South Wind Knows My Mood

Chapter 64, beautiful turning battle

It is 30 days from May 20.

In the early morning, I released a number of spring and summer new products.

Spring and summer new model design is full, amazing.

Of course, this is not the focus, focus, the details of these design, style, like the hand of Lu Xicai.

His design has grown throughout the country for five years, it can be said that the entire apparel market will be around ten years ago, no one can come out of Lu Xizhou.

That is the existence of the genius, his design traits, is the brand of people in that age, will not recognize it.

This batch of new products came out almost a few hours, and the entire A city was burned.

When the official is surprising, thousands of people are spectacular, and the microblogs of Xu Nanfeng are simply being embarrassed, and people are gone.

Xu Nanfeng held his mobile phone, looked at those remarks, and she can't wait for these keyboard people from the screen.

She was shocked by her teeth, and Lu Xi'an looked at her and smashed her head. She took her mobile phone from her hand.

Xu Nanfeng immediately opened his eyes.

"Don't see it, those people will be faced after three days."

Seeing him, very confident?

Xu Nanfeng has been disrupted by him: "Are you ready?"

Lu Xizhou's entire man is on the back of the chair: "Everything is ready, wait for the jun."

Hey, this is true.


The rest of the three days, all used to practice walking.

Now Lu Xicai, you can already support the wall, occasionally, can make your hands.

Early morning, I have eaten breakfast, Lu Xizhou said with Xu Nunfeng: "Today I have to go."

Xu Nanfeng did not oppose it.

She quietly accompanied him, he walked around the wall, she followed his two steps far away, took the handle when he was going to fall.

A whole morning, Lu Xizhou had a fall when it fell.

In the afternoon, Xu Nanfeng decided to let him go.

Fall for the first time, fell the second time ...

again and again.

Every time, when he falls, she is far away at the entrance to the entrance, watching him from standing slowly.

With the hurt of full, with sweat, with the hard work of those who did not know.

She thinks, anyone can be unsuccessful, but he can't.

She witnessed her own, he was delayed from the process of retaining new students.

He has experienced what he has worked, and she knows.

Tears, scars, things that are engraved on him, there will always be an echo.

And when the sunset is sprinkled into the room, covered in him, Xu Nang stood in the porch, watching him stepped on, step by step.


he came.

He walked to her, his stepwise, never fallen.

Tears gradually did not have eyelids, Xu Nanfeng opened his arms and took the scar tired to his arms.

Her tears wet his chest: "Lu Xizhou, you did it."

"Well, I did it." He responded to her, thank you very much, thank you this moment, she is with him.


Two days of exercise, Lu Xizhou has been completely gone.

This is a four-year-old turn-fighting battle, and Xu pulled the curtain.

At 6 o'clock on May 20, the top of Yulu Building.

The conference site.

People in the mountains, light shadow floating.

If you have a joke, you don't believe in a result when you don't believe it.

After a short noisy, at 7:00, the Jude announced that the launch will officially start.

The model worn in the new product.

Two hours, all the models are complete, standing on the T stand.

The following questioning has been high.

Of course, there is also a person who is eye, seeing the differences on the details.

All in all, various sounds are filled with the venue.

And all the sounds, when Lu Xi, stepped from the background to the high platform step by step, and stopped.

Everyone looks to him.

The disabled man in the rumors, wearing white shirts, black trousers, like four years ago, the rays of rays now.

Want's attention.

And he looked around, calmly and restrained, like a Shenshi who wake up.

A short silence, the venue is quiet to the ground, you can hear it on the ground.

He slowly opened, not impossible, like a story.

"First, thank you today's venue. Secondly, about what you have always wanted to know, I think, I don't have to explain more, I am standing here today, it is enough to prove everything."

"I know, many people are thinking, why is this Shangxiu new product will be like? Not like, but, it is the same, but I have made some changes."

"Plagiarism? Yes, yes, it is plagiarism, but it is not Shang Xiu's plagiarism, but, when it plagiarizes Shangxiu."

"About evidence -"

The Lu Xizhou is offset and looks to the background.

Someone took anything, put it on his hand.

Lu Xicai spreads something.

