"Where are you going?" the bucket said in surprise In his opinion, the magic weapon to get rid of the palm of his hand must be quite good.

At this time, Xia Jue's palm had already attacked the bucket chest.

The pail didn't stop at all. He showed an arrogant and contemptuous smile, and naturally grasped Tianchi with his palm.

With a "Peng" sound, Xia Jue's white palm hit the chest of the iron bucket heavily, and the huge power came from the iron bucket, which made Xia Jue's response.

The iron bucket laughed a fierce smile: "boy, now you know your pig grandfather's strength? Go to hell

The iron bucket takes a step and waves to attack Xia Jue.

His arms and wealth, throw a magic weapon can make Xia Jue seriously injured, but he tore Xia Jue with his bare hands, so he did not move the magic weapon.

With a vicious smile, the iron bucket chased after Xia Jue in the direction of his body shape. In a twinkling of an eye, he came to the back of Xia Jue and raised his hand to attack him.

Waiting for the applause, I realized that the real rotation in my body suddenly suffocated, and the blow of the original one hand appeared a little hesitation.

During Xia Jue's dynamic thinking, the measuring ruler appeared strangely in the direction of the bucket palm again, blocking his attack.

The iron bucket called sarcastically, the hand was a little hurt, the speed was slow, but it still hit Xia Jue's face through the measuring ruler.

Xia Jue was blown up before he reached the ground.

When he was still in the sky, Xia Jue's hands quickly reached a legal agreement. It was a tornado that Xia Jue often used like gold.

The wind suddenly caught fire, and the gale and fire tornado instantly formed around the iron bucket. In the wind and fire tornado, the tongues of wind and fire closed the iron bucket firmly.

Iron pail was surprised by the spirit of cold night White's skillful use of wood and fire, but he was not good enough for such a master.

The iron bucket immediately waved, and the huge real yuan gushed out to fight against the wind fire tornado. The wind fire tornado was as fragile as an eggshell and was soon damaged by him.

The color of the bucket suddenly changed and it was ugly.

When he was in his true yuan movement, he stagnated again. If he tried, he might say that there was a little mistake in his physical state at that time, but it was the second time, and the stagnation time this time was longer than that before, and he had a tendon. The feeling of numbness was his blood vessel

to become an expert in the same level as an iron bucket, that was his physical state It's hard for a long time. Unexpectedly, I found that my body suddenly stagnated and the things in my body increased a little.

Iron is always familiar with this thing. It is a highly toxic substance suddenly secreted from the venomous gland of the king of green horned snakes.

"Your villain, caught the real yuan can have such a strong toxicity, how vicious the heart" iron bucket loud drink at the same time, heart waves.

It's not blood, stupid.

He knew how he was poisoned and was just slapped by Xia Jue.

You call of true Yuan said not really hurt the iron bucket, but true yuan followed, green horn snake king's poison Qin in the iron bucket body.

The venom of the venom gland of the green foot snake king is indeed the most lethal weapon for the invulnerable monster like Zhongzhe Lisi and Tietong.

"Human beings, you can absorb the deficiency and truth of the green foot snake king. It seems that as long as I swallow you, I can take all the life resources of the green foot snake king for myself.

Child, you wait to die. "

After roaring loudly, the iron bucket pours on Bai in the cold night.

White was also startled by the cold night.

He knew the demon pig in Yuan Yongquan's memory, so what he was afraid of was the poison like the king of green foot snake, and the face of the iron bucket had turned green.

His heavy chest was even more miserable. It was obviously poisoned. As a result, the iron bucket attacked him bravely.

However, when Xia Jue wanted to resist, he even did not hesitate to send out the vast sword Qi, the momentum of Tietong suddenly broke out a 180 degree turn, but he did not know that his head also flew out of the Huangpu formation.

Xia Jue saw the back of the disappearing iron bucket and showed a stunned expression.

It's just like yuan Yongquan's memory, very cunning.

Seeing that the iron bucket was deserted and fled, Xia Jue had no choice.

He knew that pail was seriously injured, but he couldn't catch up with him. His injury was not light.

So Xia Jue sat down on his knees again and continued to recuperate.

Xia Jue opened his eyes slowly.

He did not know how long he had spent in the emptiness of Huangfu formation.

Anyway, it's almost a month.

Now his injury is healed, but he can't make a big fight easily.

He knew that outside the big array, the bearded Lion King and the pig demon iron barrel like a big ball might be waiting outside, and even there might be other monsters.

For him, Huangfu Dazhen, which can greatly reduce the number of non rulers, is his best weapon.

In recent days, by integrating yuan Yongquan's memory, he has been able to control some of the functions of the Huangfu formation. He believes that he will encounter disappointment and iron barrel again. Even if they are in the peak state of no injury, Xia Jue believes that he has the ability to protect himself. In the void of the Huangfu formation, Xia Jue gets the most benefit from Yuan Yongquan's memory, but it is not only his memory There are also many years of cultivation experience like yuan Yongquan in the blood realm in chaos Zhenyuan. This is a kind of inheritance, but this kind of inheritance is very overbearing.In measuring the celestial ruler, I don't know what language Xia Jue can use to describe it.

