Deep down, the resentment against God's family deepened, and Xia Jue turned his attention to another message.

Through the influence of the demon clan, Qiuhu, the ancestor of the demon clan, searched for three sites of the Xia Qingxian society!

For the demon clan, Xia Jue had little contact. It can be said that Xia Jue's only contact with the demons was when he contacted the ancient demons in Huangfu palace.

However, Xia Jue, the demon clan, a native and weathered continent, has never met before, and Xia Jue, the tiger's enemy, is also at a loss.

But since the head of the demon clan can launch his own demon clan power to search for three pieces, it is enough to prove that the power of the demon clan is not weak!

After all, Yun Haolei, the owner of Longling Pavilion, who is known as the first person in the world, has just missed three sites of the Xia Qingxian society. So the strength of this enemy tiger is also extraordinary.

"Whether it's quiet or sunny, their cultivation is the peak of blood dripping, and the ethereal sword sect is also a big force, and its master's cultivation is also the peak of blood dripping. It can be seen that the cultivation of demon clan masters is at least the peak of their blood. " Xia Jue muttered that these people would have to deal with each other a lot in the future, and they would know more about each other's cultivation.

"Uncle can call himself the first man in the world. Originally I thought his cultivation should be the peak of blood, but now it seems that he has broken through the soul. Otherwise, the master of demon clan is also the peak of blood. Why is there no first man in the world? " Xia Jue thinks a little, the true cultivation of Yun Haolei is inferred by him.

The demon clan of the same level is stronger than the human clan of the same level. If the demon clan master has the power of blood peak, if he wants to suppress him, he must go further.

Nodding with satisfaction, Xia Jue combed the intelligence in his mind.

"If I guess correctly, the debris of Xiaxian site should be collected here, and then they will wait for the time when they decide to start their journey."

Xia Jue's analysis proved to be absolutely correct. A few days later, an announcement spread all over the world.

When the friars' meeting was held, there were three places for each cultural relic to enter the Xia Qingxian society, and the Xia Qingxian society had 16 cultural relics. In other words, there are still four pieces of Xiaxian site in circulation and missing.

Xia Jue noticed Tiannan! The address of the friars' meeting in the main city of

the friars' meeting notice mentioned that a friars' meeting will be held in wanxianlou, Xicheng District, the main city of Tiannan in a week. It doesn't matter if you don't want to go to the friars' convention. They will spend a lot of money to buy the rest of Xiaxian site. But if the people who own the ruins of Xiaxian market don't come, all the monks will join hands to find them.

The meaning is very clear. If you don't have the strength to participate in the monks' meeting, you can sell the Xiaxian site to them, and they will also give some compensation. But if you don't bring the debris of Xiaxian ruins, the consequences will be very serious.

Xia Jue decided to join the friars' assembly, but if he and the sword demon went to the friars' assembly so foolishly, it would undoubtedly be a trap.

He is not qualified to own two pieces of qingxiaxian ruins, and then he has only two roads. Either give up two pieces of green Xiaxian ruins, or die on the spot.

Although Xia Jue noticed that the Longling Pavilion and the friars' assembly would come at that time, Xia Jue could not guarantee that it would be Yun Haolei. Besides Yun Haolei, Xia Jue is not credible

if you want to rely on Yun Haolei to protect yourself, you will be solved before you enter the friars' assembly

"the best way is to find a helper!" Xia Jue suddenly had an idea.

It is clearly pointed out in the notice that if there is no Xiaxian ruins, there will be three places to enter. In this case, Xia Jue will have six places.

But if you get rid of yourself and the sword demon, there are four places left. And these four places are the chips he can use now.

The ruins of Xiaxian market in Qing Dynasty were well known at this time. Xia Jue only needs to show this quota, and naturally someone will come to him. But he must have the ability to protect himself before he can show his quota. Otherwise, he will commit suicide.

For a moment, Xia Jue thought of a very suitable person, that is Huazong! In recent news, there is no news that Huazong has obtained the remains of Qingxia Xianxu, so Huazong is not qualified to enter Qingxia Xianxu. Of course, it's sad

if Xiajue can send these four places at this time, it will be a good surprise, and Huaqing will certainly protect Xiajue's safety with the relationship between Huaqing and Yun Haolei. Even if Yun Haolei is not in the friars' assembly, he does not have to worry about whether he will be in danger.

Xia Jue clapped his thigh, and his spirit was suddenly boosted.

It's a great idea. This not only helps Huazong repay his kindness, but also protects himself from participating in the monks' meeting. It's killing two birds with one stone.

However, this method is good in Xiajue, but it is troublesome to implement.

Hua Qing didn't explain where she was going. It was only a week before the monks' meeting, so he didn't have much time to find Hua Qing

if the public's search for Hua Qing's news seems too grandiose to you.

Xia Jue was very depressed. When he was at a loss, a voice came from the bottom of his heart.

"Silly boy, have you forgotten your master?"The sudden appearance of candlelight gave Xia Jue courage. In Xia Jue's eyes, candle is omnipotent. Candle away, Xia Jue think nothing can be solved.

