After eating, Xu Nanfeng went to my.

Lu Xizhou also leaving the door and returned to the company.

Simply handled things that handed a hand, let the secretary touched the days of the MY signing contract.

He is asking for the better, so the Secretary is set to tomorrow.

To be honest, he does not understand, Shang Xiu's hand is clearly a big event than this matter, why they have to be attracted to this matter.

Of course, he didn't dare to say this.

He silently delivered them to the chassis of the lounge, and then hurriedly left.

Very late evening, 6 o'clock in the evening, black Bentley parked under the MY building.

At the same time, in the MY building, Qin Ning came out from the president office and went straight to the design department.

Push the door, Xu Nanyu really sits before the computer, looks serious.

He stepped over and slept in the desktop.

Xu Nanfeng looked up: "Is it six o'clock?"


Xu Nanfeng smashed her neck, turned off the computer, standing up, packing up the bag: "Let's go."

Two people go to the elevator, Qin Ning asks her: "Work on the first day, how do you feel?"

"Some tired." Long time didn't be so waiting for a whole day before the desk.

"Then I am worried about you, go to Fith to get dinner?"

Fith, the most pure Western restaurant in A City, per capita consumption.

She is fortunate to go once, the name is not flexible, and the taste is a taste.

It's so the boss in the first day of work. Really good?

Xu Nanfeng felt not very good.

After all, Qin Ning is not pure to her.

She refused her.

The two are already in the elevator, and Qin Ning put down the president's shelf, and the integration of the Emperor of the Made in minutes.

He raised his hand and heard his own mouth: "Do you refuse me if your conscience will not hurt?"

"Exaggerated." Xu Nanfeng smiled and gave two words evaluation.

"Small southern wind, you promise me, I am now good is your head boss, the boss is not listening to it?"

Officials of the official epistemon?


Xu Nanfeng fluttered himself: "Qin Ning, now it is time, I, don't return you."

"Please eat a meal, don't know, I thought I was forced to do something wrong."


"Small southern wind, you are best, promise me to promise me, I will sing you."

"..." started to come crazy.

Taking Qinning dog skin cream medicine style, Xu Nanfeng feels that she will not agree with it tonight.

She looked at Qinning: "Start, I promise you."

Qin Ning turned into a second, and the migraine was lazy and looked at her: "The early promise is not good."


On the first floor, go out of the elevator.

"Qin Ning -", in front, I have gone through a year of nearly fifty fat men.

"Uncle Lin. Qin Ning's response, at the same time, migital, this voice said to Xu Na Feng:" You go first, wait for me outside. " "

Xu Nanfeng chartered the Uncle Lin, and left.

Slowly walk to the stairs of the building, waiting quietly.

Double eyes are unhappy to sweep forward.

She seems to ... I saw Lu Xizhou.

No, it is not as if it is true.

In the line of sight, Lu Xicai stepped by step, he came to her, and his handsome pens, the remaining hood behind him, as if it was shining.

She was a moment, Lu Xizhou approached.

He looked at her, and his lips wiped a laugh: "It's so clever, I will come here, just pass by, this is from get off work? Is it convenient to have a meal together?"

"..." smart fart.

Is this "chance to encounter" a little too deliberate?

Xu Nanfeng lip, did not think about how to open, after body, came to Qin Ning with a cooler voice: "Hey, this is not Lu Guan?"

"Children, meet again." Lu Xizhou looked at Qin Ning, a pair of eyes disdain and contemptuous.

Similarly, Qin Ning returned to him: "Uncle is good."

His voice is lazy, so shouted, quite undead.

The look of Lu Xizhou immediately sank.

Are he old?

Xu Nanfeng looked at him, almost did not smile out.

Lu Xizhou screamed, she immediately said that he didn't have anything to do anything.

Qin Ning took the front step, the hand was helpful to help Xu Nan wind shoulders: "Let's go."

"Oh." Xu Nanfeng went down with him.

When you pass the shoulders, Qin Ning demonstrates that Lu Xicai is a eye, lips: "Uncle, goodbye."

Lu Xizhou looked at the back of the two people who left, mokers, and hands-on verdients.

This little rabbit scorpion!

Qin Ning opened Xu Nanfeng's car, with Xu Nanfeng, from him "", flying away.

Where is it?

He doesn't care, he is going to follow!

Lu Xizhou suddenly walked to the side of the car, launching the car, and then going.

It is not exposed to yourself, followed by it.

The two cars stopped in the door of the Fith.

The waiter is congrators and respects people.

Xu Nanfeng picked up the window.

This time period, here is a simplicity.

Waiting for the service to wait for them to order.

