South Wind Knows My Mood

Chapter 68 This slag!

Qin Ning's spoiled is still successful, it is ruthlessly interrupted.

A cold, dark voice of anger falls in an empty street, and fell in the ears of the south wind.

"Xu Nanfeng, come over."

Xu Nang, of course, did not have passed, in fact, her whole person is screaming, it is there, who is all of my brain, where I am.

The first reaction, is Qin Ning, he looked up, looking at the tall man behind them now: "Lu Xizhou?"

When you say this, his arm has not taken it off from Xu Nanfeng's shoulder.

Obvious salted pig hand.

It is an indifferent to Sannifei to be indifferent to such a salty pig hand, Xu Nanfeng actually does not work.

How is the relationship between the two?

He looked away from Qin Ning, a pair of dark eyes were sharp hostility.

Half, he walked forward, took the hand on Qin Ning on Xu Nan wind, and brought her to himself.

Xu Nanfeng: ......

Why do she have a feeling of being a thief? From her and Qin Ning, I saw that Lu Xizhou began, this feeling has been colliding in her mind.

It is not necessary at all.

Now she is free, single.

So, why did she hide?

Why is it really guilty now?

She is hard.

In particular, it is in front of Luzhou.

So, Xu Nanyue lifted his head and looked at Luzhou.

Not open.

Lu Xizhou grabbed her hand, then looked at Qin Ning without expression: "Sorry, children, I have some private matters and goodbye."

From the big hand brought her hand into the moment of her hand, Xu Nanfeng brain was blank, more controversial.

She was leaving with Lu Xizhou.

Qin Ning looked at the two.

What is Lu Xizhou just called him?


He is clearly and Xu Nanfeng, if he is laughing is a child, then he is a good southern style, isn't it the old cow to eat?


This slag!

Qin Ning tongged his pens, picking up the brow, chasing.

"Small South Wind!"

A male voice came from far and near, Lu Xizhou had a eyebrow.

True fuck ... The soul is silent.

He side, look to Xu Nanfeng: "Let him go, I have something to tell you."

Xu Nanfeng's entire person is in a floating state.

I looked at him, I found that men's faces were ugly, and the whole person was unable to exude a cold.

Hey, it's really cold tonight.

She feels that she still doesn't want to go back against him.

Otherwise, what will happen in a while, even her own is not thinking.

Xu Nanfeng looked at Qinning chased: "Qin Ning, you will go first, I have something."

"I don't try myself, I will send you up." Qin Ning seems to have seen it in Lu Xizhou.

Lu Xizhou did not avoid his eyes: "Children, I advise you not to interrupted me with the south wind."

south wind?

Xu Nanfeng feels a layer of chicken skin on his arm.

"What do you follow with her?" Qin Ning suddenly cooled his doctor: "You are old, don't think I don't know."

I remember that he had a birthday, Xu Nanfeng drunk, and constantly accused a person.

At that time, he still didn't know who the person was, just for Xu Nafeng.

In a few years, Xu Nanya has frequently appeared in this name and the name of Lu Xizhou, even when he disabled, never give up.

Although the external, Xu Nanfeng interprets the relationship between partners, you can understand her, what is the curved around this?

The people he like is so good, in his eyes, anyone can't help, Lu Xizhou, the same.

So, why did he hurt her heart, now in the face of such a strong posture?

He didn't want him at all, Xu Nanfeng came with such a person.

Lu Xi'an is not saying.

He didn't hate himself over and over again, and once again looked at her embarrassment.

If so, let him give up her, he can't do it.

He owes her, he wants to use the remaining half-life pet, all returns.

He won't miss her anymore.

Because her heart has him.

If one day she said to him, no longer love him, let him roll, he must roll far.

But now, you can't.

He looked at Qin Ning to bear his accusation.

The air has a moment of stagnation, Xu Southen smells the floating gunpowder.

I feel that my brain has some pain.

She didn't want to see two people who added a hundred people in the hotel.

Before walking, she said with Qin Ning, "Qin Ning, I will deal with it, don't worry, now I am not too early, you will listen to me, go back, tomorrow The company is seen. "

"Don't let him enter your room." Qin Ning glanced at the expression of "clothing beasts" and sweeping his eyes, such as said.

Xu Nanfeng nodded: "Will not ..."

