Su Changming full of doubts.

"Junhao, this is your aunt. Come and say hello." Su Changming said to Su Junhao.


Su Junhao didn't expect that she had an aunt out of thin air. However, she saw that this aunt's momentum seemed to have a very unusual origin, so she didn't dare to neglect her and said hello.

"Junhao, right? I didn't expect that I had such a big nephew." Suzhenyi showed a smile.

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