Zhu Li's words let Xia Jue fall into meditation. He had fought many blood demon kings with his demon blood in Huangfu palace before, but it was such an illusion to give him a drop of blood. But today, the blood cultivator just attached Zhenyuan to his words, which made him feel chest tightness. If it really comes together, I'm afraid he can kill it in one round. "Before, it was too inflated."

he shook his head with a bitter smile, and Xia Jue was also helpless. The covenant of Nancheng also reached its peak here, and even the rare strong people with blood drop in daily life appeared.

"My God, those strong men in the bloody environment have come out. No wonder they dare to fight with Zhou Shao!" Fighting

"it is estimated that the opponent is not as simple as ordinary blood dripping. I dare call the Zhou family an old man. This strength should at least be equal to the other side. "

The appearance of the mysterious woman in the conference room aroused a lot of suspicion. After all, it's ironic to call every family of Zhou immortal.

At this time, the employees on the floor knew that it was really ambergris. They couldn't do it at all, so they left their heart and watched the last round of bidding with the attitude of watching the drama.

"It's Miss dee. I don't know if Miss Di is here in person. I still hope to forgive my previous behavior. Since Miss Di has taken a fancy to the real ambergris, she will not fight any more. "

Originally, I thought that Zhou Tiancheng would fight back angrily, but I didn't expect that Zhou Tiancheng, who was always tough, was soft.

"Di? It's a little familiar. "

"Di, it's Huazong! Huazong is the overlord of Huafeng in the north of China

There were tens of thousands of immortals in the hall, many of them traveled all over the place and recognized the woman named di.

Huazong is an ancient tribe in the north of Huafeng continent. This clan is different from the common clan. Most of Huazong's disciples are female, only a small part are male.

The reason why Huazong was able to dominate the northern mainland, and even the great power of Tianbei city could be suppressed, lies in the fact that the strength of the two big and one small masters of Huazong was the peak of blood dripping. They've been practicing together since childhood, and they're heart to heart. It is said that the combination of the suzerain and the suzerain is enough to compete with Yun Haolei, a cabinet member of the Longling Pavilion.

you know, Yun Haolei is now the most powerful man in the mainland, and even the strong man at the top of the blood is not his opponent. However, there is no specific answer as to whether the power of Yun Haolei has reached the soul.

But the fact that Huazong, the big and small suzerain masters, can compete with it is enough to prove the strength of Huazong. Moreover, it is said that there is a * * relationship between the Lord of Huazong and Yun Haolei. Yun Haolei has not come out to clarify it, so the status of Huazong has also risen.

However, Huazong, located in the northern part of Fenghua continent, is thousands of miles away from the main city of Tiannan. No one would have thought that Huazong would appear in the main city of Tiannan.

the financial strength of the clans who ruled the mainland was not as strong as the big families in the main urban area of Tiannan. Although the Zhou family was strong, it was still slightly weak compared with Huazong.

therefore, Zhou Tiancheng sold Huazong cheap goods It's not a loss. If you offend Huazong, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Master, forget it?" In Zhou's box, a servant asked cautiously.

"Well! The hand of Huazong is really long, even reaching to the south of the sky! Zhou Tiancheng's eyes revealed a kind of fierce killing intention. He felt that he was only a little bit away from the drop of blood, and it was this little bit that made him shrink back many times without any harvest. Finally get the news of real ambergris fragrance, set up on Sunday that rushed to come. Originally intended to get real ambergris, I took this opportunity to break through to the drop of blood, but I didn't expect a Huazong killed real ambergris on the way.

Zhou Tiancheng is not a failure prone person. Unlike the other two Nancheng sanshao, he has grown up.

Others may not know, but the Zhou family knows. Although Tiancheng is a spirit this week, even the strong with blood dripping can fight against the full-scale outbreak.

"Order! Let people prepare for me, these days help me pay attention to the people of Huazong! Report any news immediately


Looking at the servant's departure, Zhou Tiancheng's eyes also revealed a trace of ruthlessness.

"Well! Huazong! No matter how strong you are, when you come to Tiannan, even if you are a dragon in the main city, you have to lie down for me! "

Nancheng's contract is finally over. This year's Nancheng contract is extraordinary. There are not only rare events of holding high the door of God for many years, but also Huazong in Tianbei of the mainland.

Today, the whole south city is in a precarious state, and there are various versions of the South City Convention everywhere.

Although Xia Jue caused a great sensation in the appointment of Nancheng, he did not get much benefit. Nothing but waiting for the debris.

But then Xia Jue went to the museum. After receiving a warm welcome, I finally found my favorite action in the museum.

However, Xia Jue almost gave his xuanjing to Huaguang, leaving only 500000 xuanjing people to live.

The five million sword demon, Xiajue, is useless at all. The sword demon is even more crazy, and the five million sword demon is completely used by him. The reason is that this guy named Jianmo spent all of xuanjing in order to buy a new style.In this way, they stayed in Nancheng for more than a week, and Xia Jue successfully mastered the new move.

After some discussion, Xia Jue and Jianmo decide to leave the main city of Tiannan

although it is very dangerous to leave the city, Xia Jue has completely offended the protoss, and the urine of the protoss will not let Xia Jue go easily. Although you can't start work in Tiannan because of the rules of the main city, when you leave the city, the situation is different.