On the big screen of the venue, clearly presented the thick discretion, with regard to all new designs, Lu Xizhou's writing, Lu Xi, and each precise date.

Obviously, the information added earlier than when the information was previously released.

Of course, this is not enough, and it is necessary to die in the shame column when you die.

Lu Xi'an has a video, video, is a little girl in Shangxiu company, the computer screen shows, what she is copying, is this batch picture.

And this little girl's identity is a staff member.

There is a list of all staff members, there is her.

At this point, there is a truth about the new products.

Lu Xizhou stood there, as well as the water: "If you want, anyone who is not angry is looking out, plagiarism, it is, compare you will find that Shang Xiu's new product has made a lot of modifications, ratio When is released, it is more unique and more beautiful. "

The entire venue has a whispering of whispering.

And in Lu Xicai, this is just a start.

He looks at the people who are waiting for the laughter of the show such as soil, continue, there is no expression in the face.

The video is time to recruit people.

Thousands of people flocked in Shangxiu door, holding clothes with Shangxiu logo, and the face of the leader is particularly fierce.

"This video is how many days ago, I'm deliberately gathered in Shangxiu, why do you say this? We have a group of groups."

A few seconds, the background is coming to a person.

He turned his neck, how to spend money to hire him to play such a play, how to tear the Shang Xiu's clothes, and the cutting of Shangxiu got to the whole process of trouble, the whole process is over.

Lu Xizhou provokes a piece of clothes, is the piece that is taken in the leader.

The above damage is exaggerated to an emblem.

"I tried, which clothing store will sell this kind of dress so much? It is obvious that the rest of the day is another launch of Shang Xiu."

"Of course, when I borrowed me, I borrowed the name of the show, from the head to the end, but it is a scam, I have never been a person."

"There are all kinds of behaviors, Shangxiu will retain the right to appeal."

The staple is nail, a hammer sound.

The whole site is awkward, resentful, uneasy.

Into the ear, is a crusade of time.

Lu Xizhou stood on the stage, laughed, and opposite everyone, but also went to Xu Nanfeng.

At this moment, four years of shame, four years, and unloaded.

At this moment, the wind is flowing, and Shang Xiu will stood up, it will be , squatting at the foot.

At this moment, Xu Nanfeng thought, they succeeded.

This turning battle is a beautiful turning battle.

At this time, she is with Lu Xizhou.

A short relationship in the population smiles, Lu Xizhou recovered the line of sight, raising his hand, and showing the people quiet.

Like a kind of ability, the venue is gradually quiet.

Under the spotlight, Lu Xizhou is long, and a pair of eyes are dark.

He said: "For these four years, it is the low valley of my Life in Lu Xizhou. It is well known that the explosion, let me lose action ability, I gave my four years, stand up, stand here, with you. "

His voice is stable, like the four years of hardships, there is no existence: "For these four years, we will not fall, from today, I will not fall again, from today, Shang Xiu will be with you, I hope, Next decade, you can also get together, next ten years, I am here, waiting for you! "

The silence of a long time is crying in the crowd.

It's a jewel.

It is difficult to self-suction.

Lu Xizhou said, like a heart, let people move.

Just like the deep blood of the heart is evoked, gradually fermented in the center of the holiday.

I don't know who took my head, stand up, and tears were generous and passionate: "Lu Xizhou, I will always support you!"

It seems to be a guiding, igniting those mood.

Everyone stands up, does not have to, shouting a name: "Lu Xizhou! Lu Xizhou -"


Resound the entire venue.

I can't calm over a long time.

At this moment, in the last corner of the crowd, Xu Southam looked at the man on the high platform, wet eyes.

I still remember four years ago, he stood above the high platform, or a proud of the sky, at that time, he, arrogant, Zhang mad, as if he stepped on the whole world.

For four years, he stood here again, no longer the proud of the sky, he faded, Zhang mad, more sincere, calm.

Four years of time, he became more charming.

He stands there, like a sparkling planet.

That light is the treasurer.

That light is a numerous quenched ray.

That light from his depths.

She thought, the past Lu Xicai came back.

From now on, everything will only be better.

The author has something to say:

Mom, this chapter writes yourself a little blood.

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