Soviet Godfather

Chapter 4: Open the door

Sergei sat on the cold concrete floor, leaning back against the colder steel cell door. The outskirts of Moscow in early spring were still so cold. The cold wind blew into the small air-permeable window and hit Sergei from time to time. Sergey didn't feel any discomfort, only in this way could Sergey calm down at this time.

   The guard's footsteps sounded outside the door again. There is only one guard named Alexander in the confinement room, mainly because prisoners are not often held here. The Alexander is not bad, in the Lubyanka prison prisoner's term, a less **** person. On weekdays, the confinement room is empty. Alexander has almost nothing to do every day. He can drink and drink, read the newspaper, and pass the boring time. In fact, he did exactly that.

   Because of the conflict in the restaurant in the morning, the guard room of today's Lubyanka prison was extremely lively. Several thorns were imprisoned at once, including Che*chens, Ingushes, Slavs, Caucasians, and so on. Fully represents the multi-ethnic nature of the Union of Soviet Union *Soviet Republics.

After setting up these people in the morning, Alexander announced the rules here: "As long as you are not so fucking, I can meet your small requirements as much as possible, and even give you a sip of wine, but if you are restless, Then don't blame me for being impolite." The word not so **** is so popular in Lubyanka prison, even the guards here use it.

   Alexander is a smoker, every half an hour, he would come to the end of the confinement room corridor to smoke. So whenever there were footsteps in the corridor, Sergei knew that another half hour had passed. After only one morning, the prisoners could not stand the taste of the confinement room and began to howl. This sound is contagious. Alexander would knock on the prison door of these prisoners and open the small window on the door to warn. They are honest, if the prisoners have some small requests that are not excessive, such as smoking a cigarette, Alexander will give them one.

   It was finally noon, the small window on the cell door was opened, and Alexander put the meal in the small window. Sergey didn't eat much in the morning, and it was so cold here, Sergey almost got a stomachache from hunger. Father Petrov is right. Compared with the big canteen, the food here is really good. The staple food is potato stew, bread, and even boxed milk. The food was quickly swept away by Sergey Sha. There was food in his stomach, which made Sergei feel less cold.

   After lunch, the plate was taken back, and Sergey continued to sit on the ground for a long and boring time, and the plan in his mind was passed over again. "This is the best effect that can be achieved under the current conditions." Sergei comforted himself.

   The afterglow of the setting sun spilled in through the small window of the confinement room, and Xie Liaosha's mood became more and more nervous, and he kept thinking in his mind what to do if he failed. No one can guarantee that the device will work 100%. Once it doesn’t work, Sergei will lose the trust of Petrov’s father, and the possibility of escape from prison is almost zero. Then he will be locked up here for the rest of his life. , Maybe it won’t take a lifetime, maybe after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, there will be a chance to leave here, but that’s eleven years later, and there will be a few eleven years in life. A person who has been imprisoned in the Gulag (Gulag refers to the labor camp in Russian, and there is no such place as the Gulag Islands), what will happen to him even if he is released.

   These thoughts made Sergei Sha's mood even more irritable. He paced back and forth in the small cell, waiting anxiously, it was time for dinner. Seryosha prayed that this would be the last meal in Lubyanka prison. Although the restless mood made Sergey Shah no appetite, he forced himself to eat up dinner.

   At seven o'clock, the radio sounded from the prison as scheduled, which made Sergei even more nervous. He believed that Daddy Petrov was just as nervous as him.

   "Sir Alexander, give me a cigarette." I don't know which cell inmate* called loudly.

   "Let's talk about it when I come back, you stupid pig." Alexander replied. Then came the sound of closing the door.

   "He will probably go to the guard lounge for a cup of coffee. There is no one to look after it for a while. This is our chance. We should try it." Xie Liao made up his mind.

When the time for the action came, Sergei quickly opened the Holy Bible, which had been hollowed out by Sergey Sha. It contained two bags of metal powder, and the other contained Sergey Sha from the prison factory. The mixture of silver paint and rust is the one used to paint toys in silver. Silver paint is always prepared as a liquid when it is used. It usually exists in the form of powder, and its main component is aluminum. The rust was obtained by Sergei Sha in the waste accumulation area of ​​the factory. There is also a packet of powder that is the magnesium powder obtained by Daddy Petrov. These magnesium powders are placed in the guards’ lounge, where there are some barbells, and the magnesium powder can be rubbed on the body to prevent slipping. These two packages are the keys for Xie Liosa to open the door of the confinement room.

Another mixture of silver paint and rust is called thermite. They are mixed according to a certain * ratio. Sergey Sha does not have the conditions to mix strictly according to the ratio, but the rough * ratio can not be wrong. This kind of thing Magnesium powder is needed to ignite, and it can produce a high temperature of about 3000 degrees, which is enough to melt a prison door made of steel. UU reading www.

Sergei put the bag on the door lock, took out the match secretly hidden in the shoe, hit the match, and stretched it towards the magnesium powder, but unfortunately it did not ignite. Sergei took a deep breath and took it out again. The color of the flame of a match suddenly changed from orange-red to dazzling white. Sergey turned his head quickly. This kind of light is not good for the eyes. Although the reaction is very violent, there is no particularly loud sound. It caught the attention of others. After a few minutes, it was obvious that a large hole was burned through the door lock. The cell door opened easily with a light push, and even some molten iron fell.

   Sergey Sha went out, and the iron gate beside him was burnt to melt. Papa Petrov had apparently also come out. He saw Sergey Sha and smiled at him slightly. Sergei made a gesture at him, told him to be quiet, then pointed to Alexander's desk and made an unlocking motion.

   "Sergey Shah, what are you going to do?" Father Petrov asked.

   "Release them all, the more chaotic the better tonight. Where did you hide things*?" Xie Liaosha asked.

   "Here." Father Petrov pointed to his shoes. No wonder he doesn't look right when he walks.

   Sergey Sha quickly put on a set of security uniforms that were pulled out of the Alexander cabinet, and the old man took the key to open the door. The doors of the confinement room were opened one by one, and every prisoner who was released showed an expression of ecstasy. Even the few Che*chens were grateful to Sergey Sha. One of them even said to Sereosha: "If we can leave here alive, we will repay you."

   Not long after the music on the radio sounded.



  ?? Several loud noises almost knocked everyone down.

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