"This kind of feeling. How so familiar."

A tear drops from Xia Jue's eyes to the ground. Through the burst of blood in his body, Xia Jue finally finds out what the golden liquid is in his heart.

That is the power of Xia Haoyun's soul.

Although Xia Haoyun died a long time ago, before his death, Xia Haoyun transferred his final power to the ruler of surveying. As long as Xia Jue urged the ruler of surveying, this power would be grafted on Xia Jue

so there was the scene that Xia Jue was wrapped by golden light in front of Xia Haoyun's tomb.

Even if he died, he had to accompany the child and contribute his last strength. This familiar taste made the strong Xia Jue completely put everything down and burst into tears.


The power of Xia Haoyun's soul source completely suppresses Xia Jue. The original restless blood of the demon clan, and the golden lines of the whole body completely fade under the effect of this power of the soul source.

As Xia Jue's father, Xia Haoyun naturally knows what is in his son's blood.

Therefore, before death, the power of the source of soul will be left to wait for Xiajue to help Xiajue when he has blood in his body one day, "Xiajue. I didn't expect you to come to the virtual world so soon."

The familiar voice rang out in his body. Xia Jue, who was already in tears, now had a blank brain. He murmured in disbelief: "Dad. Dad! Is that you! You're not dead, are you? "

Xia Jue built a seemingly thick fortress for himself, in order not to let others see his inner vulnerability.

The whole family has long gone, and his father died in front of him. This kind of shock is not what ordinary people can bear. Although Xia Jue has a strong personality, when he feels Xia Haoyun, he completely collapses.

From childhood to adulthood, because the meridians eat a lot of white eyes, but my father carried everything for himself, swept away all the dissatisfaction at home!

”Xia Jue, you have grown up. I feel a lot of powerful breath in your body. You are the son of Xia Haoyun. Xia Jue doesn't know how to answer his father. If Xia Jue is immersed in his missing for his father, he can choose. He is willing to give up all these skills and blood, as long as his father can accompany him.

However, people can't come back from the dead. Xia Haoyun has left. Now it's just a wisp of soul. After exhausting the power of this last soul source, this wisp of soul will disappear completely.

”Xia Jue, dad will always watch you go down, and you will become a man of indomitable spirit! "

With these words, Xia Haoyun's last soul dissipated between the heaven and the earth, leaving only Xia Jue's hysterical crying.

When Xia Haoyun died, Xia Jue didn't leave a tear and buried his sadness in his heart. But now, in this secret room, the long buried sadness is finally rediscovered and presented to Xia Jue without any disguise.

Xia Jue is only 17 years old. Although he has gone through many storms and killed many strong men, he is still Xia Haoyun's son

as the saying goes, when things go to extremes, they will turn to the opposite. The more Xia Jue suppresses his grief over his father's death, the more terrible it becomes when it breaks out.

Xia Haoyun stored his soul power in Xia Jue to protect Xia Jue. His behavior really calmed down Xia Jue's rebellion, but also completely broke out Xia Jue's emotions.

When Xia Jue's emotion broke out completely, the cultivation in the middle stage of communication virtual reality also went a step further, directly breaking through to the later stage of communication virtual reality.

But at this time, Xia Jue's mind did not put it on the repair, he put his mind into his mind, although I know that this drop of golden liquid will disappear when the power of the soul source is exhausted, Xia Jue still wants to confirm.

Sure enough, this drop of golden liquid is no longer natural.

Looking at the slightly lonely sea, Xia Jue's mood also quieted down.

My father has done enough for himself. If he has to hide under Xia Haoyun's wings in the future, Xia Jue can't really grow up.

"Father, don't worry! The child will become a real strong man, stepping on all the people who kill you Originally, under the suppression of Xia Haoyun, the last drop of soul source, the violent blood force finally calmed down completely, but Xia Haoyun also left Xia Jue completely this time.

Although he realized that the original power of the golden soul had disappeared, Xia Jue was no longer sad.

Why waste time on feelings when old friends are gone? To improve his strength and help his father get revenge as soon as possible is what he really wants to do in Xiajue

once again, Xiajue's mental state has been promoted to a higher level.

The old man looked at him silently with a satisfied smile on his face. With his strength, he naturally found that the drop of golden liquid was the source of Xia Haoyun's soul, but he never broke it. He just wanted Xia Jue to deal with it by himself.

Seeing that Xia Jue adjusted his emotions so fast instead of being controlled by emotions, the old man was also pleased.

"What's wrong with that tone?" Xia Jue's words were mixed with a trace of blame. After all, if it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the old and heavy atmosphere, the power of blood in his body would not be a sudden riot."Just that kind of breath is the oldest vitality that naturally exists between heaven and earth, and Hongmeng, Wuliang, also known as the three kinds of primitive vitality of 3354 chaos. To tell you the truth, I didn't expect this when I injected Xianyuan." The old man said helplessly that he knew that Xia Jue was blaming himself, but even he could not really control everything.

The chaos appeared without warning, and the old man had nothing to do.

"But the appearance of this chaotic Qi is enough to show that this move is absolutely not omnipotent!" The old man's eyes suddenly turned into a tree, even a little excited.

Pass the move to Xia Jue, who is also stunned.

After the old man injected Xianyuan, two ancient and complex characters appeared on the gray skin of the move.

God, drought!

As long as you look at these two words, an ancient breath will directly flow into Xiajue's eyes. The blood in the demon clan rushes out, and Xiajue's crown seems to have been lifted.

"It's terrible!"

Quickly turned his head away, unknown smell is leaving his body, just a glance, do not know how magical this volume.

"Little boy, you really found the treasure this time!" The old man's voice is a bit awkward. It's incredible that the soul of the strong will be excited by the next move.

"Boy! I saw a shortage of words that day! I tell you, in your plane, a famous person has been born since ancient times, that is the ancient demon The excitement on the old man's face could not be concealed, and he continued to say:

"the legend of the wild ancient demon has been a long time. It is said that the ancient wild demon was born in the lower level. At that time, the air of heaven and earth was not as mild as it is now, and there were all kinds of wild three innate air between heaven and earth,


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