South Wind Knows My Mood

Chapter 88, I have to die with him.

Xu Nanfeng runs in the Panshan Road, and I will not see a car for a long time.

She ran at nearly exhausted, and she had to breathe. She only saw a car that came to a black horse.

Look at some eyes familiar.

She swayed his arms, and did not speak, the car fierce a sudden brake stopped in her.

She is slightly.

The door opened, and a head is explored from the inside.

It is Qin Ning, he looked at her, like a breather, and there is a relaxation after the look, he said to her: "Come on."

Xu Nanfeng jumped on the bus.

Qin Ning turned into the steering wheel, see, it is to transfer the head.

Xu Nanfeng holds his arm: "Where to go?"

"Come back home."

"I don't go home." Xu Nanfeng settled him: "Go up, to save the continent."

"He let me take you."

"Qin Ning!" Xu Nan Feng was angry.

Qin Ning first visited the South Wind like this, it was stubborn than any past, and she didn't send him, and a tears fell.

He didn't see the southern wind.

He panicked.

"You don't cry, I am a good for you, there is too dangerous."

"I know, how can I watch the danger of Lu Xizhou?" Xu Nanfeng responded to crying: "Qin Ning, you help me, this time I can't leave him."

If Lu Xizhou is so dead.

Because she is dead.

She will not forgive her life in her life.

Qin Ning hesitated.

Xu Nanfeng looked at him, a word: "Qin Ning, if he is dead, I will not live alone."

Her eyes are extremely determined, so firm, as soon as Lu Xizhou left.

Qin Ning knows that Xu Southam is serious.

He opened his mouth, half-awaited, squeezed out: "Well, I will take you."

He will bring it in the past and protect it.

He returned the steering wheel back to the front direction, after the car, the alarm sounded.

The police came.

He stepped on the throttle, and the car came out again and took the way in front.

In just a few minutes, the villa group appeared in front of him, and there was anything that shrouded above a villa.

The homogeneous premonition is in a moment of a moment.

And Xu Nanfeng, in a moment of tears.

Places that are fire is the house.

And now, is it, Lu Xizhou has been buried in the fire?

Everything is too late.

She is trembling, shaking open the car door, trembling jumping off the car, like a god, running toward the villa.

Qin Ning saw her figure, the heart was in a hurry, followed by.

His step is big, and I want to rush into the fire in Xu Nanfeng.

Xu Nanfeng struggled, crying in his arms.

He stopped her and went to observe the fire.

I found that the fire seems to be ignited, the fire has not been very powerful.

Lu Xizhou, is not the possibility of escape.

He grabbed the arm of Xu Nanfeng: "Small South Wind, you are calm, listen to me."

"I don't listen, Qin Ning, you let me go, I have to save him, he is waiting for me ..." Xu Nanfeng cried the waist.

Qin Ning distressed, he held her face with her hands, angry: "Xu Nanfeng! Don't you live? You are going in now!"

"I have to die with him."

Qin Ning looked at Xu Nanfeng, nothing to say.

A face is only forces.

A few seconds, he pushed her: "You are waiting here, I will go in for you to save him!"

There is just a policeman in front of the police in the body.

Qin Ning grabbed one, thrown Xu Nang wind into his arms: "I gave me a good show, I have a flash, I will ask you!"

I have fallen, and his face is deep, walk, while pulling out the outer cassette.

The inner mile is already a smoke rolling.

The people in the whole room escaped from the windows, in the living room, only the Lu Xizhou and Take the □ □ remote controlled Lu Sheng.

The fire started from the porch. It is already going to spread to the sofa, smoke, Lu Xizhou face to see the laughter of the land and the small remote control held in his hand.

He came to him.

He is preparing, with him.

And he can't let this happen.

He has to stop him.

Lu Xihou moved his hands and feet, killing, a pair of dark eyes and dead locked, ready to move around him, from his hand to take that remote control.

It is not true in the smoke, and Lu Shen did not see his subtle movement.

In fact, he did not see a disabled in the eyes in the eyes.

A person who lames legs, how to fight with him?

He fixed his gods and step by step.

Looking at him as soon as possible: "Lu Xizhou, everything is over."

I have fallen, he sit on the couch, slender fingers, slow down the button.

As long as there is one second, as long as the button presses, everything will be turned into a cloud.

