South Wind Knows My Mood

Chapter 94 proposing

Lu Xicai gives her reason. The original model has a little one. Now contacting new models. It has been too late, and she as his future wife. At this moment, he should help him.

Xu Nanfeng gave him a face of him, only hard my head.

Fortunately, the next morning, in the background, she was the white yarn and found the size of the size.

She didn't think much, and she had already sent an impassioned sound outside the booth.

Xu Nanfeng as a model of Today's pressure axis, the whole person is not nervous, sitting in the background palm is all sweat.

She is only a Taobao model, and she has never been exposed, she doesn't know if she can complete the final axis show.

It is clear that the time is long enough, the macro the South wind feels, but it is a blink of an eye. All the models are all peen out, and I don't know how to play.

She stood up from the seat, breathing deep breathing, and comforting themselves in my heart.

When the host voice falls, she is visiting, looking up, slowly walking from the background.

The dazzling magnesium lamp is covered in her head, and the top is a black pressed population.

She is still nervous in the moment of countless double eyes.

She missed legs began to faint shaking, and a heart gradually mentioned his eyes.

The next consciousness, the eyes are not autonomous, and I will find the figure of Lu Xizhou.

At this time, she needs a dollar pill.

Lu Xizhou can always give her a feeling of peace of mind.

She watched a circle, finally, saw Lu Xicai in the most middle of the first row, and he, looked at her quietly, under the light, the dark eyes, it was a white smile.

Gentle, encourage, appreciation, pride.

She saw all his emotions from his eyes.

Miracle, the sight of the whisper seems to be gone, her world, only he is alone.

She slowly calm down.

Body relaxation.

As usual, I have finished the last spindle show, there is no mistake.

There is no strong gas field, no indifferent eyes.

Yes, just quiet and beautiful.

She quietly stood in the soft light, a white sand hook out the mood curve, and the whispering the yarn couldn't live the pair of eyes.

That is, if you are gallows, you are beautiful.

Just standing there, let the people have admired.

A quiet venue, after a few seconds, the fierce applause broke out.

That is given.

More than the time to give it.

She finally walked behind the scene before the scene, with a model's identity, not afraid.

This is her success.

She stands on the stage and silently benting the lips.

At this moment, I have a thousand emotions in the heart.

In this endless applause, Lu Xizhou suddenly walked up from the stage, stepped on the red carpet, step by step, close to her.

The applause gradually fell.

Everyone is unclear, so look at him.

Including Xu Ni Feng.

In this long-awacked time, he finally went to her.

She looked at him.

On Lu Xizhou paided with her, the lack of single knee knee, took out a delicate small box from the pocket, opened, and raised her eyes.

He said with a smile, saying to her: "Sorry, this late marriage, Xu Nanfeng, are you willing to marry me?"

Xu Nanfeng, are you willing to marry me?

In eight years, she waited for him for eight years.

In the years, she never thought that he would marry her in the face of everyone in this way.

Then, this white yarn is on her body ...

All this is the surprise he prepared for her.

He is proud and does not understand the romantic man, but in front of the whole world, he knees her knees.

Xu Nang said that it can't come.

And this moment, the entire venue is shaken.

Everyone cheers.

Heliflow, the blessings are endless.

And Xu Nang looks at this man in front of her, wet eyes.

The people around the world faded, and only the one left in her ear, is you willing to marry me?

are you willing?

This moment, she recalls and his eight years.

Come all the way, there is pain, there is desperate, tears, there is a thorns, and when she is shaped to go to the end, it is joy and happiness.

If she has been looking forward to life, then her biggest expectation is the end of life, waiting for her person.

It's so big, she is not afraid of hardship, and I turn it. As long as the last person is him, it is enough.

I don't know how long it took, she found her voice, she looked straight to him, said three words to him: "I am willing."

This moment, the whole world is blessing for them.

She thought she received the best love in this world.

. ......

The wedding of the two is scheduled to open the spring of February 14.

At the end of the year, Xu Nanfeng received a reply from Toronto Xu Xi.

These years, she will send her an email at the end of the year, and this year, she is eight years, she returned to her first time.

The email content is simple.

--come back.

She asked her to ask her this year. She returned to her, back.

Xu Soutan is a moment of receiving her email, five flavors, the short words, evoke the embarrassment and thoughts buried in her heart for many years.

Xu Xi is the world, the only one with her blood relationship.

