The colorful group of light in the eyes of the demon clan gradually expanded, but completely spread, earth shaking explosion also formed.


Like the shadow of Ming Bao Jing floating in the air, I saw that Ming Bao Jing raised his hands as high as a hill, facing the eight demon king hammers.


With the explosion point as the center, there was also a large explosion pit of several hundred meters.

"Too It's terrible... " Du's sisters were dazzled to see that Xia Jue's amazing move had reached such a level.

The sword devil, who always smiles seriously, also opens his eyes wide. Some people can't believe that Xia Jue's destructive power has reached this point.

"Don't stand there, run!"

The destructive power of the move is amazing. Xia Jue's move obviously looks gorgeous, but he is strong on the outside and strong in the middle. It depends on the immortal Qi given by the old man and the changes of his five factors.

But Xia Jue still looks down on his ultimate trick.

Xia Jue's strength is very weak, but through the complementary of the five elements, it largely offset this point.

Eight demon kings completely resisted, but other demon clans were different. Some weak demon clans were directly smashed in the big explosion, and only the demon clans whose strength left them could survive.

After waiting for the explosion, Xia Jue's figure completely disappeared in front of the demon clan.

"Sure enough, it seems that I missed that asshole." a demon king was very sorry. Before, Xia Jue's move was overestimated by them. What hurt them was defense.

Otherwise, with their strength, they can absolutely break this trick and directly kill Xia Jue.

"Don't worry, I've sent the schizoites to catch them.

After using such a trick, that child is definitely the last one of the crossbows. I'm sure he'll come and grab it! "

Lion big black squinted at the distance, Xia Jue's fear is the strongest he has ever seen.

I'm afraid I can't sleep without him.


An hour later, Xia Jue and others also found the cave to hide.

They had just run away with all their strength, when there was no strength left.

Xia Jue and sword demon lie on the ground like mud. If their chests don't rise and fall, the Du sisters think they are hanging together.

"Sister, are we safe?" Du Yuehan's face flushed, all the way to escape also let her consume a lot of physical strength and Qi.

"Well, don't worry.

They ran for an hour.

Then, he helped me erase the traces of the master.

They can't catch up.

"Du Yueyan's chest is up and down. Before, she was not only eager to go crazy, but also lost the trace of flying. She was really tired.

However, when Du's sisters felt safe, Xia Jue suddenly got up.

"Brother Han, what's the matter? Seeing Xia Jue suddenly get up, Du Yueyan also has a bad hunch.

Du Yueyan's words don't answer, Xia Jue says in the heart.

"Old man, have you found the smell of the demon clan? Why can't I feel anything? "

"Well! The old lady's divinity doesn't know that it has exploded your streets, but you don't have to be nervous.

Now that the demon clan has come to pursue, our reinforcements will also step in. "

"What? Reinforcements? "

The reinforcements in the old man's mouth were very curious about Xia Jue. He didn't find the human breath around him.

Then he couldn't figure out who was going to help himself.

"Ha ha, you will understand later, just wait and see the change." the old man deliberately played tricks, and then fell asleep again.

"Hey! You dead old man This pair of old people who always don't even talk about half of them, Xia Jue really can't help it.

However, since the old man said there were reinforcements, there should be.

Because the old man was in Tianchi, and his father paid Tianchi himself, Xiajue absolutely believed in his father.

When Xia Jue speculated who would save them, a strong evil spirit suddenly appeared.

Unless Xia Jue has a reaction, three huge golden insects will directly break through the ground, and the sharp Wanli will face Xia Jue's head!

The speed of these three insects is really too fast, those evil spirit exposed moment already rushed to Xia Jue and others in front of them.

At this time, Xia Jue even felt the golden universal cold breath.

"I'm practicing the monster in the virtual world Now I just hope that the old man will not lie, or he will be so close to me... "

The old man said that there are reinforcements. A lot of preparatory work is not a bad thing.

Xia Jue's brain is spinning at a high speed at this time, and countless countermeasures emerge in his mind, but Xia Jue excludes them one by one.

It also takes time to activate the blood of the demon clan in the body, but usually this time can be ignored.

But now it's different. As long as you move the blood of the demon clan for a few seconds, you can kill Xia Jue.

"No way?" The golden omnipotence in the pupil is bigger and bigger. Xia Jue can only close his eyes and secretly pray for the old man not to lie.When the golden omnipotent was only one centimeter away from Xia Jue's white forehead, the three golden insects were floating in the air.

Xia Jue looked at the entrance of the cave. Sure enough, unconsciously, there were two swordsmen in blue at the entrance of the cave.

The sword demon on Xiajue's Buckwheat face was staring at the three golden giant insects in disbelief.

Xia Jue is not a sword mender, so there is no special abnormality.

But the sword demon was different. He was very talented on the road of sword repair. At this time, he found the reason why the three golden giant insects stopped attacking.

The three golden giant insects didn't stop in the air naturally, but the reason why they stopped in the air. Suddenly, it was the fault of Jianqi!

The sword Qi of the three golden giant insects often has nothing to do with the swordsman in green. How fast can they get here?

"No trace disciple, it seems that he has broken through to the spiritual realm.

Your strength has been improved by more than one level I'm afraid that's not the case with the old monsters in the sword grave! "

"Ha ha, master and apprentice don't have to do this.

The disciples are one step ahead in kendo, but they have no strength in wisdom and master and apprentice "

two male swordsmen come to Xia Jue and sword demons who are talking and laughing. As these two men approach Xia Jue, the golden giant insects floating in the air directly become powder.

"What! When Xia Jue and sword demon screamed at the same time, they knew why the three golden giant insects were floating in the air.

"It's terrible.

Only then did Xia Jue know how far he was from the real strong man.

The sharp needle like sword Qi was surrounded by the three golden giant insects, and then tens of thousands of sword Qi burst out together, completely crushing the bodies of the three giant insects.

"These strengths! I'm really scared! "

Like a cold sword demon, he also opened his eyes wide at this time. The sword Qi like tens of thousands of needles fully showed his opponent's further study of sword cultivation.

"Younger Xia Jue, I have met two elders.

Thank you for your help! Xia Jue and the sword demon politely saluted the two swordsmen in green. If they didn't do it, they would be planted today.

"Ha ha, don't be so polite to them, it means that they will be our brothers soon.

The first swordsman in green slaps Xia Jue and the sword demon with a smile. The soft real yuan is injected into them, and they suddenly feel less tired.

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