"But I'm still young!" Xia Jue suddenly opened his eyes. They were as wide as stars.

The cultivation in the later part of the biography was also touched. Seeing the postwar appearance of the two ambitious men, Xia Jue also had a new understanding of the road of cultivating immortals.

"Boy, in fact, your performance is amazing now. Don't aim high. Even if you are strong, it took him decades to reach that level."

Xia Jue naturally knows his potential, but every time he sees the strong fighting, he always feels small, which makes him feel powerless.

"I'll show you something."

The old man suddenly pointed his finger at Xia Jue. Without any mysterious spirit, Xia Jue's body suddenly burst into a small flame.

Although the flame is very weak, it does not rely on any mysterious soul at all, just as it should be burned in Xiajue

"is this the law?"

From this cluster of flames, Xia Jue felt a completely different flavor from ordinary flames. He also felt this flavor when he watched the battle between ancient demons and horned people.

"The realm of my life is to practice. As long as it is a place I can control, there will be something to burn. The law I understand is the law of burning!"

"The law of combustion is not strong among many laws, but it is not weak. With this Law of combustion, I am also famous in the upper class. But do you know how long it took me from life to practice?"

Candle from staring at Xia Jue's eyes, from candle from the eyes, Xia Jue seems to see two beating flames.

"It took me 20 years to realize spiritual cultivation in my living environment! 18 years to feel the law of combustion! At this level, my breakthrough in practice is also admired by thousands of people. Think about you! I just feel the existence of laws through the transmission of virtual environment, and I can also feel the spatial laws of the three supreme laws. What can you not satisfy

Zhu Li's words hit the nail on the head. Although Xia Jue knew in his heart that it was wrong to be too anxious, he suffered a lot. He even ate a dream pill and felt the harm of being too anxious. However, almost all the people Xia Jue met and met were beyond his ability, so his deep uneasiness was dug out again.

After listening to the words of Zhu Li, Xia Jue was shocked again. Although Xia Jue was eager for strength, he wanted to eat one by one and walk step by step. Otherwise, if he took too big a step, he was not only easy to fall down, but also easy to bullshit.

"look what that series of actions wrote." Seeing that Xia Jue is aware of his own problems, Zhu Li is also relieved. It's a good thing to have too much pressure, but it's easy to be crushed if it's too much pressure.

But fortunately, with him, Xia Jue can correct his mistakes.

Xia Jue recovered, and finally completely opened the move script. After experiencing a lot of chaotic Qi baptism, Xia Jue also had a certain degree of resistance to chaotic Qi.

The blood of the demon clan in the body keeps jumping, and all the chaotic forces around are accepted in order.

"Tianhuang jianjue."

There are four simple big characters on the gray scroll, and the chaos is mixed with a sharp sword spirit. These four strange characters are almost the same as or worse than the Xuantian array obtained in Huangfu palace.

"It's an ancient script. Only the ancient immortals can use it." Zhu Li regarded Xia Jue as his disciple, so he had no shortage of words.

Xia Jue's mind is not on the ancient prose, but now his attention is focused on the four characters of Tian Huang Jian Jue.

This sword formula is very unique. Only four big characters are engraved on it, but Xia Jue can feel the sword move here.

"What is chaos? Every flower, every grass, every tree, is chaos! What is a sword? Every shot, every foot, every stick is a sword! There is chaos in heart, hand is sword! If you have a sword in your hand, there will be chaos! " The voice of the ancient demon sounded in Xia Jue's mind, and Xia Jue also understood the true meaning of the so-called wasteful sword formula.

Yuhong passes through the sun. It's a sword night in candlelight. It's a thrilling wave and mountain. It's a sword tug and lightning! In the past, there was a beautiful woman, Gongsun, who danced swords and played pneumatics.

Xia Jue had a mysterious mind and regarded the ruler as a sword. In this secret room, he began to practice swords.


Candle from a glance to see through the Xia Jue state at this time, this is the state he only entered once, in this state, the immortals will release themselves, travel in the sky.

In this epiphany, once it's worth years of hard work, the longer you immerse yourself in it, the stronger the movements you learn.

Zhu Li smiles happily, then closes his eyes and looks at Xia Jue's growth. He also remembers that he was as energetic as Xia Jue, but for that matter.

when he suddenly opens his eyes, Zhu Li doesn't want to think about it any more.

The day passed quickly, but Xiajue was still immersed in epiphany, and there was no sign of stopping. In this case, Zhuli was happy for Xiajue.

At the beginning, he had a sudden insight for only one day. Later, he mastered the famous moves and became famous all over the world. However, Xia Jue didn't stop all day, which showed that Xia Jue's talent was far more than candlelight himself.As the master of Xia Jue, Zhu Li is no longer slack at this time. The immortal knowledge covers the whole secret room and protects Xia Jue's safety.

immersed in epiphany, Xia Jue knows nothing about the outside world. He only knows that he is like a sword swimming in the chaotic Ocean.

The warm feeling like breast milk made him not want to leave. That's all. After another five days, like waking up from a big dream, Xia Jue finally opened his sleepy eyes.

If you have to describe Xia Jue at this time, you can only use one word to describe it, that is - high spirited!

After the Epiphany, Xia Jue felt something moving in his mind, waving a ruler, Xia Jue suddenly became a magic sword.

"Six days. Six days of Epiphany! It's amazing, Xia Jue. Let me see what you've learned in the past six days! " Candle from the excited voice suddenly sounded, Xia Jue also nodded.

Although he didn't know the passage of time at epiphany, when he woke up, his whole body was sour. At this time, Xia Jue just wanted to exercise his muscles, otherwise he would feel strange.

True yuan constantly injected into the ruler, Xia Jue simply shook the ruler, a sharp shock wave hit the ground.

Then Xia Jue took a ruler as his sword and swept it out like a dragon wagging its tail. He threw out yellow ripples on the thick earth formation of HuangXuan.

"This sword is called wagging tail!"

There was a golden light in the ruler. Xia Jue injected all the chaotic Qi into the ruler, and then the blood of the demon clan rushed to the extreme. The shadow of the Golden Dragon behind him seemed to be completely activated. The eyes on the Golden Dragon's head slowly opened, and a strong sense of chaos filled the secret room. "This sword is called awakening dragon!"

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