Luo Tiantian's shy smile on her face suddenly stiffened on her face!

It's not just Luo Tiantian. The whole audience is dumbfounded.

"Lying trough, what's the situation? Isn't Bo Shao here for Luo Tiantian

"Not looking for Luo Tiantian? Who is that coming for? There is no one else in our school who may know little... "

"What the hell is going on here?"

In a shock, Bo QinGang finally stopped.

In front of him is Lin su'er.

"Lin su'er." The man said in a deep voice, "is there anyone next to you?"

When Lin su'er saw Bo QinGang, she was shocked to tell the truth.

Only when she saw him walking in front of her, did she come back to her mind. Just as she wanted to say "someone", Bo QinGang had already sat down in the seat left by Chi si'ang.

In a flash, the whole auditorium was dead.

All the people's expressions were as ugly and shocked as they were fed with flies.

"Special, special, I am not wrong Thin, thin little, this is sitting beside Lin su'er? "

"So So is not bo Shao here looking for Luo Tiantian? Are you looking for Lin su'er? "

"Wait, I remember In the previous interview, it seems that Luo Tiantian was not alone. Did Lin su'er also go? "

"Lie trough, wait a minute. Did Bo Shao shout a million yuan when he came in just now? So what Bo Shao said was to bid for Lin su'er's photos! "

"Shit! I remember you said that! Yes it is. Bo Shao is here to bid for Lin su'er's picture! "

"Wait! Isn't the starting price of 100000 yuan, or a million yuan? This, this, this, what is the situation

All of us were shocked to see the collapse of the three outlooks and look at Lin su'er's expression, which was unprecedented in respect and admiration.

But if there is something between her and su'ang, what are they

Sorry, dare not envy, dare not have the opinion!

Lin su'er naturally felt the eyes of the people around her. She sighed slightly and looked at the man beside her, frowning slightly, "what are you doing here?"

"Come to see you." The man's answer is calm as water, which should be.

Lin su'er's mouth slightly twitched.

Since the last time in ziweige, she was inexplicably confessed by Bo QinGang, they have not seen each other for a long time.

But I didn't expect that Bo QinGang suddenly came to find himself, and the way he appeared was still so high-profile.

Bo QinGang and Lin su'er talk in a low voice, so the students in the distance do not hear, but Luo Tiantian, who sits behind them, hears it clearly.

Her face was as white as paper.

Bo Shao really came to find Lin su'er

What's more, listening to the tone of two people's talk is that they have known each other for a long time.

Luo Tiantian suddenly thought that when she interviewed Bo Shao before, Bo Shao seemed to call on Lin su'er to ask questions.

So Lin su'er knew little before that?

So Lin su'er was able to get an interview with Bo Shao, not because of his bad luck, but because of the back door that Bo Shao opened himself?

In the recognition of this point, Luo Tiantian face the last trace of blood faded.

She didn't even dare to envy Lin su'er any more, but her hands were shaking with fear.

Oh, my God!

What is she doing!

She even calculated the little woman!

She's killing herself!

Thinking of this, she quickly looked at the MC on the stage, trying to stop the auction.


This photo of Lin su'er was sneaked into the list of charity auction, just to make Lin su'er disgrace!

But now, she is regretful, all over trembling!

She wanted to show the emcee to stop the auction with her eyes.

But it's too late.

When Bo QinGang appeared as a housekeeper, he was completely confused. When he saw Bo QinGang sitting beside Lin su'er, he suddenly regained his mind and thought of Lin su'er's photo auction!

She did not dare to be perfunctory as she had just done. She quickly took out her whole body spirit and said, "OK, thin and thin are less than one million yuan to bid for this picture of Lin su'er. Does anyone offer a higher price?"

After hearing the voice of the emcee, everyone woke up and remembered that the auction was still going on.

Everyone quickly quieted down, no one spoke again, but no one wanted to bid.

I'm kidding. Don't say they didn't want to buy Lin su'er's photos. Even if they wanted to buy them, no one dared to rob Bo Shao!

So the whole place was dead.

In this regard, the emcee was not surprised at all. He just coughed and said, "OK, that's one million times, one million times, one million..."

The master of ceremonies is preparing to go through the procedure symbolically with a small hammer in his hand, but he doesn't want to be at this time——"1.5 million."

A clear young voice suddenly rang out from the crowd.

The whole audience, suddenly a thrill!

Damn it!

Who is so despicable, rob things with Bo Shao!

All of them turned their heads in unison, but when they saw the figure holding the sign, everyone was dumbfounded.

Chi, Chi Si ang!?

I saw class 9 as the rear corridor, a young man standing.


The whole audience gasped with fright.

What's the situation!

Chi si'ang is trying to rob Bo Shao!?

The housekeeper beside Chi si'ang also changed slightly.

"Young master You are... "

"Shut up." Chi si'ang is cold, drooping eyes, looking at the front of the thin tilt ang.

He had just seen housekeeper Wu suddenly appear. He had intended to leave the festival directly.

But on the way, he heard about the auction of Lin su'er's photos, so he rushed back.

But as soon as I came back, I saw the scene of Bo QinGang.

He didn't know what was wrong with him. When he saw Bo QinGang sitting beside Lin su'er, he felt an inexplicable anger surge into his heart. Without thinking about it, he grabbed the bidding card from the people in front of him and raised it.

People around him were shocked and shocked, but Bo QinGang looked flat, just raised the sign in his hand again.

"Two million."

All the people in the room gasped.

If they had any doubts about the relationship between Lin su'er and Bo QinGang, they are gone now.

Bo Shao sits beside Lin su'er, and still makes a start for her. The relationship between these two people is especially suspicious!

"My God So Lin su'er is really a man of Bo QinGang? Before that, Su Qinyu said that Lin su'er was taken care of... "

"Pooh, Pooh! It's worth saying! Su Qinyu must be jealous of Lin su'er's nonsense. Lin su'er is too thin. Because her brain is squeezed by the door, she will be taken care of by others! "

"Yes, I've been surprised that Lin su'er is so arrogant. It turns out that there is something behind her! But it's also true. If I'm thin, I'm sure I'm more arrogant than her! "

All around the people were talking, Chi si'ang heard these words, his eyes became more and more dark, and he suddenly raised the sign in his hand.

"Two and a half million!"

Everyone's expression is more frightening.

Chi si'ang, this is with Bo Shao called on the board!?

The emcee was also scared to look pale, and looked at Bo QinGang with trembling voice, "then, how can I ask how thin is it?"

Thin tilt ang this just finally side eyes, looked at the youth on the side aisle.


He recognized that it was the boy who was locked up in the auditorium with Lin su'er that night.

His eyes flashed a little cold, and he held up the sign.

"Ten million." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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