Lin su'er lied casually, mixed up with the school clinic teacher, took a temperature, and finally left the clinic.

Now it's almost time for self-study in the morning. Lin su'er goes straight to the classroom.

But I don't want her to just come to the door of the classroom when she meets Luo Tian, who is just coming to school.

Luo Tian saw that Lin su'er's clothes were wrinkled, and immediately understood that she had spent the night in the auditorium last night.

Schadenfreude flashed through her eyes.

"How are you, Lin su'er." She hugged her chest, and a sneer came out of her eyes. "Isn't it good to be locked up in the auditorium for a night?"

Lin su'er was stunned and then narrowed her eyes slightly. "Did you close the door last night?"

"How about me?" Luo Tian snorted coldly from the nose, "I tell you! Dare to seduce Chi si'ang, this is your end! Stay away from him if you know what to do! The next time I close you, it will not be the auditorium! "

Lin su'er:

She suddenly realized the problem.

Luo Tian, do you know that she was locked up in the auditorium with Chi si'ang yesterday?

Thinking of this, she thought and said, "Luo Tian, are you sure you know what you did yesterday?"

"Of course I know! I am to give you this ungrateful fox spirit a little color! Let you dare to seduce Chi si'ang in the future

Luo Tian said with righteous indignation, but at this time, several girls just walked past her and discussed --

"Hey, did you hear that Chi si'ang was shut up in the auditorium yesterday, and it was closed all night. The security guard went to open the door and released it this morning!"

"True or false! My God, who is so excessive, pool school grass are closed! It's too much! "

"That is, the auditorium is so cold, I don't know if we have caught a cold..."

The girl's voice clearly passed into Luo Tian's ears, Luo Tian's face a little white down.


Was Chi si'ang in the auditorium yesterday?

So She locked up Chi si'ang and Lin su'er together, creating a whole night of solitude for them!?

Looking at Luo Tian's pale face, Lin su'er suddenly feels a little sympathy and is afraid to pat her on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry."

Leaving these two words, she walked back to the classroom.

Luo Tian regained her consciousness and turned to look at Lin su'er's back. She screamed angrily, "Lin su'er!"

Not long after Lin su'er returned to her seat, Chi si'ang came.

Like Lin su'er, his school uniform was wrinkled. He slapped Lin su'er on the table and gnawed his teeth.

"Lin su'er, where did you go last night?"

Lin su'er is a bit cautious.

In fact, she didn't know how she left the auditorium, but it seemed a bit ungrateful to leave Chi si'ang alone in that place.

"Cough." She looked embarrassed. "Accidents, all accidents."

Chi si'ang's face was worse, but Lao Gu just came in. He could only sit down with a cold face.

"Well, as we all know, today is the art festival." On the podium, Lao Gu still laughs like Maitreya. "The old rule is that the performance of each class is the first, and then the charity auction with parents. Last year, our class had the highest auction amount except class five. I hope that this year we can also actively participate in charity. But remember, charity is in mind, not in comparison."

In the tradition of Yingzhen, a charity auction will be held after the performance of the art festival every year.

The main reason why the school will hold charity auction is that every art festival, many parents of students will come to watch their children's performances, and then after the show, these parents will stab secretly, and want to show off their wealth.

That's why the school set up such a charity activity. In short, every parent will donate something and then auction. All the money from the auction will be donated in the name of Yingzhen parents' Association.

Over time, students and classes will be compared to each other. The amount of money donated by auction is higher than that of which class.

In short, it is a large-scale show off scene.

Lin su'er has nothing to do with showing off her wealth, so she just yawns and figures out when she can finish school quickly.

After each class's head teacher has done a simple mobilization, the students head to the auditorium.

Lin su'er is also ready to follow the army. She doesn't want Gu to stop her suddenly.

"Lin su'er, come to my office for a moment."

Lin su'er was puzzled by her steps.

What does Gu do with her?

"Save me a seat." She said a word to Chi si'ang and followed Gu to his office.

All the teachers in the office went to the art festival. The office was empty, only Lao Gu and Lin su'er."Lin su'er." Lao Gu sat down and opened the door to see the mountain road. "I'm looking for you this time. I want to talk to you about your university volunteer."

Lin su'er is stunned, just react to come over, oneself high three. In this world, senior three children have to face the big event of applying for school.

"That's it." Lao Gu continued, "in our school, parents always contact their teachers to fill in the volunteers after discussing with their children. Last week, we have contacted all the parents of senior three students, and other parents have also applied for the volunteers, but only the parents of your family have not reported the volunteers."

Lin su'er immediately understood.

Lin Aotian now can be said to be disgusted with her to the extreme, the school contacted him, he did not directly say to her to drop out of school, let alone talk about university volunteer with her.

"Mr. Gu, my family is in a special situation. I'll tell you what I want to do."

"This..." Gu hesitated, "but this is a big deal. Are you sure you don't want to discuss it with your parents?"

"No more." Lin su'er said firmly, "I'm an adult. I can decide for myself."

Indeed, unlike ordinary junior high school students, Lin su'er is 19 years old and can be responsible for her own decisions.

"All right." Lao Gu gave in and gave the volunteer form to Lin su'er. "You can fill in it yourself and give it to the monitor."

"OK, thank you, Mr. Gu." Lin su'er took the form, but did not rush to leave, just asked, "by the way, Mr. Gu, can I apply for accommodation?"

In fact, Yingzhen high school also has dormitories, but because Lin su'er is a local, she has never lived before.

Old Gu a Leng, "can apply, how, you want to live in school?"

"Yes, the college entrance examination is coming. I want to review it well."

"So it is." Gu always pushes his glasses. "I'll arrange it for you."

"Thank you, Mr. Gu."

After she came out of Lao Gu's office, Lin su'er filled in her volunteer form without thinking about it. Then she went to the venue of the Art Festival and gave the form to the monitor.

When the monitor saw Lin su'er's volunteer book, his eyes almost popped out.

"Lin su'er, you want to apply for the Medical College of Huaxia University!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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