Qin Ning didn't want Xu Nanfeng as a difficult, and it was afraid that his hull is mixed, and he glanced at Lu Xizhou, which left.

Looking at Qin Ning in the estuary, Xu Nanfeng tired to look tired to Lu Xizhou: "You go back."

Under the dark street light, Lu Xizhou is a pair of eyes and black, and I watched her: "I have waited for a whole afternoon, Xu Nanfeng, I have something to tell you, it is very important."

She seems to always be difficult to refuse.

Xu Nanfeng hesites a few seconds, nodded: "That is here."

Lu Xizhou looked around around him: "Are you sure?"

It seems that it is somewhat improper.

However, I don't want to take him into the room.

Lu Xizhou saw her hardship, immediately said that he was pure in his heart: "Go to my car."

The roadside, forgotting Lu Xizhou, I didn't dare to do what she did in the majestic in public.

She walked over Lu Xizhou and got on the bus.

At this moment, when the night wind outside the window, Xu Nanfeng is completely calm.

The words just Qin Ning are not only the blame of Lu Xizhou, but also a wake up to her.

Yes, she shouldn't be soft in Lu Xizhou.

So thinking, Xu Nanfeng is very straight ridge, very calm, looking toward Lu Xizhou: "Say."

"About the past, I want to apologize to you, sorry."

Sorry, I don't know how to cherish it.

Sorry, my heart was in the time.

Sorry, I hurt you at that time.

Xu Nanfeng looked straight to his dark, necrotic, from inside, and saw sincere apologies.

She didn't speak, waiting for him below.

"In fact, from a long time ago, I started to like you, just that kind of feelings and subtle, hidden in the bits of life, contaminated with fireworks, becomes flat, there is no wave, I am wrong to put the feelings When it became habits, then it was ignored by I ignored, I have not realized that it has already rooted in my heart. "

"When I realized, it was already hitting a line, the explosion, the consciousness disappeared, my whole mind is you."

Lu Xizhou was seriously looking at her, his mouth is embarrassed, Xu Nanyi is moving, because of his sentence, the whole mind is you.

But she quickly smashed himself, stretched.

Lu Xihou continued: "When I am disabled, I didn't think you would come back, I didn't think, you can stay, then I lost all the hopes, and you, it's a light in all darkness. Lying on the bed, watching you and encourages me, comfort me, watching you climbing up, then, then, I am thinking, if I have this life, I will die in bed, What are you doing? I have to work hard, I have to stand up, I can't, let you all the hard. "

"You let me stand up, without you, there is no Today's Lu Xizhou, Xu Naku, don't you walk? You are gone, I don't know how to live."

Not an exaggeration, not a sensational.

At the evening of her, he seems to have returned to five years ago, lying in bed, no movement, there is no hope to live.

Without her, he did not look forward to the future.

Without her, a person's home, it is not home.

He is willing to put it down, as long as she will come back.

He looked at her and his eyes were red.

Xu Nanfeng looked at him, and his heart was mixed.

I want to forgive him.

It can leave five years ago, those who are unrequited, I hurt her.

Once bitten, twice shy.

She doesn't dare to try again.

More ...

Xu Nanfeng looked at him: "If one day, the time is still returned, what do you want to do?"

Abandon her again?

Although she knows that this assumption is terrible, then a living alone, I haven't come back in five years, mostly, I can't come back.

But she is swallowed.

Because the person who is abandoned is her.

Time feather?

This long-awaited name is mentioned, and Lu Xizhou has only indifferent.

She has been withdrawn in her hands, sooner or later, she will be rope.

He didn't hesitate: "No matter who, I have identified you."

Xu Nanfeng did not expect that he would answer so much.

Motion is true.

You can hesitate to be true.

The mouth said that she knew, how did he say that he is true?

Xu Nanfeng pause a few seconds: "I think about it."

"it is good."

Lu Xizhou Song is a sigh of relief, although it is not forgiven, it can be finalized, he is a list of candidates in her boyfriend.

This "confession" is over, and Xu Nanfeng is ready to open the door.

Lu Xizhou held her wrist: "Who is the boy today?"

"..." Is there any account after autumn?

Xu Nanfeng took the package: "University classmates."

"He likes you?"

The author has something to say:

The late confession, however, our little sister is not so good

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