She is sitting in the chair and staring at this line for a long time, repeated confirmation, this is true.

In the end, I was carefully sent again.

--When are you coming back? I pick you up at the airport.

- twilight twins.

--it is good.

When Xu Soutan knocked over the last word, he heard the footsteps outside the door when it was bent in the back of the chair.

For a few seconds, Lu Xicai came over.

Xu Nanfeng took his head on him, and he couldn't hide the joy in the voice: "Lu Xizhou, Xu Xi will come back to New Year this year."

Xu Xi?

This name is some familiar.

Lu Xizhou thought for a few seconds, it was not sure to ask: "Do you with the father of the mother's sister?"


"I will directly take the family in the New Year."

"it is good."

"There is also a good news."

"Well?" Xu Nanfeng took a head to Lu Xizhou with his head.

Lu Xizhou knead her soft hair: "Lu Qi is also coming back."

"It seems that this year will be very busy."


. ......

On this day of the twelfth lunar month, Xu Nanfeng and Lu Xicai have received Lu Qi and Xu Xi at the airport.

Lu Qi and Lu Xizhou have hugged with Xu Nu, very big, and it is similar to a child.

Xu Xijing stood on the side, smiling, looking at a few people, the feelings, but not looked at it.

Xu Nanfeng turned back and saw her solitary appearance.

I have a sour.

She almost forgot, Xu Xi is just a child.

A few seconds, she released Lu Qi, went to Xu Xi, open her arms toward her, holding her into the arms: "Hexi, welcome home."

Xu Xi's body was stiff in her arms for a while, and gradually eased, lifted his arm, and hugged her back.

Simple cold.

Several people returned to Yunshan.

Xu Nanfeng has already bought ingredients, and I entered the kitchen with Lu Xizhou. Lu Qihe Xu Xi took her hand.

Ok, the kitchen of this villa is large enough, four people are also very spacious.

After a dinner, Lu Xizhou washed a bowl, on the building, it was going back to the bedroom, and the ruthless blocked by Xu Nanfeng was in the door.

Lu Xizhou did not speak, and the expression was grievab to look at her.

Xu Nanfeng did not laugh: "I will sleep with Xu Ton, and our sisters have some words."

"It is also possible." Lu Xi'an is not willing to promise, the top situation is to ask for the benefits: "That will be compensated for me."

"Waiting for you waist."

How to mention this?

The waist is not good. These three words are simply a humiliation.

One of Lu Xihou took someone to her, and she looked down: "Be good!"

"The time of cultivation is not enough. If you want to listen to the doctor, hey." Xu Nanfeng touched his face, looked at him in the face: "Don't tell you, Xu is waiting for me."


On the door plan, Lucyzhou has no expression, because the desire is not satisfied, it is very uncomfortable.

Lu Qi has passed a glass of water, and he laughed: "Brother, you can't."

"Go to sleep!"

"I am angry with anger, oh."

"I will throw you out again."

Lu Qi did not think of a ghost face in Lu Xizhou, before he was angry, slippery.

Lu Xi'an mood is not very pleasant to go to the side, close the door.

One ass is sitting on the sofa, some depressed low.

Does he seem to be a bit low in the status of fiancee?

Half, he took out the phone, sent a post - how to make the fiancee love me more? Online, etc., urgent.

. ......


Xu Xi wore a pajamas in Xuantan to lying on a bed.

The bedroom has been extinguished, leaving only the bed, the light is warm, and the warmth of the whole room is not quapchable.

Silence for a long time, Xu Nanyi is about to open, Xu Xi suddenly turned, said to her: "Sister, I am sorry."

This is the line prepared by Xu Ni Feng.

She, I don't know how to pick up.

Xu said that she said, "When I was, I didn't understand things. If I did something wrong, I should be punished. Even if she is my mother ..., the same thing, because my mom, I have eaten it. Mercure. "

"I have passed, Hihi." Xu Nan Feng color movement, clasped her hand: "These years, are you abroad?"

She is not imagined, Xu Xi is so small, alone is abroad, life is not familiar, what kind of bitter is there.

Xu Xi said: "Very good, I have encountered a good person."

Under the bright light, Xu Nanfeng saw the shame on her, and his heart moved: "Is there a boyfriend?"


"What kind of person he is he?"

"He is my mentor, it is a Chinese, I suddenly understand my immature, because he gave me in my painting, giving me a guilty."

"I have time to take back home to see."

"it is good."

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