Chapter 76 asking for a refund

Chapter 76 asking for a refund

"Xia Jue, what should we do now?"

Su Yihan is a little anxious. If he stops work like this, it will cost a lot of money to support the group. So how can su Yihan not be in a hurry.

"If it's OK, just let them jump a little bit more." Xia Jue said quietly.

Here, after captain Yang has sealed up all the properties of Su's real estate, he comes to the gate of Su's real estate with pride.

"Who are you?" The security guard at the door stopped these people.

"From the Bureau of quality supervision, you Su's real estate is suspected of unqualified tofu residue quality inspection and other issues. I'll come and seal up your group headquarters now. Let's go to the court for anything."

"Go to inform president su."

A security guard quickly turned and walked into the company.

"Mr. Su, people from the Bureau of quality supervision have arrived at the gate of the company." The security guard pushed the door into the meeting room.


Su Yihan looks at Xia Jue.

Xia Jue picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Quality Supervision Bureau, it's time to change."

In the office of the director of the Bureau of quality supervision.


A short message came up from the director's mobile phone.

The director took it up and had a look.

It's five million.

Ha ha, I didn't expect the other party to be so generous.

The secretary is very happy.

Just then.

The door of the office was kicked open.

The director was startled.

"Who are you? Do you know where this is? Do you want to die? Who is your boss?" The director asked in a row.

"This is your arrest warrant. You have violated many charges. Please tell the judge if you have any questions."

The director was shocked to hear this.

He has not been sitting here for a day or two. Naturally, he has a large network of relationships. Why didn't he receive any news about it in advance?

This is not reasonable.

"Wait a minute, I want to make a call." The director said that he would reach for the phone.

But at this time, one hand pressed him

"if you have anything to do, go to the detention center."

"Asshole, who's your boss?" The director was angry.

"Come on, this man dares to resist law enforcement and arrest him for me."

"Asshole, asshole."

The director's cry resounded throughout the Quality Supervision Bureau.

At the door of Su's group.

"What's the matter? Why don't your person in charge come down? Forget it. Come on, seal the door directly to me." Captain Yang was a little impatient waiting.


The men behind captain Yang came up immediately.

"Why, what do you want? Don't mess around here."

When the security guards saw that Captain Yang was going to take compulsory measures, they immediately blocked him.

"Why, you want to get in the way of official business, don't you? Arrest them for me."

"Cha Cha."

Three official cars stopped at the gate of Su's real estate.

Team leader Yang and others stopped when they saw the situation.

"Comrade, what can I do for you?"

See the people on the car came down, Captain Yang puzzled asked.

"Something's up!" Said one of the leaders.

"What can we do for you?"

"No, because we're here to catch you."


Captain Yang and others were shocked when they heard this.

"Come on, handcuff them for me!" Without waiting for captain Yang and others to recover, they gave orders to the convenience.

"Let me go, let me go!"

Captain Yang and others struggled to be caught in the car.

"Mr. Xia, Mr. Su, Mr. Su Dong, the Quality Supervision Bureau called again, saying that there was a misunderstanding, so that we could start work." Wu Yiyi came in.

Su Yihan looks a little surprised, then turns his head to look at Xia Jue.

Xia Jue shrugged.

Zhonghai first people's hospital ward.

Suzhenyi has just heard the report from her subordinates.

"There's some meaning."

Suzhenyi said to herself.

"What's the matter, aunt?"

Su Junhao already knows Su Zhenyi's extraordinary background at this time, so subconsciously wants to get closer to her.

"Nothing, just an appetizer."

"You're like this..." Suzhenyi murmured a few words in the ears of her men.

"Yes, ma'am." The men left immediately.

A few hours later.A large group of people came to the gate of Su's real estate.

"Give us the deposit quickly."

"Yes, you Su's real estate heard that it was built with the most inferior materials. Can such a house live in people? I'm afraid it's not leaking rain every two days. You've come to pit our little people's hard-earned money."

"Yes, return our hard-earned money to us immediately, or we'll let you have a lawsuit right away."

The more people yell, the more excited they are. If it wasn't for the security guard and ah Gou's men, they would have rushed in.

"You watch here. I'll inform Mr. Xia." Ah, then the dog went to the company building.

"Cluck cluck."

"Come in."

"Mr. Xia, Mr. Su, it's not good. A group of people are making trouble all the time."

"What's wrong? What's the trouble? " Xia Jue has no idea.

"It seems that it's about the house when they say what money they should pay back and what money they should give back." So the dog doesn't know what the money is.

"Yiyi, check what's going on among those people downstairs." Su Yihan picked up the phone.

More than ten minutes later, Wu Yiyi came in.

"Mr. Su, it's clear that someone has publicized in China shipping that the buildings built by our company are made of inferior materials, all of which are bean curd projects.

So many people who have already paid the down payment or deposit for the house are flustered, so they come to the company and ask us to refund the money. "

Su Yihan looked tossed and turned: "go down and talk to them."

Then Su Yihan and Xia Jue and others walked out of the company and came to the door.

"Please be quiet. I'm the president of Su's real estate. Please don't listen to the slander outside. Our buildings are made of the best materials. There is absolutely no bean curd project. If you don't believe me, you can go to our construction site to check. If you find out what I said is false, our company will compensate you ten times."

"Don't fool us. We've heard that people from the Quality Supervision Bureau have already sealed your real estate."

"Yes, the Quality Supervision Bureau has sealed your real estate. There must be something wrong with it. Don't cheat us. Give us back our hard-earned money."

The crowd didn't believe Su Yihan at all.

"We don't want hearsay. The Quality Supervision Bureau hasn't sealed our real estate. If you don't believe it, you can go to the Quality Supervision Bureau to inquire." Su Yihan continued to add.

"Hum, you Su's real estate is rich and powerful. You must have bribed the Bureau of quality supervision just now. That's why the people of the Bureau of quality supervision removed the seal."

"Yes, it must be. Black hearted real estate agent, give us the money back quickly."

The crowd began to rave.

"Why don't we give them the money back?" Su Yihan was so upset by these people that he could only say that to Wu Yiyi.

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