"Mr. Su, as far as I know, your so-called setback this time is not small. I don't know what your company will do to deal with it?" Asked the manager of China Construction Bank.

"Yes, Mr. Su, it's even said that Su's real estate is going to apply for bankruptcy protection. I don't know if it's true?" The manager of Tianshang bank asked.

"Nonsense, how could our company go bankrupt." Su Yihan looks cold.

"OK, Mr. Su, you said that if you don't go bankrupt, you won't go bankrupt, but first you should repay part of the interest to our bank." The manager of China Construction Bank beat his legs.

"Yes, we have to repay part of the interest of Tianshang bank first."

"In order to let us see the sincerity of President Su, our yuanxia bank also needs to recover part of the interest first."

"You..." Su Yihan looked at these people, his eyes full of anger.

Two days ago, when their company was in full swing, these guys begged to come to Su's real estate for loans one by one. Now, as soon as the news came out that was bad for Su's real estate, these guys immediately came up to collect the debts. These guys are really more at the helm than anyone else.

Su Yihan vowed that as long as the company's difficulties are over, their company will blacklist these banks and never cooperate with them again.

However, we still need to allow them some time, because Su's real estate can't afford so much money.

"Some managers, can you give us another two days' grace, and we'll find a way to pay you back."

"Oh, it's hard for us to finish it. It's not good for us to go back."

"It's Mr. Su. His real estate is rich and powerful. He can't even pay this money back, can he?"

"Otherwise, Mr. Su, I have a compromise." The manager of China Construction Bank turned his eyes.

"Tell me about it." Su Yihan said.

"If the land near Zhongpeng building is given to our bank, it will cancel the loan with our bank. What do you think?" China Construction Bank manager said.

"yes, Mr. Su, if the land on nanmu avenue of your company is assigned to our bank, the loan I owe to our bank can also be cancelled." The manager of Tianshang bank is not willing to be outdone.

"Mr. Su, we can have the land in the North District of yuanxia bank."

Hearing the words of the three bank managers, the company managers led by Su Yihan were furious.

These three banks are here to take advantage of the fire.

You know, these three pieces of land are now the best of Su's real estate, and the value of each piece is no less than 5 billion.

If you just transfer it to these three big banks, you will lose a lot.

"Three managers, do you think we are Su's idiots, or do you think you are too smart?" Su Yihan can't bear it.

"Mr. Su, we didn't force you. You may not give it, but it doesn't prevent our bank from sending a lawyer's letter to your company." The manager of China Construction Bank is confident.

"Yes, our bank is a regular business, and it's not forced buying or forced selling. It doesn't matter if you don't give us the land, Mr. Su. Please repay the interest first. If you can't repay it, don't blame us Tianshang bank also threatened.


the management of Su's real estate are angry and helpless.

"Tianshang bank, China Construction Bank, yuanxia bank, right?" After entering the conference room, Xia Jue, who had been silent, finally said something.

Three managers see Xia Jue suddenly jump out, don't quite understand what Xia Jue means.

However, in view of Su's real estate management's respect for Xia Jue, the three managers plan to listen to what he will say.

"That's right."

After being confirmed, Xia Jue put his hand into his pocket and took out a stack of bank cards with rubber bands

Xia Jue pulled off the rubber bands and looked for them carefully.

"You are very lucky. I happen to have your three bank cards." Xia Jue screened out three cards and put up with them in front of the three managers.

The three managers gave Xia Jue a puzzled look, and then looked down at the three bank cards on the table.

The three bank cards are black cards of their respective banks.

Three managers are familiar with cards like this.

Because this is the VIP card of their respective banks, the overdraft limit alone is 10 million.

However, the three managers still did not understand what Xia Jue meant.

"What do you mean, sir?" Asked the manager of China Construction Bank.

"It's not very interesting. You take these cards to repay the loan and interest owed to your bank. I'll take out the rest and send them to Soxhlet estate." Xia Jue said lightly.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Hearing Xia Jue's words, the three managers burst into laughter.

"Lao Wang, tell this gentleman what the total loan amount Su's real estate owes to your bank is." The manager of China Construction Bank covered his stomach and kept laughing."Su's real estate owes... Owes us... Ha ha... 3.3 billion." The manager of Tianshang bank said the figure with a smile.

"Yes, sir, your card may not be enough." China Construction Bank said to Xia Jue with slight irony.

"No, I think that's enough." Xia Jue didn't care about each other's taunt, instead, he looked at each other like a fool.

"OK, I'll take out all the money for you when I get back. By the way, do you need to use the ten million overdraft China Construction Bank manager said.

"Overdraft limit? I don't think it's necessary. "

"Well, we understand, ha..." the manager of CSCEC almost couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Su, we'll come back tomorrow. I hope you can give us an answer tomorrow."

The bank managers stood up and were about to leave.

When several managers left, they suddenly found that they had forgotten to take the card from Xia Jue. Then they turned around and picked up the card on the table.

When the three people walked out of the door of Su's real estate, they finally didn't know, covered their stomachs and laughed.

"You see that ugly posture. It's really killing me. People who don't know think he has tens of billions of dollars in his card."

"Yes, it's just a VIP card. It's only tens of millions at most. I don't even have enough money to pay our bank. I want to use it to send us off."

"Tomorrow, let's see what we can do for him."


after the three managers left, all the leaders in the meeting room were relieved at last.

But it was just a relief, but the faces of the people were still very dignified.

In their opinion, Xia Jue's move is just to delay the company for some time. How can he pay off so much money owed to the bank with a few bank cards.

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