She looked at Lu Xizhou in a few steps away, but he saw his line of sight without colliding with her, but ...

Xu Nanfeng took his eyes in his eyes, entered the eyes, is a black shoulder strap, wrapped in a white and delicate shoulder.

She panicked up the pajamas collar, the original red cheeks were more red: "Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu, Wang Shu."

How do you like a blush?

Lu Xizhou slowly recovered the line of sight: "Tell me Lu Xizhou."

Xu Nanfeng's lips did not call it.

He is like a male goddess, call his name, always feels some invasion, criminal.

She rushed to "I went to the hot rice", and I ran away from the kitchen.

About twenty minutes, the kitchen came from the beautiful soft sound: "The meal is good!"

Lu Xiizhou got up from the sofa.

This is a short time, he has taken a shower, put it on a gray home dress, looks rare warmth.


When Xu Southam gave Lu Xicai, he saw the sweat of the extent.

There is air conditioning in the villa, but Lu Xicai doesn't like the taste of air conditioning. Therefore, in this hot summer, the villa is solding.

Xu Nanfeng donated a moment, thinking about what is like, standing up, and walking toward the refrigerator.

Take a good honey and lemon during the day, turn the cover, pour the juice inside into a delicate small bowl.

Lu Xizhou looked at her busy and asked: "What is this?"

Xu Nanfeng smiled: "It is honey lemonade, there is a heat of heat, you taste it."

Looking at her puppy is generally clear, Lu Xizhou has tasted a bite, but can't help but gently screw the brow.

"How, isn't it to be with your appetite?"

"Some acids."

Xu Nanfeng smashed his eyes, with only goldfish: "Don't you like acid?"

"I like sweet."

Xu Nanfeng was slightly talented, and it was very cute.

Lu Xiqian couldn't help but hook the lips, and they looked at her: "How, I can't eat sweet?"

"No, just ..." The face of such a banned face likes to eat similar cakes such as cakes such as cakes, this hook, people's contrast.

"Just what?"

"Nothing, I will do something next time."

Xu Nanfeng took the remaining honey lemon in his bowl.

A meal has eaten.

When cleaning up the plate, Xu Nany found some food to eat more, some dishes, only a few chopsticks.

She deliberately remembered these.

Wash the bowl, go upstairs.

Lu Xizhou is standing on the balcony, and the low-sultomy magnetic sound is like a smooth bomb.

She didn't speak, and the light-handed foot from the drawer from the desk.

Write down the quick way to write.

He likes to eat: Squirrel fish, dried broccoli.

He doesn't like to eat: carrots, celery.

"What are you writing?" After you, I suddenly sprinkled a shadow.

Xu Nanfeng is like a diary who wrote a secret necklace, but was caught in a positive middle school.

Touching the notebook, turning around, after the hands, dead.

She is tight, and she looks at Lu Xizhou: "No, there is nothing."

"I haven't slept."


The two lie down, the long arm of Lu Xicai took her waist, chin, to her head.

Already along with the same day, it is still when he is hocked by him, I can't help but feel like it.

She closed her eyes, and the elderla brush in the deceased chest of the continental texture.


Like it all the way through the flesh and blood.

Feel the warmth of the stypes, Lu Xizhou's throat roll up, half an eye, low and low questions: "When is your physiological season?"

When he spoke, the chest was shaking, and Xu Nanfeng's mouth was slightly mane, and she was slightly red, half-saving, and the mosquito flies: "The day after tomorrow."


After falling this sentence, he has no words.

The night is like water, Xu Nanfeng is buried in his chest, and his eyes bend into a small moon.


Next day.

Xu Nanfeng just finished breakfast, seeing Wang Shu to lead a woman from outside the door.

The four or five-year-old appearance, maintenance, wearing a parytrack dress, the brunette has tried to be in the brain, exquisitely practiced, and a graceful atmosphere.

How to bring people to home?

Xu Nanfeng stretched and heated to look to Lu Xizhou.

But seeing there is no shortage in his face.

He is slowly drinking porridge, and the paint black eyes look at her: "People find, what is wrong, you have,"

Still give him know?

Xu Nanfeng finger: "Thank you, Mr. Lu."