"Master, how did you wake up and recover?" Although Xia Jue was very surprised at Zhuli's awakening, it was only a short rest, and Zhuli could not say that he had fully recovered. "Nothing. Although my soul is still fragile, it's OK to be your adviser."

Zhu Li analyzed the current situation and found that the resources Xia Jue could actually use were not many. Besides Huaqing, Xia Jue has no choice but to return to yunhaolei

so it is the best choice to find Huaqing at present.

Fortunately, Huaqing gave Xia Jue a real dragon saliva pill. On this elixir, the candle extracts a hint of Huaqing.

Then Xia Jue came to the news Sales Office in the town to ask for information.

Every town has this kind of organization called news sales office. Through this newsroom, you can get the most reliable and official news of Fenghua mainland.

The only drawback is that the price of news outlets is relatively dark.

Fortunately, Xia Jue didn't spend much time in Nancheng to meet xuanjing. Since then, he has hardly spent much money on xuanjing except paying for the guards.

Therefore, at this time, Xia Jue has a large number of xuanjing, and the xuanjing who is spying should also be affordable.

Entering this seemingly mysterious news channel, Xia Jue pretends to be more sophisticated. Before he came to this place, he didn't come to inquire about information, because you came to the news sales office to inquire about information, which is also a kind of intelligence for the news sales office.

But this time, Sir Alex is really desperate. He really didn't know where to ask for Huaqing's news, except for the news sales office.

The sword devil didn't come with Xia Jue this time. The goal of two people together is much bigger than one person, so Xia Jue decided to act alone this time.

Although this town is relatively large, its overall strength will not be much bigger than that of other towns. Once there is a crisis, Xia Jue's power is enough to escape

"boy, what's the matter?"

The staff in the news sales office are not as enthusiastic as Xia Jue imagined, but they look like Momo, not like doing business at all.

Xia Jue forbeared his unhappiness and sat on the stool. Looking at the staff who had just started, he suppressed the thought of flying it again.

"What the hell are you doing here! it will be OK. Don't tease me When the staff saw that Xia Jue looked like 17 or 18 years old and said nothing, they took Xia Jue as a child seeking stimulation.

Because the news office is a very exciting place for ordinary children, many children pretend to pry into information to seek stimulation.

This kind of thing happened many times. Xia Jue really looked like a young man, so he was regarded as a trouble maker by the staff.

"You." The staff were about to drive Xia Jue out when they were stunned.

Xia Jue deliberately broke out in his own cultivation, and the powerful virtual environment surprised the staff.

Although the cultivation of virtual environment is not high, it is certainly not low. In a small town, you can enjoy excellent treatment without your body. If you go further, you can go to an ordinary town and enjoy yourself as a local tyrant. However, Xia Jue ignored a very important point.

Although Xia Jue has changed at this time, it is doubtful that he has been trained in virtual environment since he was 17 or 18 years old. In places like news stores, the staff inside know all about the news, and they will not know about Xia Jue.

therefore, this is almost the first time that Xia Jue's identity has been completely exposed.

Xia Jue sighed. At the moment, he showed that his cultivation of the candle also reminded him, but since it was exposed, he didn't think about it any more.

Xia Jue pretended to be calm and asked, "Xiaozong? Where is Huaqing? I want to know the details! "

Although I didn't expect Xia Jue to remain so calm and continue to spy, the staff of the news Sales Office also calmed down and improved their attitude towards Xia Jue with outstanding professionalism.

After all, Xia Jue, a vicious man who dares to face the door of God, can't carry this little news selling point if he really pushes it out.

The staff also talked calmly with Xia Jue.

"The whereabouts of Zonghua and Xiaozong are the top intelligence. It takes five million xuanjing to pack them all at once!"

It takes five million xuanjing to find an intelligence. Xia Jue has cursed this dark news selling place in his heart, but now there is no other place to go except here.

"Five million is five million. Take it!" Xia Jue, some of his flesh pains and five million xuanjing were transferred from Tianying circle to the storage circle of news sales place. After seeing that there are five million xuanjing in the storage ring, the staff will tell Hua Qing.

"Huaqing encountered some troubles in the past two days. People who came to Tiannan from time to time were ambushed and suffered heavy losses. Although Huaqing has the strength of the peak of blood, shuxiu will be destroyed in linfengzhi, and Zonghua's action is too arrogant, offending many local forces in Tiannan. So Huaqing should be on her way to longlingge now, and she should settle down in Wushan town recently. "After learning about Hua Qing, Xia Jue left the news sales department. Just after the staff breathed a sigh of relief, Xia Jue's body burst into golden light!

The demon clan and the blood clan broke out in an all-round way. Xia Jue tried his best to drive out the power of the blood clan. He also trained him to pass the peak of virtual environment and step into a detached environment.

"Violet sky!"

Over Xiajue, the colorful roots of Huiling trees burst out with blue light, and countless purple candle flames poured out, directly surrounding the news selling place.

"Xia Jue! What do you want to do! " See Xia Jue suddenly start, news sales department is also furious.

The shouting in the news sales office immediately attracted the attention of the bystanders around, and everyone focused on Xia Jue.

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