As a result, there seems to be nothing in the cauldron.


The old man was also a little embarrassed. He just used his recovered memory to say that the scene in front of him must make him suspect.

Don't you remember wrong?

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

This sentence had better be put on Xia Jue. Xia Jue wanted to catch the old man like a magic wand to fight.

Of course, he just thought to himself that his hand was still very upright.

"Oh, wait a minute! The old man seemed to find something and stopped Xia Jue who was going to leave.

"Boy, do you see that? Is there any black elixir at the bottom of this cauldron? "


After hearing the old man's words, Xia Jue turned his head and looked at the cauldron carefully.

Sure enough, there are black pills under the cauldron.

If the old man didn't pay attention, he would never find it.

Take this pill. Xia Jue has a smell. He doesn't feel abnormal at all.

"Grandfather, is this really pills?"

Even if you haven't seen elixir before Xia Jue, haven't you ever eaten pork, but haven't you ever seen pig run? Even the worst huangjie pill can smell a bit of Dan Xiang, but this black pill is only burnt.

"I think the refining failed," Xia Jue speculated.

"Well, it's not like that, it's not like that..." The old man's face suddenly filled with a smile, showing a strange expression, looking at Xia Jue said.

"Well, fortunately, I ate that continuous elixir. Otherwise, I would be really at a loss if I missed this baby."

Just like nervous, the old man looked at the black pill carefully and said to it.

"Don't pretend to be dead, pretend to be dead, I'll eat you directly"

seeing the old man talking to pills like a mentally retarded man, Xia Jue looks white.

"Grandpa, did you take the wrong medicine? Did the pills you just took destroy your head? Xia Jue scratched his head and couldn't understand the old man's way of doing it.

However, looking at the old man like a fool, the pill in his hand actually flew, flying very fast.


Xia Jue looked at the old man nervously again, and the old man also looked at Xia Jue nervously.

"Well, it's interesting. I know this pill can fly.

Well, give it back to me. I really thought I was so stupid "

" how about it? It's interesting. I know this pill can fly.

Well, give it back to me. I really thought I was so stupid. "

At this time, if you don't continue to explain to Xia Jue that he is calm, Xia Jue is afraid that he will really kick the old man away.

Strongly resisting the desire to kick the old man, Xia Jue said: "old man, what's the matter? How can the pill fly? What do you know? "


Coughing twice, the old man also showed a hippie smile, and then said seriously.

"Think about it.

Even the best heaven elixir is not worth the price of the whole furnace.

So what's the only possibility? "

"Does that old man mean that this kind of pill has already exceeded the limit of the heaven level pill?" Xia Jue listened to the meaning of the old man's words, staring at the boss.

"Beyond the limit of Tianlou pills, is refining the upper surface the pills that can be refined?"


You're smart.

"The old man touched the mustard with satisfaction, shook his head and said," to be exact, that pill is no longer called pill, it's called Lingdan.

All the elixirs have weak consciousness.

It's about protecting yourself.

So to be invisible is to let us ignore it.

But when I was found, it ran away with lightning speed.

"Oh, my God, there's something like that.

"Xia Jue involuntarily made a voice, but for the first time he heard that the pill had its own consciousness.

However, Xia Jue suddenly hit his thigh like he thought of something.

"My mother, did that elixir just run away from under my eyes?" Turning his eyes to the whole zangdan hall, Xia Jue didn't see the elixir and was disappointed.

"Don't worry, the main hall of refining elixir must be completely closed, and the entrance also has the array to prevent the elixir from escaping.

Didn't you feel it when you first came in? " Seeing Xia Jue like this, the old man didn't joke and closed his eyes.

"Let the old lady feel where the elixir is."

A kind of invisible feeling completely enveloped the hall, and soon the old man found the location of the elixir.

"There" grandfather suddenly opened his eyes and pointed to the hole in front of the golden winged eagle king.

Xia Jue rushed to the place that the old man said, and his spirit was scattered. He felt very good, but he got nothing.

Xia Jue was a little surprised to see the wolf in front of him."Old man, why didn't I find anything? Are you really here? "

Grandfather came leisurely and said, pointing to the unremarkable gravel on the ground.

"That's it, that's right."

When he picked up the old man's gravel, Xia Jue was not abnormal at all. He had doubts about the old man's words.

"It looks like a stone, really..."

Before Xia Jue finished, the stone moved.

If Xia Jue didn't warn, he might be able to escape.

"I'm still here, old man. How did you find it? Why can't you find my spiritual knowledge? Holding the elixir in his hand, Xia Jue took it completely.

"In common sense, the elixir is something only on the upper plane, so it's normal to want to find that nature is the power only on the upper plane, but the spiritual consciousness is only the product of ten realms, and it's normal to not find a elixir."

The old man came to Xia Jue. He vomited white air around Xia Jue's palm.

"Let me go. Don't worry. The elixir surrounded by immortal Qi can't escape."

At this time, Xia Jue admired the old man very much, so he was not so polite and let go of his hand.

The elixir surrounded by immortal Qi finally appeared its true face. After taking off the disguise, Xia Jue saw a purple elixir in front of him.

"The elixir is different from the ordinary elixir. The reason why the ordinary elixir has the so-called danxiang is because of the energy leakage. The energy of the elixir is completely stored in the elixir, so it looks very common in appearance."

Seems to understand the idea of Xia Jue, the old man said little by little for Xia Jue.

"Son, today is really the day of bad luck.

If I don't remember this elixir and put it in the upper position, it's also a precious elixir "

" is it? Xia Jue couldn't help but smile. He has been busy for so long. Isn't he trying to get the treasure? This elixir is precious even in the upper level. It must be priceless in the lower level.

Know this is a baby, Xia Jue can't stand it, let the old man tell me the effect of this elixir immediately.

As a result, although the old man was considered a treasure, Xia Jue was really curious.

"If I don't remember, this elixir is called the dream elixir.

"The old man was a little heavy. He looked at Xia Jue seriously." this elixir is very suitable for the cultivators of xiaoshijing, but it still has a lot of side effects... "

"What are the side effects? Xia Jue asked in a hurry.

"Dream Dan, as the name suggests, eats it and dreams.

What you get in this dream depends on your luck. "

The old man's explanation was involuntarily drawn into the corner of Xia Jue's mouth.

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