Xia Jue tells the sword demon what he is worried about. Sure enough, the sword demon said that if the scum of shenzongmen dares to come, he will kill one when he sees it.

Although he had known for a long time that the sword demon would answer this question, Xia Jue was still very warm. Although the sword devil is fond of killing, he doesn't seem to care about anything on the surface, but he doesn't consider letting Xiajue go alone to make Xiajue feel grateful.

Even if Xia Jue had the help of Zhuli, he could not deal with many people in shenzongmen alone, because if he had to deal with him, he would send real experts. Although Zhuli is the master of the two gods, Xiajue's cultivation is just an empty realm. Once the strength gap is too big, even the candle can not leave. After all, it's hard for smart women to cook without rice.

But in the sword demon, the situation is different. Compared with Xia Jue, the fighting power of sword demon is not much better. The sword devil, even Xia Jue, is not sure to win.

As the sword devil decided to go with him, Xia Jue decided to leave the city that night without further delay.

According to the regulations, you can't go out of the city at night, but after many inquiries this week, Xia Jue used some xuanjing to get through the relationship, and finally got the secret way out of the city.

Every night, there are guards patrolling the city. And the captain of these guards happens to be the virtual world. Xia Jue spent 200000 xuanjing to bribe two guard captains to carry out the plan. Xia Jue's plan is that he and the sword demon go out of the city first, and then after they go out of the city, the two guard captains also go out of the city. Then they change their clothes with Xia Jue and the sword demon, and give the identity token to Xia Jue. Then the two guard captains wait outside the city for Xia Jue and the sword demon to come to him in the evening.

The plan goes very smoothly, until very late, Xia Jue and the sword devil successfully mix in, and they are confused in the patrol escort.

According to the plan, Xiajue and Jianmo managed to escape from the city. After making an excuse, they left the team and went to the appointed place.

"Why no one?" Xia Jue looked around at some quiet and unreasonable woods. A bad idea appeared in his mind.

"Xia Jue, you are surrounded. Be careful. These people belong to the family of God. Besides, Yin Wudao thinks there is a grey man. The strength of Yin Wudao has been far away from the physical state, while the strength of the man in grey has reached the virtual state! "

Candlelight leaves of words let summer Jue in the heart a tight, he knows oneself or neglect. Although Xia Jue knew that he was at the top of the gate of God, he did not expect that the gate of God would be so clear about his actions. You know, he's been using useful mind scans all the way today to make sure no one's following him.

"When you go out this afternoon, I'll help you to check with Xianshi secretly. I checked when you just left the city, but I didn't find it. It is here that I found them when I was sweeping away the knowledge of immortals, which means that they have been waiting here for a long time. " Candle from said.

Since Zhu Li said that this was not the reason for being followed, the result was obvious.

"Hahaha, boy, do you think you can hide from the world by choosing this way to escape after a week's rest? Don't forget! I'm the head of the protoss

A vicious voice came out, and Yin Wudao finally came out with the strong man. Along with them are many disciples who have been trained to adapt to their surroundings.

"If you want to be a hero, you must be ready to die! Remember to think about it with your poor head before you do things in your next life Yin Wudao stares at Xia Jue fiercely, his eyes seem to be able to eject flames.

"What a naive boy, do you really think what you do can deceive me? I tell you, this is ridiculous! On this continent, Tiannan, anyone who dares to offend my God will be doomed

"Do you think I don't know the way out of town? In fact, from the moment you began to inquire, my people told me what you thought. As for why I am here now, it's because I bought the guard captain who patrolled in front of you that night, waiting for you to take the initiative. Sure enough, you are here! Ha ha ha, it's so smart. It's a trap! "

Yin Wudao laughs wildly and looks at Xia Jue with the smell of catching turtles in a jar. "Master, it's easy to say what to do next, but the strength of the gray man in strong clothes has reached a virtual state, which is not what I can deal with now. Even the sword demon should struggle as hard as last time. Can you deal with him? "

In the face of this almost impossible situation, Xia Jue's forehead was sweating a lot. He didn't expect that the other party would know his whereabouts clearly. It seems that he is still a little too young.

"What to do." Xia Jue really can't think of a perfect way, but at this time, Yin Wudao saw Xia Jue's anxious appearance, his arrogance was deeper.

"Boy, I'll give you a chance today. If you hand in the ruler, I'll show you! Otherwise, you will wait for my soul to be tortured Yin Wudao had a comprehensive explosion from the peak state of the body, and the Qi of Taiyin made Xia Jue feel numb."Uncle Wu, go and help you stop the sword demon. I will deal with this boy. I have to kill him before the Japanese!" Yin Wudao's eyes are staring at Xia Jue, and the dark gas is pouring towards Xia Jue

"green flame is towering!"

Xia Jue didn't leave any hands. The best weapon against this demon is fire.

Hand over the green lotus candle, the blue flame of the sky is directly tearing the breath of darkness.

"Well! Do you think you can use this flame against me? I've known your record in the arena for days. I've thought of ten thousand ways to deal with you! "

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