Su Yao'er wiped away the tears on her face, took off the hairpin from her head and tied it directly on her thigh.

The pain of bone erosion! However, she seemed to have no feeling. She pulled it out of her leg and pricked it again. She turned her head and looked at the door and told her servants to serve her, "Qing'er, go quickly..."

On the other side.

Zhu Geli, the crown prince, feels that everything is not going well these days. His heart and temper are getting more and more irritable, and the whole person is a bit crazy. He really can't understand why the original waste Su Xin'er became a genius in a flash, and his appearance is much more beautiful than usual.

In the past, although she was not ugly, she always looked like she was lifeless. No one was happy to see her. However, she has become much more beautiful these days. She seems to be more energetic, which can be said to be more powerful than Su Yao'er.

The most important thing is that she has practiced so much that she can't even defeat her. How can she think and how to bend.

Now even his six emperor's uncle is prostrated under her pomegranate skirt. The prince feels that he made a wrong decision. If he didn't give up his marriage and married her to the prince's mansion, he would be able to use it for himself now, and a great cultivator could be equal to all the people in his mansion now.

The prince walked back and forth in the room, and thought of it, he bit his teeth. "I'm the prince. What if I repent? If I want to marry her, she must marry me. "

Zhuge Li had made up his mind to marry Su Xin'er. As for the sixth prince, although he was her uncle, they were not close to each other since childhood, and their respect was superficial. Besides, he was a big problem of his own, which should be removed as soon as possible.

Take advantage of this opportunity now! In recent days, the emperor's cough became more and more serious. Sometimes he coughed all day, coughing and bleeding.

However, the imperial physician in the palace was helpless, which made the whole palace panic. They were worried that the emperor would not survive for a few days. When the new emperor came to power, the country would be in turmoil.

Now that he wants to target the sixth emperor uncle, it is the best to take this opportunity. If he wants to seize the throne in the future, he may not be able to defeat him.

Then try to transfer him from the imperial palace for a period of time. During this period, if his father dies, no one dares to say anything wrong. After all, his cough is so serious that when he dies, he will announce the crown prince's succession and become emperor himself. Even if he wants to seek to usurp the throne, he must not be able to resist the whole ten thousand yuan with his own ability The forces of the holy land?

Zhuge Li thought so and called in his own advisers and told them what they thought. One of them was Li Yu. He immediately suggested, "Your Highness, it is said that there is a beast on the south side of the mountain. It is said that it is ferocious, but its blood has a miraculous effect of bringing back the dead. Anyone who drinks a stubborn disease for many years can recover instantly, and his body can be as strong as a beast."

When Zhuge Li heard this, his face, which had some smiles, collapsed instantly. Is this man an idiot? He wanted to let his father die as soon as possible. He was good at succeeding the throne. He even said that there was a way to bring his father back to life. If the father really recovered and was as strong as a tiger, when would he be able to inherit the throne?

Seeing the prince's expression, Li Yu, a counselor, immediately realized that the prince was really not intelligent. All his words had to be said clearly and thoroughly before he could understand it. He could only continue to say, "prince, that beast is so ferocious that even a strong cultivator may not be able to beat him even when he comes to him."

"If the prince can let the six princes go to take the blood of beasts for the emperor, then he will have all the filial piety of the prince, but he will be able to get rid of the great trouble in the heart of the prince. Isn't it a way to have the best of both worlds?"

At this point, he would not be able to say more explicit. But Zhuge Li was not a real idiot. He understood what he said. He came to slowly put down his tea cup, slapped heavily on the table, and loudly praised, "Li Yu, you are good! You're smart enough and resourceful

With the strategy of killing two birds with one stone, no matter whether his sixth uncle can get back the blood of the beast, he can also be transferred from the capital. Even if he can get it back, it will be too late.

Of course! Since he has gone, he will not be able to come back safely. Send him to the south of the mountain to add some dishes for him. Then he will not be able to come back. There is no need to worry about someone robbing Su xiner with himself.

It should not be too late. On the second day of the court, all the civil and military officials heard the prince's words of filial piety: "now that my father is seriously ill, I should share the worries of my father and the emperor as the crown prince. The imperial doctors in the palace are helpless. Then we can only seek ways to save the father and the emperor from the people.

I have heard that there is a beast's blood on the south mountain, which can bring back the dead, cure his father's stubborn diseases, and make him as strong as he was when he was young. I am willing to go to find the blood of the beast for my father

What he said was magnificent, but he was not afraid that the emperor would let him go. After all, he had already installed his own people in the court.

This is not his words just fall, then heard the cultural relics of the hundred officials riot, and then advised him three times.

"The crown prince must not do anything about it. Now the emperor is seriously ill and needs the assistance of the prince. If the prince leaves the palace at this time, the emperor will be short of arms.""Yes, a country can't be without a monarch for a day. Besides, the prince is a noble jade body. How can he go into the mountains alone? If there are some mistakes, what can we do? "

"The prince's filial piety is believed to have been understood by the emperor. It is enough for the emperor to send a strong man to search for the blood. The prince does not have to go there in person."

After all, many people in the court had already stood by him and supported him.

"How can I not know that my father needs me to help him with his administration at this time, but his body is the most important thing. Can we find a second person in this palace to choose me? If I go, it is also dangerous for others to go. I can't exchange the lives of others for mine

He said this so that people can't help but give a thumbs up. A prince can say that everyone's life is as important as him. Even the emperor sitting on the Dragon chair can't stop nodding.

But immediately heard the voice of civil and military officials, "the prince's words are not right. I remember that the prince lost to the second lady of the prime minister's house in the martial arts contest a few days ago, but the sixth Prince won, which shows that the sixth Prince's martial arts are not under the prince's highness. On weekdays, the six princes have been used to idleness, and they have time to go to the south. What do you think? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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