"Call me Lu Xizhou."

"Good, Lu, Lu Xizhou."

Lu Xizhou lips exposed an unpleasant radiative, it looks good.

After breakfast, he left.

Xu Nanfeng and woman, also sat on the school's car.

On the car, the two sat simple self-introduction, Xu Nang respectedly told the beginning and end of the woman.

Xu is the reason for Lu Xizhou, a woman is very good for her.

The two are also unexpected, and when they get off, they have been close to.

Every time before, the car is directly entering the campus and stops at the girl's dormitory.

At this point, it is the time point of the student to eat breakfast.

Almost no big accidents, just getting off the bus is preparing to go upstairs, "I encountered" the housemies of their dormitory.

It is not very alienated with her relationship with her relationship with her.

Several people naturally saw Xu Nanfeng, and also saw her side and her relatives, the woman who took her relatives, the woman's breath, the naked dress on the body is the latest style of the French Paris Fashion Summer, small in a group of ordinary students, Bright eye.

A few people gave a look at the eyes and smiled and greeted Xu Nanfeng: "Hey, Nanfeng, good morning."

Xu Nan Feng smiles: "Good morning."

Several people who don't get close to the next day, I have a chat, the atmosphere has a moment of stagnation, very fast, Han Xia laughs, holding the other hand of Xu Nanfeng: "That, Nanfeng, I don't know if this is?"

Very good, focus.

Xu Nanfeng slightly lips, laughing: "This is what I said with you, I am."

"You are good." The woman smiled and did not have evacuation: "You are all gratifying people? Thank you for your care for her for three years."

"It's all in a dormitory, take care of each other."


Downstairs, the moment, this play has played the role.

Xu Nanfeng sent a woman to leave.

His friends did not have an eager to eat, and now the place to send black Bentley carries Xu Nanfeng's "big", there is an envoy in his eyes, there is a jealous

Until, the black Bentley completely disappeared in the sight.

Yogu is coming down at this time.

After a few people, I suddenly took a footsteps: "Don't eat, what do you do?"

Several people look back, see it is to make Yu, can't help but have some embarrassment.

Your Yu Yu is in a few people, and it is relatively rich, on weekdays, they have a lot of benefits, and they are also.

At this moment ...

Han Xia has no sound, the arm of Xu Nanfeng, smiled at her: "Southern Wind, are you going to the cafeteria with us, or return to the dormitory?"

"Let's go, I will return to the dormitory."

This play, see it, it will be closed, and it is reluctant, and it has been recruited.

"Well, then we have to eat."


Xu Nanfeng turned to the building, and the pace is light.

After the body, let Yu looked at the side of the side, a mist, the frowning wrinkled, the eye: "When did you follow the Xu Nanfeng relationship so well?"

"No, let Yu, you don't know, just Xu Nanfeng, her big, I came to school."

"It seems like a rich man, I still have a bank card to Xu Nanfeng before leaving."

"That's not, I heard that I just came back from abroad!"


"Don't say it, don't say it!" Han Xia won a few people, and lowered the voice.

After this time, he read the late look of the future, the exquisite face of the makeup, this moment, the color, the color of the face.

She snorted, leaving a few people, striding out.

"Noble? Is the family not a little money?"

"Who is not? I still say Xu Nanfeng was covered, this is faced."


The speed of rumors is always exceeding your imagination.

However, in just a few days, the previous Xu Nanfeng was covered by a rumor full of a big flip.

Xu Nanfeng has changed back from the plague, and the head of "rich woman" is also deducted on the head.

In this case, the people in the class recovered her, some, even intended to be with her.

Xu Nanfeng is the calm of performance, the only thing that makes her headache is Qinning's second ancestors.

I know this, I'm looking for her.

"Small southern wind, you see us more, a rich family, a rich, lady, you are not as good as I am."

Xu Nanfeng has no expression: "I have to learn."

Qin Ning's face came over and blocked the book, blink: "I am so handsome, you think about me."

"You are so angry,"

"Small South Wind!"

Xu Nanfeng hangs down, focusing on the book, don't talk.

Qin Ning's twisted body, he is so handsome, how can I can't get her eyes?

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