Lin su'er's brain was buzzing, and the whole person was confused.

What did Bo QinGang say?

He said he liked her?

Her brain is blank, and at this time --

"thin little!"

Zhang song came out of the box in a hurry.

"I called from the old house and said that there was something wrong with the eldest young master..."

Zhang song came out in a hurry, but as soon as she got to the corridor, she saw Lin su'er pressed against the wall with her cheeks scarlet and her lips moist.

Zhang Song's brain exploded with a bang.

"Hold, sorry, Bo Shao, I, I didn't know you were..." Zhang song was so scared that his tongue was tied. He quickly retreated and almost tripped over himself. "You, you keep on..."

Then he tried to run.

Oh, my God!

He's an idiot! What's the interruption!

He won't be killed by Bo Shao!

Thinking of this, Zhang Song almost wanted to crash to death on the wall. At this time, Bo QinGang's cold voice sounded from behind --


Zhang Song immediately stopped like a wooden man and did not dare to turn back.

On this side, Bo QinGang released Lin su'er, and her knuckled fingers lifted up and rubbed the girl's moist lips.

"Remember to apply medicine to the wound on your hand when you go back."

With that, he turned away.

Zhang song suddenly returned to his senses and quickly followed him.

Lin su'er was left alone in the corridor and had not recovered for a long time.

Because she was so shocked, she didn't even notice that the shadow at the end of the corridor was full of joy.

Chi si'ang is standing in the shadow. Because of running all the way, he is short of breath and holding his mobile phone. On the screen of the mobile phone, Su Qinyu just sent a message with Lin su'er's mobile phone.

He stares at Bo QinGang's back and Lin su'er in the corridor. His eyes are full of haze.


This night, Lin su'er had a bad sleep.

With her eyes closed, she would see Bo QinGang's eyes as cold as a pool, and her deep voice echoed in her ears again and again --

[Lin su'er, I like you]


I can't sleep at all!

The next morning, Lin su'er came to the school with two big black circles under her eyes.

CHISON was shocked to see her like this.

"Lin su'er, you went to catch ghosts last night!"

"You catch the ghost." Lin su'er said coldly. She sat down and wanted to sleep, but she was stopped by Chi si'ang.

"Don't go to sleep. There's no class today. We're going to rehearse for the art festival. We're going to go there."

The performance of Lin su'er's class is a song and dance drama. Theoretically, it needs a lot of props.

But because several female stars are very concerned about their own image, clothes and jewelry are prepared by themselves, their props group is particularly meaningless, and the final work is to look at the props during the rehearsal.

Lin su'er's face was not very good, but thinking that she would sleep in the auditorium anyway, she reluctantly followed Chi si'ang to the auditorium.

At this time, the auditorium is full of students from all grades and classes. Everyone has their own areas to prepare props and rehearse. When Chi si'ang brings Lin su'er in, it is not surprising that there is a commotion --

"Wow, it's Chi si'ang! Whining, today's ang ang ang is still the same handsome, it is simply exciting

"Why, how can Chi si'ang follow Lin su'er?"

"Don't you know, both of them belong to the props group and share the same table. Now, of course, they are inseparable."

"What a Lin su'er! What a shame! In order to entangle Chi si'ang, he even deliberately uses the same props group as Chi si'ang newspaper! You are so cheap that you are invincible

"It's also irritating. I thought Su Qinyu could help us teach Lin su'er a lesson. But the Su family didn't know what was going on, and suddenly something happened again."

"Ah? What happened to the Su family again? "

"Yes, don't you know that the Su family seems to have offended some big people and disappeared overnight. Didn't you find that Su Qinyu didn't come to school again?"

"So exaggerated? Who did you offend and the whole family disappeared overnight? "

During the discussion, Luo Tiantian stood in the rehearsal area of class 9, looking at the figure of Lin su'er and Chi si'ang coming side by side in the distance. She clenched her hands tightly, and almost all of her eyes were about to burst out fire.

She is the hostess of the song and dance drama of class 9. She specially asked her family to prepare gorgeous clothes for her and dress up carefully, so as to let Chi si'ang see her beauty.

But I didn't expect that Chi si'ang's eyes just fell on Lin su'er that fox spirit from the beginning to the end!

Luo sweet gas crazy, at this time, props group a girl panting ran over.

"Sweetie, I got the necklace you asked me to take! Take a look at it. It's all right! "Luo Tiantian turned her head and saw the dazzling Necklace in the girl's hand.

All the girls on the scene immediately gave out amazing exclamations --

"my God! What a beautiful diamond. Isn't this year's new style of Ka Jia? My God, Luo Tiantian, did you buy it? "

"Yes, yes, I have asked my uncle to go abroad to bring me nothing! Sweetie, you bought it all

"Sweetie, do you want to bring this necklace to the stage? It will certainly be gorgeous

Hearing the flattery of the people around her, Luo Tiantian was finally in a better mood. The corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up. But she still deliberately carelessly said, "it's nothing. My father heard that I was going to perform, and specially asked people to buy it for me at a high price."

"Sweet, your father really dotes on you! How happy

"Yes, yes, this necklace is suitable for you. It's as if it was specially made for you."

Luo Tiantian's mouth radian is even more uncontrollable. She can't help but look at Chi si'ang. She wants him to have a good look, but she doesn't want Chi si'ang to look at her at all.

"Lin su'er, would you like me to measure it?" He just took a tape measure used by the props group to measure the stage, and said to Lin su'er with a smile, "I'm just curious about the size of your dark circles."

"Go away!"

Seeing that Chi si'ang kept teasing Lin su'er, Luo Tiantian's jealous face was almost distorted!

Clearly, she is the most beautiful one. Why does Chi si'ang still have Lin su'er in his eyes!

Her eyes were red with anger. She looked down at the diamond on her neck. She only felt sarcastic and wanted to tear it off.

But in the moment of catching the diamond, she suddenly thought of something, a glimmer of light flashed through her eyes.

This side.

Lin su'er is bored to death.

She didn't know where the enthusiasm of these little girls came from. It was just a performance, but they kept tossing about like life events.

She squatted beside her, yawning and bored, but she didn't want to hear a riot coming from the rehearsal of their class in front of her --

"how could the good things suddenly disappear? If you think about it carefully, where did you put it? "

"Did you look there? Did you ask the other class? Did no one see it? "

"Ask someone else! It's a limited edition. It's troublesome to lose it! "

The crowd was noisy, and Chi si'ang, who was napping next to Lin su'er, was also woken up. She frowned at the front and caught a flustered girl, "what's the matter?"

"Sweet necklace is missing!" When the girl saw Chi si'ang talking to herself, she was surprised and worried, "that necklace is a new style of Ka family. It's millions!"

Lin su'er frowned slightly.

Lost the necklace?

But there are people all over here. How can you lose something?

She is strange, saw Luo Tiantian come in a hurry.

"So son, cision, have you seen my necklace?"

"I didn't see it."

"How could that happen?" Luo Tiantian almost cried and stamped her feet, "that's a gift my father bought me! It's also used when performing. If it's lost... "

She was in a hurry and in a panic, she accidentally kicked Lin su'er's schoolbag beside her.


Suddenly something came out of Lin su'er's dark schoolbag.

Lin su'er looks down and sees a bright Necklace in the shape of love.

"My God..." Seeing the necklace, Luo Tiantian also showed a shocked expression, "this Isn't this my necklace

Luo Tiantian's tone is very high, all of a sudden covered the noise around, everyone turned to look.

At this time, Luo Tiantian has picked up the necklace on the ground. She looks at Lin su'er in disbelief and is shocked, "su'er, it is Did you steal my necklace , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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