In the zangdan hall, the ghost like old man floats on the white side of Xiajue.

"The child has been sleeping for two hours. Let's sleep till dawn."

Although some memories were restored, the old man could not remember anything.

As a result, the continuing elixir is a layer elixir, which can not completely repair the soul of the old man's remains.

When the old man decided to go back to Tianchi and sleep together, Xia Jue suddenly got up.

"You wake up at last.

If you don't wake up, the old woman will go back to sleep "

ignoring the old man, Xia Jue tightly holds the sky ruler in his hand. If he only holds the sky ruler, Xia Jue can feel a sense of security.

Xia Jue is already vast and moist behind this time. When he wakes up from that dream full of killing, Xia Jue is also lucky.

"Fortunately it's a dream, fortunately it's a dream, fortunately it's a dream! Xia Jue kept repeating this sentence while shaking his hands.

Everything in the dream scared him, and it was so real.

His forehead was sweating, and Xia Jue refused to get up for a long time.

Now his mind was full of dreams.

In his dream, he got more powerful skills than the book of heaven, but he went on the road of killing. At first he was a bad man, but for a long time, he was blinded by the killing, and finally he didn't go back.

What's more, the source of all this was Xia Jue's worry.

Xia Jue, who wants to become stronger, can't bear the temptation of strong skills and becomes an obstacle, which is one of the reasons why Yun Haolei doesn't want to hand over the book of heaven to Xia Jue earlier.

"Don't worry, the road of cultivation should be steady, step by step up." Xia Jue was very grateful for eating this dream pill.

Otherwise, he might have done something ridiculous like a dream.

Looking at Xia Jue, the old man, of course, turned into smoke and went back to measuring Tianchi.

At the same time, Xia Jue's mind also came up with a sentence.

"Keep your heart at all times, remember, take the time to turn!"

In fact, the old man has long found the desire for Xia Jue's power, so he let Xia Jue take this dream pill in advance.

Otherwise, the old man can take the pill completely after leaving Huangfu palace, without wasting two hours of Huangfu palace.

"Turn around quickly..."

Xia Jue said it silently in his heart. At this time, he sincerely thanks the old man.

If it were not for him, he would not find his own problems.

"I don't have much time. I really want to experience it.

What is that Sutra Pavilion like? Adjust the state, Xia Jue starts again.

In the process of being completely consistent with his dream, Xia Jue arrives at the gate of the Sutra Pavilion and meets the Dragon King of Shu.

"That's interesting.

This dream Dan is great.

saw the king as like as two peas in the dream. The summer Jue promoted the power of blood, and the golden leader came up.

"Dragon roaring fist!"

Xia Jue's fist was severely beaten by the king of Shu dragon, and most of the king of Shu dragon whose strength was suppressed was directly blown away by Xia Jue's fist.

Then Xia Jue took out his ruler from behind, and as long as he fought back, he made up for two boundless swordsmanship.

Consistent with his dream, Xia Jue succeeded in beheading the king of Shu dragon, but this time he did not intend to let the king of Shu dragon enter the thousand soul pan. He used the measuring ruler to peel off his memory fragments.

"Don't be exactly the same as in the dream!" With such heartache, Xia Jue had more things in his mind.

The memory of Jiaolong king is very useful to Xia Jue. Jiaolong evolved from snake, but it is stronger than other demon families.

"The next step is to see the library.

After the settlement of the Jiaolong queen, Xia Jue enters the Sutra Pavilion.

In his dream, Xia Jue went to explore the stone statue.

"And the mechanism!" Fumbled for a while, Xia Jue still found the protuberance and held a cabinet meeting to cover up the cabinet.

"is as like as two peas in a dream."

Xia Jue's back is very wet at this time.

This dream Dan is God.

It's incredible that things in dreams are exactly the same as things in reality.

With a lot of ideas, when Xia Jue entered the cabinet, his voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Hello, new master.

It's the last ray of divine knowledge in the Sutra Pavilion. I'm glad to wait for you before I dissipate. "

The language and appearance of the voice are also consistent with the dream. Xia Jue was not surprised at this time. He turned his eyes and said to Xia Jue, "isn't there the function of soul refining in it?"

It seems that the ghost of the Sutra pavilion was scared by Xia Jue, and made a response very late.

"I don't know where the Master heard about it. I do have the skill of" soul refining "here, and it was brought by the former master from the upper position..."

"Sure enough..."

When I heard the skill of refining soul, Xia Jue shocked my heart.

In his dream, he told the ghost of the Sutra pavilion the best skill, but now it's time for him to change his fate."Is there any method about the five elements? I am the owner of wucaihuilinggen.

"So Xia Jue showed off his colorful huilinggen.

Although he couldn't touch the soul refining, Xia Jue didn't want to use the common skill.

Think about it, he set his eyes on the root of wucaihuiling.

Since its awakening, wucaihuigen has rarely been developed.

It's time to study carefully.

Otherwise, I'm sorry you don't have such a great talent.

"Master Qi, the owner of wucaihuilinggen is really rare. I don't even have the complete skill..."

When he heard the previous sentence, Xia Jue was a little disappointed, but only two words later, and then he perked up again.

"It's just that although there is no complete skill, there is an incomplete skill designed for the owner who owns the colorful wisdom root."

"Do you lack it? How much is missing? Xia Jue frowned and asked.

"This method was also brought by the former master from the upper level. It's just the cultivation method of xiaoshijing. That is to say, if the master practices this method, he can't continue to practice after he arrives at xiaoshijing."

"There is only the way of cultivating xiaoshijing..." Xia Jue thought about it and decided to adopt this method.

After all, I've never heard of the method designed for wucai huilinggen before.

Bright flash, Xia Jue head also appeared a few big words.

Five reincarnation holy decision!

It's the first time that Xia Jue has heard of such an overbearing name.

However, it's impossible to judge whether Xia Jue's skill is good by his name alone. From the beginning of the first page of SHENGJUE, Xia Jue was overwhelmed by the words above.

"My life is mine, not heaven's!"

Xia Jue was born inexplicably. At this time, he seemed to see a man with his feet on the ground and his head on the sky. His heroic spirit instantly understood that it was not easy for Xia Jue to turn these five into saints!

Turning to the second page of SHENGJUE from 5, Xia Jue finds that the first page tells the story of the creator of this skill.

Like Xuantian array, this is a strange font. You can see it at a glance, but you can't write it when you think about it.

The second page describes that the man who owns the colorful huilinggen owns Tiandou and Didou, wants to revenge with one's strength, and finally uses his own strength to break through the void and move to the upper position.

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