"Twenty million!"

Some weak practitioners were directly injured by the angry words of the Lord of Shenzong. It can be seen that the Lord of Shenzong was really angry.

"Boy! From today on, you are the enemy of our God sect! If I don't kill you, I swear I won't be a Wudao! People There was no harsh voice in the meeting hall, and many people's hearts were thumped.

"It seems that the leader of Shenzong sect is determined to kill the boy, and his identity is also exposed."

"It's a pity, but maybe there will be a good play!"

Although Xia Jue's actions are refreshing, no one dares to stand out for him. In this south of the sky and the mainland, although there are forces that can compete with shenzongmen, it is unreasonable to offend shenzongmen for Xia Jue's sake.

Xia Jue, who is in the forefront, has no feeling. Xia Jue, the little master of Shenzong sect, just smiles at his cruel words and turns his attention to the box where the little master of Shenzong sect is. Xia Jue said aloud, "your name is Yin Wudao, right? Go back and fix your brain! Do you think people are as loose as you are, and they smear women everywhere? Even if today's events teach you a lesson! "

Since Yin Wudao would be cruel, Xia Jue would fight back.

After Xia Jue spoke, he sat down and stopped talking. In the end, the female doctor was taken away by Yin Wu Dao for 20 million yuan. Compared with the previous 9 million yuan, Yin Wudao almost got this female practitioner at twice the price.

Other people in the meeting naturally saw Xia Jue's mind and deliberately pressed Yin Wudao to bid. Then Xia Jue suddenly let go after Yin Wudao raised the price.

In the long run, Yin Wudao directly lost 11 million yuan!

Xia Jue's practice immediately impressed many people.

At first, others only thought that Xia Jue was strong, young and frivolous. But through Xia Jue's skill, his mind was revealed in an instant.


After listening to Xia Jue's words, Yin Yin naturally understood Xia Jue's trick, and her blood immediately gushed out.

Originally, Yan Tianzheng was furious at Xia Jue's provocation, which was another stimulation, and he was directly angry and seriously injured.

"Little master!"

"No way!"

Other people at the meeting did not know the sound of hematemesis, but Yun Ru, the host of the South City Convention, was very clear. She has been paying close attention to every VIP in the box. She has no way to vomit blood. She naturally found out.

"This boy is young, and he has a good way. He directly injured Yin Wudao. He lost his wife and lost his army again!"

Xia Jue's anti Shenzong practice made xuanjing, a female cultivator who could only sell for about 10 million yuan, jump to 20 million yuan, while Nancheng, the main city of Yunru, naturally had no advantage.

Yun Ru looks at Xia Jue's eyes suddenly full of curiosity. At this time, she really wants to meet such talented young people.

"In the ninth round, the wood is heterogeneous, accompanied by burning green wood!"

When the red cloth was lifted, a strong smell of wood covered the whole venue. Xia Jue, who was already thinking about other things, was also attracted by his companion Aoki in an instant.

"With Yanqing wood, the heterogeneity of wood properties, its biggest role is to be able to integrate into the heterogeneity of fire properties, greatly enhancing the strength of fire property heterogeneity. For example, if shizhongyan is integrated into the previous first auction, shizhongyan's strength will be greatly improved! "

Yunru deliberately mentions shizhongyan, so the person who has shot shizhongyan before is shocked and ready to shoot.

"I didn't expect that this plane would be accompanied by Aoki, boy. If you can participate in this round of bidding, try your best to fight for it. Although Aoki with inflammation does not rank in the top of the heterogeneous species, the biggest function of Aoki with inflammation is to assist. If Aoki and Yanmo merge into a purple candle flame, the strength of the purple candle flame is enough to upgrade to a higher level! That's how impossible other wood properties are! " Candlelight seldom encourages Xia Jue to buy things, but every time he opens his mouth, he must be a wonderful baby.

For example, the previous wild sword formula.

However, although the candle left the mouth and told Xia Jue that Aoki was a great help to the purple candle flame, Xia Jue had no confidence.

Because he doesn't have ten million xuanjing.

Before coming to Nancheng for the appointment, Xia Jue thought that the 10 million yuan was enough to buy most of the treasures. But I didn't expect that the auction items in the South City contract were of some use to Xia Jue, and the prices were more than one million. Therefore, Xia Jue is really not sure whether he can succeed in Aoki, which is suffering from inflammation.

