"The antidote to the toxin, of course!" Lu Xiaoyue is crazy.

"You're not poisoned at all. What antidote do you need?"

Lu Xiaoyue's eyes were wide and round, and then she finally responded, "Lin su'er, you play me!"

"Yes." Lin su'er did not feel guilty at all, "otherwise, how would you like to stand up?"

"You Lu Xiaoyue is so mad that she thinks of the resentful look in her eyes when Luo Tian left just now. She is even more frightened and runs after her.

The people next to me finally responded to it --

"cut! I thought that Lin su'er was so powerful that she was lying after a long time's work! "

"I said, where there is such a powerful medicine, a little skin will be rotten, it is bragging

"Well, but what happened to that potted plant just now?"

"I guess it's just a little common corrosive powder. It's useful for potted plants, but not for people."

Hearing these people's ridicule, Lin su'er put away the glass bottle in her hand.

In fact, the powder in her bottle is the real corrosive powder. If Lu Xiaoyue is really infected with it, the whole person will be as rotten as the potted plant just now.

But she is not in trouble, how can this kind of thing spill in the schoolbag.

So just now I said that there was powder in the schoolbag just to cheat Xiaoyue.

But the effect of this powder is real.

But she is not in a hurry to clarify.

What's the bottom card? Why show it to others?

Chi si'ang looked at this scene in his eyes and took a cold look at Lin su'er, mocking: "little liar."

Don't hesitate to go back

Chi si'ang

After the heroine Luo Tiantian left, the rehearsal of Lin su'er's class must not continue.

So we can only do props together.

Because Lin su'er and Chi si'ang didn't do anything, they were assigned the task of cleaning up things at the end.

Because Lin su'er's class is a stage play, there are more props and more garbage left than others. When the other classrooms are cleaned up, they are still carrying things.

Lin su'er picked up a shelf and planned to move to the backstage.

After taking the fruit of medicine Lingyu space, Lin su'er is much stronger than ordinary girls. Although Bo QinGang's evil spirit still can't be beat, it's no surprise to carry things.

I don't want her to be robbed by another pair just after she hit the shelf.

"Cision?" Lin su'er was stunned, "what are you doing? I'll just move it. You can move the shelves over there

"Lin su'er, are you still a woman?" CHISON glared at her.

Such a heavy thing, ordinary girls have long been whining, but Lin su'er is still moving here.

"Ha?" Lin su'er looked inexplicable. "It's just moving something. What does it have to do with whether I'm a woman or not?"

Chi si'ang

Sometimes he really wants to pry Lin su'er's head to see what the structure is.

He was too lazy to pay attention to her, directly lifted the shelf in her hand and glared at her.

"I'll move the shelves, and you'll sweep the floor for me."

Then he lifted the shelf and walked back to the stage. Lin su'er had no choice but to sweep the floor.

At the same time.

Outside the auditorium.

"Sweetie, I'm wrong!" Lu Xiaoyue anxiously pulled Luo Tiantian, "I was really scared just now! I didn't mean to betray you

"Lu Xiaoyue! I don't want to hear your explanation! " At this time, Luo Tiantian has changed her costume, and her face turned white. "I'm going to go back and tell Dad! Withdraw your family's cooperation

"No! Honey, you don't want it Lu Xiaoyue is very anxious. Her family also does news, but it is not as big as Luo's. it can be said that she has been looking at Luo's family for a living, so she just listens to Luo Tian's sweet words.

But now she has offended Luo Tiantian!

Dad will kill her!

Thinking of this road, Xiaoyue can't help but be very anxious. She is about to hold Luo Tiantian. But they don't want to see Lin su'er sweeping the floor alone in the auditorium.

Luo Tiantian and Lu Xiaoyue's steps all stop.

"Lin su'er is the only one left." Lu Xiaoyue a Leng, suddenly thought of what, eyes a bright.

"Sweet! I've come up with a way to get rid of Lin su'er! " She can't wait to look at Luo Tiantian, a face excited, "you just think I'll make up for it, don't pursue me, OK?"


When Lin su'er and Chi si'ang moved the things, it was more than half an hour later.

Lin su'er takes a deep breath and stretches her muscles and bones.

It's a bit of exercise. Good.

She packed her schoolbag and was ready to leave. However, Chi si'ang was standing at the entrance of the auditorium with a strange look."Why don't you go?" She walked over.

Cision looked at her strangely, "the door is locked."

"What?" Lin su'er was stunned, reached out to push the door, only to find that the auditorium was really locked.

Because the auditorium is very large, there are four doors in total. Lin su'er and Chi si'ang quickly check them and find that all the four doors are locked.

"What's going on?" "Who's frowning at the door?"

Lin su'er could not help frowning, "let's call the school security guard to open the door."

She wanted to make a phone call, but she didn't want the phone to be dark.

"My cell phone is dead." Lin su'er was helpless and looked up at Chi si'ang, "you come to fight."

"Good." Chi si'ang immediately reached out to touch the mobile phone, and his eyes suddenly flashed imperceptibly.

"I remember." He took back his hand, did not take out the mobile phone, "my mobile phone also plays the game this afternoon, no power."

"No electricity?" Lin su'er is stunned.

No, that's bad luck?

"What about that?" Lin su'er's eyebrows also wrinkled up, "at this point, everyone is out of school, no one will come to the auditorium?"

"So we'll have to spend one night in the auditorium."

Lin su'er looked at Chi si'ang in a strange way.

Is it her illusion? How does she feel? Chi si'ang seems a little happy.

Illusion. Yes.

"One night, then." As soon as Lin su'er came, she immediately sat down on the ground.

Chi si'ang sat down beside Lin su'er.

After Lin su'er sat down, she went directly into Yao Lingyu space.

She prepared a lot of things in the space, so she didn't feel bored.

But just as she was doing her homework conscientiously in yaolingyu space, she didn't want to hear --


There was a crackle outside the space.

She was stunned, left the space, opened her eyes, but found a piece of darkness in front of her.

The power is off?

Before she had time to react, Chi si'ang's voice began to ring around her --

"what's the situation. Why turn off the lights. "

"It's normal." Lin su'er quickly calmed down. "There is no one in the auditorium at night. The school will definitely cut off the power in order to save electricity."

With that, Lin su'er yawned.

She usually work and rest regularly, this point, is really sleepy.

"Now that the lights are off, go to sleep." She took off her coat and spread it on the floor. "Good night."


In the dark, CHISON was trying to say something, but he didn't want to -


In the dark, there was a sudden crackle.

Lin su'er was stunned and suddenly felt that her arm was caught.

"What sound?" CHISON's nervous voice sounded in the dark.

Lin su'er raised her head. Her eyes had quickly adapted to the darkness, so she saw a mineral water bottle lying on the ground in front of her.

Obviously, some students left their water bottles in the auditorium and were blown away by the wind.

"It's a mineral water bottle." Lin su'er was helpless. She looked down at her arm and said, "Chi si'ang, can you let me go?"

But Chi si'ang's hand did not move. On the contrary, he grasped more tightly.

Lin su'er finally realized that something was wrong.

"No She looked up and looked at Chi si'ang on her side. She was stunned, "Chi si'ang, are you afraid of ghosts?"

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