Xu Nanfeng has a special foie and vegetable salad.

Qin Ning began to order, Xu Nanfeng looked at the violle that was playing on the high platform.

In the melodious music, outside the door, walk into a person.

White shirts black and west pants, so simple mix is ​​still extremely bright, standing in the crowd.

Many people look at it.

Xu Nanfeng only looked at it, stupid.

Have to say, the soul is not disappeared, and Lu Xizhou interpretation is quite good.

He stood in the lobby, swept a circle in four times, and took the lips and laughed with her eyes.

Then, Xu Nanfeng looked at him to walk in the window.

Finally, standing next to their table.

"There is no seat, can I sit here?"

Qin Ning saw the expression of: "No."

Lu Xizhou didn't hear it, and she sat in Xuantan wind side: "Thank you."

Xu Nanfeng: ......

Qinning: ...


Qin Ning is at him, how can this world be so shameless?

Lu Xizhou didn't look at him, directly looked at the waiter: "I want a one with this lady."

The process of waiting for the meal is abnormally, the atmosphere is sword, and fiercely seems to have a dry stand at any time.

Xu Nanfeng looked at the two people, thinking about what to say to the atmosphere.

However, it seems that you can't easily.

Silence, spying silence, Xu Nanfeng feels like sitting in needle felt.

Ok, I am so fast, not waiting for how long.

The three-person package came up.

Lu Xizhou thoughtfully wandered his foiencum, then picked up the eyebrows.

Qin Ning looked at the "couple meal" in front of the two, and I felt a full of fire.

Okate people brought him, why do he have to take advantage of the benefits?

This stirring stick!

Qin Ning cried his teeth cutting the piece of steak, and there was a feeling that the kind of gas was going to explode.

A waved, calling the waiter, I got a bottle of Romanee Conti.

He has to come to the bottle of wine to drop the fire.

I didn't eat a few mouthfuls, holding a bottle of red wine.

Xu Nanfeng saw that he had to kill himself, and he grabbed the bottle from his hand: "Also gain it."

Qin Ning went back, see Lu Xizhou: "What is this alcohol? I am a man, unlike a little white face, what is like a little, and you can't drink."

Stick him?

He will not hook!

How to maintain a beautiful image with a stupidity in front of Xu Nanyi?

Lu Xizhou's eyelids did not lift it, and put the foie drops in his own plate to Xu Nanfeng.

She seems to like this foiencum, a lot of eating.

Xu Nanfeng was stunned: "Thank you."

Looking at the interaction of the two, Qin Ning is a big written trough.

This dating of this suffering is finally ended.

Qin Ning's head was groggy, but it hasn't forgotten to check out.

On the counter, he took out the wallet, but he was told that the consumption of their tables was in Lu Xicai account. The reason is that Lu Xizhou is the distinguished VIP here.

It is necessary to charge the VIP here to charge 100,000, and then the consumption will be recorded until the 100,000 yuan consumption is completed.

He retired the wallet, turned back, Lu Xizhou stood on the side of Xu Southern Looking at him, wrote two words on the face - pens.

Really ... what is forced to make him put it!

Qin Ning couldn't help but hurt the sentence: "Grass."

Then he heard that Lu Xizhou turned back and said: "Vulgar."

"..." True fucking.

Three people walked out of Fith.

On the streets of the lights, Lu Xizhou said to Xu Nanfeng: "I will send you."

Qin Ning came in: "Sorry, uncle, Xiao Nanfeng is brought, I need to guarantee her personal safety, she has to send."

"Yes?" Lu Xizhou loudly: "Sorry, you may forget, you just drink, you can't drive."


Qin Ning did not come up, almost spared.

He said that he didn't drink this person. It turned out that he was waiting for him here.

Ok ...

He was drunk in Lu Xizhou, who was drunk as a proud (none) of love (love).

The taxi driver stepped on the throttle and greeted.

He struggled to squat out of the window and saw that Lu Xizhou stunned him, laughing with only treacherous old foxes.

Rub, this beam, is a large!

Send away Qin Ning, Lu Xizhou looked to Xu Nanfeng: "Let's go, I will send you."

"No, I am going well, I have a car, very safe."

"I am going with you."


Is it a new house in Lu Xizhou?

Xu Nanfeng thought, Lu Xizhou gave her in the car: "Time is not early, let's go."

I haven't given her a chance to think.

Xu Nanfeng half a trusted launch of the car.

Under the famous door, the two cars stopped.

Xu Nanfeng looked at Lu Xizhou under the car: "You don't have to send me up."

"I will go."

Shun Road is here?

So, where is he lived?

The author has something to say:

This week is good, add one today, don't love me too much.

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