"Green wood with fire, starting price 8 million! No less than 100000 yuan each time! Now it's time for the official auction! "

Under the expectation of many immortals, Yunru finally announced the shooting of Aoki Tongyan. But the starting price is as high as 8 million xuanjing, which makes many immortals shy away.

This naturally includes Xia Jue

"my God, the starting price is as high as eight million xuanjing! It's terrible

"This is the ninth round, and the starting price of the ninth round will reach 8 million xuanjing, even 10 million in the tenth round!""It seems that this year's Nancheng contract will have high price items with a starting price of 10 million!"

There was a lot of discussion at the meeting. The starting price was 8 million yuan. This was the tenth round.

Xia Jue thought for a moment, then stood up and announced his proposal loudly.

"Eight million and one hundred thousand xuanjing!"

"Eight million and one hundred thousand xuanjing!"

Everyone turned their eyes to Xia Jue. Everyone in the meeting room was shocked to see Xia Jue's report.

There is no doubt that Xia Jue has become the most popular figure in the South City Convention, and this is the first time in recent years that people dare to hit God in the face in public.

Xia Jue only added 100000 xuanjing to the original 8 million xuanjing, and the price of Qingmu is not too high, but no one dares to bid again at this time.

The previous Protoss was selected by Xia Jue for 11 million xuanjing. They don't want to follow the Protoss.

Xia Jue mouth up, he is very satisfied with the effect. Before he raised the door of God's move, so that other people in the field have to guard him, dare not easily bid with him.

"Don't bid, don't bid!"

Xia Jue prayed silently in his heart. In fact, £ 8.1 million is the limit that Xiajue can bear. At this time, if someone raises the price, they have to give up.

However, when Yunru counted to the second voice, a voice came from the box above the venue, which broke Xia Jue's mind.

"I'll give you ten million!"

This voice is not Yin Wudao, major Yin Wudao, nor Wellington of fire attribute. He was seriously hurt by Xia Jue's anger. At this time, he did not dare to confront Xia Jue easily.

"Why is the voice so familiar?"

This voice is very familiar to Xia Jue. He soon came to Nancheng, which made him impressed and qualified to climb on the balcony.

"Burn the morning!" Xia Jue coldly cast his eyes on the box where the voice was.

"Long time no see, hope you are better, devil!" Burning morning deliberately read the word demon so loud, the meeting did not hear.

Devil, the name is very popular in Nancheng recently. Through the arena of purgatory mode, he also killed Nancheng, two of the three junior high schools. This record is rare among the younger generation.

"God, no wonder that boy is so arrogant. He is a goblin!" "Young man, offend people everywhere. This is great. Demons get about 10 million xuanjing in the arena. The number of xuanjing who can be the master of the burning family is definitely more than that. "

The burning dawn directly exposed Xia Jue's identity, and also raised the price of accompanying burning green wood to the point that he could not reach. Xia Jue was also a little angry.

"It turned out to be a loser. If my strength is not as good as mine, then I have to rely on my own strength. " Xia Jue sniffed at the burning dawn of his family and did not hesitate to fight back.

Anyway, he has already offended burning dawn, and this time. Sure enough, Shao Chen's language stagnated when he said that.

Xia Jue laughs. For the burning dawn, he will not fight as hard as he does against the gate of God. Although Huang Xiao is a little against himself, he is also defeated in his own hands.

Pangyan Qingmu and Xiajue are not determined to win. Pangyan Qingmu is just Xiajue's icing on the cake, not a timely help. Although it can make the intensity of purple candle reach a higher level, it doesn't matter if it can't.

Seeing that Xia Jue didn't deal with the gate of God as before, Huang Xiao was also relieved. In fact, he is not as tough as he seems. If Xia Jue continues to quarrel with him, he doesn't know what to do. There are, after all, examples of ignorance.

Of course, the most attractive part of the South City appointment is the 10th round project. This is the highlight of the South City Convention. All the power in the box comes from it.

"Since you don't know, then the burning son will own it." Yunru announced the ownership of the burning son, with a smile on her face in the burning morning.

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