Think about it, Xia Jue decided not to pursue them for the time being.

At least I didn't get hurt.

"You want to kill me? Or do you want to eat me? That heart can be punished.

However, there is a good virtue of life in the sky. It's very difficult to see your practice. I'll let you go for the time being. We won't let the well water invade the river in the future.

"With that, Xia Jue wanted to step forward, but the four beautiful demons who were back to their original shape didn't mean to be burned.

"Master, we are wrong.

Please take it.

We'll sing you a song, heat the bed, pass you the tea.

"Peach said pitifully. There were two eyes on the tree trunk. The eyes were still so vivid. The tears were swirling in the eyes.

"Accept you. Did you kill me while I was sleeping?"

"No, we swear we'll never have the courage.

We give our souls and swear fire.

In this way, the master can decide our life and death without moving.

Moreover, if the master dies, several of us will lose our souls and die together with the master. "

Such a peach color, Xia Jue's heart is moving.

It seems that the word "soul oath fire" has been heard somewhere. If you think about it carefully, it comes from Yuan Yongquan's memory.

All intelligent lives, whether human beings, demons or ghosts, have the fire of the soul. As long as the fire of the soul is not extinguished, the intelligent life will not really perish, even if the body turns to ashes and disappears.

The fire of soul oath, extracted from the fire of soul, is to offer the fire of soul, which represents the source of life, to the master with the oldest oath relationship, forming the master slave relationship.

As a slave, no matter human or demon, as long as they give the fire of soul oath, the soul will be bound by the master for life. The master can eliminate the slave at any time through the natural connection between the fire of soul oath and the fire of soul, which is the real elimination.

Generally speaking, it's not a last resort, but no one is willing to sell his soul's oath fire and hold his life firmly in the hands of another person. So suddenly, Taohong offers his soul's oath fire and forms a master slave relationship with himself, which makes Xia Jue surprised.

In the past, four beautiful demons such as peach vowed not to betray tiger demon yuan Yongquan through the oath of soul.

Now yuan Yongquan has been like the wild ghost of lonely soul, the binding effect of soul oath fire has no effect on the four beautiful demons.

This is the best time to get rid of slavery. Why does peach become her own slave?

Xia Jue looked at the four beautiful demons coldly and didn't answer.

He didn't know that he was stimulated by the four beauties and activated the latent blood in his body. The powerful pressure of ancient monsters made the four beauties tremble and gave the four beauties vitality.

You know, in the whole Huangfu Imperial City, demons are everywhere, among which the four beauties are the weakest. If they don't rely on the protection of powerful demons, they will be devoured by demons anytime and anywhere. Not only they, but also the spiritual creatures of the whole size of the garden are other powerful demons. When Xia Jue's body is found to have such a strong hidden blood, through tacit contact with each other, the four beauties look beautiful Still very weak, but determined to have a bright future of the young bound themselves.

In the world of demons, attaching to powerful demons is the only way for weak demons to survive. The soul of peach blossom, willow, green clove and peony has the desire to rely on powerful demons.

Xia Jue frowned and saw that the four plants in front of him changed like water lines, and became the beauty of the former four water spirits.

Peach first takes out the light of soul from her own soul. Peach frowns painfully, but still firmly transmits the light of soul to Xia Jue.

Xia Jue's soul has a desire to devour the oath fire of this soul.

If swallowing the soul of the oath of fire, can dominate the opportunity of the United States in front of the demon, will also let Xia Jue feel stupid desire.

It's not from desire, it's from instinct.

Xia Jue stretched out his hand and waved the fire of soul oath to the peach. The fire of soul oath swayed and came to Xia Jue.

Xia Jue's nose gently puffed, the soul of the oath of fire barrier free into Xia Jue's body, into the soul.

Suddenly, Xia Jue's spirit world has another point of view, from which you can see another self.

That can be seen through peach eyes.

Peach knelt on the ground and said, "master, peach vowed to be loyal to you all her life!"

See peach has given the soul of the oath of fire, willow green clove and peony have given their soul of the oath of fire, to Xiajue white.

Xia Jue groaned quietly, and all the three souls' vows entered his own soul world.

Xia Jue closed his eyes and felt the soul world of the four beautiful demons.

Indeed, as long as he read without moving, he could destroy the soul of the four beautiful demons.

That's the feeling of an unspeakable ruler.

One breath absorbed the peach and other four beautiful demon soul of the oath of fire, a relationship between the four demons soon became intimate.The four beauties stood behind Xia Jue like a clever little maid.

"How many monsters in your garden can produce intelligence?"

"Back to the master, there are 73000 plants.

Less than 1% of them become demons.

About 500.

It's only the four of us who have really become adults.

It takes a long time for the remaining monsters to grow into dolls.

Originally, the rattan demon was the most promising, but under the authority of the master, the rattan demon was the first one. "

Xia Jue nodded. Five hundred demons, even demons, were a large number in such a small space.

Xia Jue looked back at the four beautiful demons standing behind him and said, "do you know how to get to pianyue hall?" Peach bowed her head and said, "master, if you leave our flower garden, it's where the Moon Palace is.

All the prohibitions there are for the old lord The tiger demon is set as its own prohibition, and the essence and blood of the tiger demon need to break the prohibition. "

Xia Jue smiles. Of course, he knows that. He is just testing the loyalty of the four beautiful demons he has just accepted.

"You four, come into pianyue temple with me."

Four beautiful demons looked at each other, and the light in their eyes was surprised, which made Xia Jue blurred for a moment.

I don't know why they reacted so much.

Peach is the representative of the four beautiful demons. She stood up and said, "thank you for taking us into pianyue temple.

In pianyue temple, it's very good for us.

because the temple of the moon is full of Liuhe, it can absorb the essence of the moon in the main hall.

's flower monster tree is most concerned about the essence of the moon.

, because absorbing the essence of the moon will make us make leaps and bounds.

"Our sisters became servants of the tiger demon in order to seek grievances.

In addition to the tiger demon's power, another important reason is that among many powerful demon families in Huangfu Imperial City, the pianyue hall controlled by the tiger demon is the best place for our sisters to practice. We serve the tiger demon and make the tiger demon happy. Maybe we have a chance to enter the pianyue Hall to practice.

At this time, what she said was peony, which was the most enchanting of the four beauties, but what she said was sad and didn't want to hear.

Xia Jue bowed his head and nodded.

From the memory of Yuan Yongquan, the tiger demon, he also knew that these flower demon sisters were really going to Yuan Yongquan.

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