The peddler said a lot at one go, a little thirsty, drank a mouthful of water, he said: "as for the advanced moves you are looking for, we recommend you go to Nancheng district to see two places."

"Where?" Hearing that the peddler finally got to the point, Xia Jue's eyes lit up and listened carefully.

"If you say baby, you must be one of the most numerous in the Wanbao Museum. The Wanbao Museum has branches in the four major urban areas, and the baby in it is also in circulation. The so-called Wanbao Museum refers to all the treasures in the world, including the moves you are looking for.

However, if you want to enter the museum, you must at least show your own xuanjing or treasure, otherwise, the museum will not receive you. "

"Oh?" Xia Jue doesn't know much about this behavior, so it's hard to believe that all four cities can do business.

"The reason why Wanbao hall does this is that the master of Wanbao hall is a blood cultivator. He is not only powerful, but also colludes with the casters in various urban areas. Otherwise, it is impossible to do this with the strength of Wanbao hall. It is very important."

When it comes to Wanbao Pavilion, the street vendor is also a little grumpy. Obviously, he must have been rejected at the beginning.

"As for the other places I said, it's black cloud auction house. Black cloud auction house is only open to practitioners outside the virtual field. All the things auctioned are treasures from the mainland. Black cloud auction house not only has branches in every city, but also has branches in every major city. No one knows who the gold owner behind black cloud auction house is."

"I only know these, little brother. If you think about them clearly, these two places are unusual. It is impossible to enter without a powerful xuanjing."

The peddler packed up his things and left. Xia Jue had just given him xuanjing enough to set up his stall for a day. Along the way, the peddlers were swearing, obviously thinking about the unhappiness they encountered when they wanted to know more.

"Wanbao Pavilion. Black cloud auction house. I remember!" Xia Jue silently wrote down the names of the two places, turned to the affiliated store and bought a map of Nancheng district. Then he began to walk to the Wanbao Museum shown on the map.

On the way, Xia Jue carefully recalled what the street vendor had just said and frowned.

Both Wanbao Pavilion and black cloud auction house need a lot of xuanjing to get there. According to Xia Jue's analysis, it is estimated that these two places will have to pay admission fees and tips to cheaters.

Even if you enter the main city, you have to pay admission fees and tips, so there is no need for these two places. With Xia Jue's financial resources at this time, it is impossible to go to such places.

"* *, you won't come in vain." Xia Jue has some troubles. If he knows, he will kill more of your demon disciples and take away more xuanjing before he comes to the main city.

But now that everyone is here, Xia Jue has no reason to go out again. In addition, going out now not only brings nothing, but also wastes a lot of xuanjing.

Just as Xia Jue was going to Wanbao hall to try his luck, the old man sitting on the ruler suddenly said, "boy, do you want to know what happened in the arena?"

"Boy, do you want to know what happened in the arena?"

When the old man opened his mouth, he successfully aroused Xia Jue's curiosity again. It was wrong to say that he was not curious, but Xia Jue had no time to understand the arena before.

"The arena is a place to make money for the cultivation of immortals. However, it is a place to make money for the powerful cultivation of immortals. There is no strength to cultivate immortals in the arena, so you have to wait for death. Well, I won't say anything else. You should understand when you get there yourself." The old man said mysteriously, nothing else.

"The rules of the arena? Hey, old man, talk Xia Jue hated that the old man always said half of the words, but he couldn't help it. Since the old man said that the arena could make money, let's go and have a look.

As the sword demon turned around again, Xia Jue spent 50 xuanjing to invite a coachman to take him and the sword demon to the arena, because the arena is at the junction of the four major cities and the center of the main city. It's far away from them. It's estimated that one day he can't walk on two legs alone.

: there are no flights in the main urban area.

It took most of the time for Xia Jue and sword demon to finally arrive at the arena in the center of Nantian city.

The carriage driver who came from afar was dissatisfied with the sword demon. He said it was too dangerous to move on. Xia Jue didn't embarrass the carriage driver either. After paying, he came in by himself.

Sure enough, on the way to the arena, Xia Jue encountered at least three robberies and five extortions, and saw many people die on the roadside without arms and legs.

"Where the hell is this?"

Xia Jue frowned. The closer he was to the arena, the more he could feel the chaos in this place.

"The arena is always the bloodiest and violent place in the city, whether it is on the upper or lower level. The area where the arena is located allows killing and creates everything in front of you." The old man suddenly said such a sentence, which startled Xia Jue, who was very nervous.

"You haven't been to the real arena yet. It's just the edge of the city. Although it's still Heping District, there are still ruthless criminals here, because even the law enforcement team of the municipal government dare not enter the arena easily, because there are some crazy people who want money but don't die."

The old man had been smiling maliciously. Xia Jue knew that he had been cheated by the old man."NIMA, old man, why did you call me here?" Xia Jue didn't say well, because he had smelled the smell of blood.

In front of Xia Jue, a cage like building stands on the land. It has been dyed red by blood, full of bloody and sour smell.

"The arena is very chaotic, but it is still organized. These organizations are made up of the strongest people on the mainland. They were set up to sharpen the fighting ability of the immortal cultivators. If you don't say much, you will know." The old man sold another prisoner, but Xia Jue didn't have time to talk to him, because a group of shortsighted people came to attack them, "Damn, just because we are small, we think we are easy to bully!"

Xia Jue directly hit a monk on the head, and then directly kicked a monk who followed him in a suitable environment.

One side of the sword devil's firepower is fully opened, and a long sword is covered with blood. Along the way, the number of people who died in the hands of Xia Jue is less than half of the sword devil's.

once again, a group of shortsighted people are eliminated, and Xia Jue and the sword devil finally arrive at the arena. A black man at the door is surprised to see that Xia Jue and the sword devil are so young.

"Name, age and accomplishment." The voice of the man in black is not as good as that of the sword demon

the 17-year-old Xia Jue conveys his imaginary world. Just now, the old man told him the rules of the arena, and Xia Jue also understood the essence of the arena.

Screening the strong?

"Oh? Seventeen years old: virtual environment The man in black stares at Xia Jue in surprise, and then asks the sword devil, "what about you?"

"Just like him."

If you can say one less word, it will be one more word. After the sword demon answered, the excitement on the black man's face could not be restrained.

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