Lu Xizhou squinted, it is at this moment!

He slammed from the ground, and the heavy fell, reached out, trying to go to the remote control from his hand.

Lu Jing hide.

He didn't touch it.

Almost the reaction of the body's consciousness, Lu Xizhou jumped, stepped on a few tables, reached out.

Kicking a wrist in the land.

Land, pain, loose hands.

That remote control has a radiability in the air and falls in the corner.

Lu Shen face changed, he stood up and ran in the corner of the wall.

But it didn't run away.

Lu Xizhou hugged him from behind, dead.

The two have opened a fierce struggle in Sand.

Lu Shen did not expect that in the case of the blood of the right leg, Lu Xizhou actually has such a big strength.

He didn't break it.

Take a look at the lapse of a second, and the footsteps outside the door are getting closer.

He is like crazy, starting to pick up the ashtrain on the coffee table to go to the knees of the Luzhou.

Blood splash, bone break.

The pain of the drill heart, almost makes him black, and Lu Xizhou feels that every nerve is screaming, strength, gradually being smaller.

Can't catch up.

The awareness began to blur.

Lu Shen saw, take the ashtray in his head.

Lu Xizhou's head, released his hand, and the viscous blood was blurred in a moment.

I can't see anything.

Lu Shen will throw the ashtrain in his hand, stand up, and walk toward the corner.

Just then, the door was pushed away.

Qin Ning covered the jacket into the fire.

In just a few seconds, the coat has a fire, he throws it.

Take a glance in the living room, the first to see is blood.

Fresh red tattoo blood.

Looking up, he saw Lu Xizhou lying on the sofa.

He rushed, and held Lu Xizhou before the fire swallowed the sofa.

Just instantly, he heard the weak voice of Lu Xizhou: "□ □, he has ... □", stop him. "


Who is he?

He turned his head and saw another figure in the living room.

The man is back to him, what is going on the waist.

He can't think much, find a still-safe empty land to throw Lu Xizhou, run toward the corner of the wall.

Take it close, suddenly, from the top of the head, a horizontal wood, a flavored crosswood.

The man retired and avoided.

Just, hit it on Qin Ning.

The thing in your hand fell on the ground.

I don't know what something, there are two buttons above.

Qin Ning intuition, that is not a good thing.

He lifted his foot and stepped.

Lu Shen saw, face, a punch.

Qin Ning contrasts him, the body is relatively slim, but there is left, he is abundant.

In the end, kick the thing into the fire.

In a blink of an eye, it is swallowed by a fire.

In this instant, Lu Sheng people are arrogant, like an irritated beast, fist.

Qin Ning can't live, I have a few punches, and I am afraid of Venus.

Fortunately, there is a special police rushed in.

Saved was put on the ground, and pressed the land to die on the ground, handcuffed, and fell on his wrist.

He gasped, looking at a place in the living room, the bottom is unwiserable.

A scarlet.

Qin Ning is sore, slowly sit up, go to Lu Xizhou.

At the outside of the door, people who see it will not be delayed, and Xu Nanfeng can no longer calm, she is biting on the hand of her hand.

I don't know how much strength.

That policeman screamed.

Xu Nanfeng spit out the broken meat in your mouth, rushing into the fire like a whirlwind.

In the living room, a few tables, she saw Lu Xizhou lying there.

He moved, I don't know if it is dead.

She ran over, squatting down, tears a drop in Lu Xizhou: "You will not have something, you won't have something ..."

She is holding him.

But I didn't see it, the top of the head was rumped down.

Lu Xizhou felt that there was a cold liquid to him, and he seems to hear the cry of Xu Nanfeng.

He opened his eyes.

Didn't see her face, but smelling her smell.

At the same time, he saw the beams that fell from above, the beams of the fire tongue.

Didn't make him think, he spent the last silk, turned over, will be a good southern style, and protect it under.

Not far away, Qin Ning saw it, and the face was shocked.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

The horizontal beam is over, and the waist in Lu Xicai.

The fire tongue is a instant roll on his skin.

He stood up, the nerves of numbness, came into sharp stabbies.


He has not perceived, and the awareness has been in the dark again.

He closed his eyes and guards the hand of Xu Nanfeng, but he never released it.

The author has something to say:

This chapter of the small land, very handsome

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