That's great!

Now Xiajue has stepped into the virtual state, and the repair ability is increasing day by day.

He knew that another full moon, that is, when Huangfu imperial city came to this world again, all the prohibitions of Huangfu grand array were the weakest time. Whether it was the lion king or the main iron bucket, it was likely that he would use this time to enter the grand array to his disadvantage.

As a result, he had to flee here when Huangfu was the weakest.

Xia Jue now says that Huangfu imperial city will appear in Fenghua mainland every month, but I know it's a shadow projection, not an entity. The entity is in the long void.

The palace of Huangfu imperial city that Xia Jue saw destroyed by the boundless sword Qi is not the scene that Yuan Yongquan said when he was slaughtered by monsters, but the scene that Xia Jue occupied the Imperial City under the leadership of rebellious monsters such as Yuan Yongquan, but he did not want the ancestors of Huangfu royal family to surrender the sword immortal double.

Yuan Yongquan was born not to kill a large number of monsters, otherwise he would consume sword immortals in the same magic Huangfu formation

however, the rebels of Huangfu imperial city did not achieve good results, and the Huangfu Imperial City, which continued to fight miserably, was finally separated from the mainland by the Huangfu formation, which was launched automatically, and entered the void.

This in itself is the dangerous function of Huangfu battle to ward off evil spirits, but now Huangfu imperial city has been sealed.

Only when the ban of Huangfu array is in the weakest full moon, can those monsters make waves.

But they can't go back to Fenghua.

Xia Jue knew these secrets and could not help sighing.

He sighed for the magic of Huangfu.

He sighed that he could maintain the complete Huangfu imperial city even though he was constantly destroyed.

Moreover, the ancestors of the Huangfu Dynasty sighed for a monster who could almost kill the whole rebellion by subduing the Sword Fairy.

Xia Jue stood up and felt that he was using his endless energy and strength, and the boundary was just the middle boundary to convey the virtual realm. However, with his real yuan savings in his own Dantian field, even when he reached the top of the mountain where he left, the master didn't lose much wind, and even in the leaping body realm

his hand swayed and the measuring ruler appeared in his hand. This artifact looked very common, but with the progress of repair OK, Xia Jue found it strange to measure the sky ruler.

As long as it can attract people's soul, it is already a very strange magic weapon.

Xia Jue took out the thousand soul flag from the shadow ring. On this day, although the magic weapon he took from Mo Xiaoze can't measure Tianchi, it's a very good magic weapon he can use. The important thing is that he can now inject the main soul into the thousand soul flag.

From the day of commemorating the flag, Xia Jue knew that the flag needed 18 main spirits to command thousands of souls in the flag.

The deeper the practice of the main soul, the more powerful the thousand soul flag will be.

When he got the flag, the flag already had three main souls, two of which were the soul of the combined state, and one of which was the soul of the virtual state. Then Xia Jue killed Chang Zhiyun of the demon sect, and was pointed out by the mysterious voice of the old measuring ruler that he put Chang Zhiyun's soul into the flag.

Chang Zhiyun's realm is just the realm of combination, but the quality of the soul has been taken away before. Now the soul of Yuan Yongquan, who has become a little dementia, comes in. Suddenly, the power of the thousand soul flag has doubled.

When Yuan Yongquan's soul entered the soul space of the thousand soul flag, Xia Jue could feel the change of the reversal of heaven and earth.

Although it is called qianhun banner, it can only hold about 500 souls at most due to the obstruction of the relationship between qianhun banner and material.

Before, I didn't know how many innocent people Ozawa killed, and the soul inside was almost saturated.

Now there's a bloody yuan Yongquan coming in. Suddenly, the thousand soul flag may break.

This did not expect Xia Jueshi, quickly reined in the tactics, carried the thousand soul flag posture tactics, barely maintained the thousand soul flag shape.

When the thousand souls flag broke, all the souls in it suddenly came.

Xia Jue is not afraid, but the wild ghosts with lonely souls have no space, and their souls will soon wither.

Xia Jue sighed softly, driving yuan Yongquan's soul to devour those weak souls. At the same time, he also drove the souls of the three integration circles including Chang Zhiyuan's soul and the soul of the broken situation and virtual world to join the ranks of devouring those weak souls.

Soon, less than a hundred souls were devoured in the flag, and Xia Jue stopped the devouring of five main souls.

To Xia Jue's surprise, after swallowing other souls, there was no change in other main souls, but Chang Zhiyuan's main soul was promoted.

And I've been promoted in a row.

From the combination into the departure.

Of course, this kind of departure is different from the real cultivation of immortals, just spiritual cultivation, but if it is a struggle at the soul level, Xia Jue has a big weapon to kill.

Wave Xia Jue's hand and recruit Chang Zhiyun's soul from qianhun banner.

The virtual Shadow form of the soul is not the image of the withered old man in the black robe that Xia Jue saw, but the image of a burly man."Is that what you are? Xia Jue looks at Chang Zhiyun's soul and asks.

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