"I promise you, I promise you anything, as long as you survive. Come on, let's go to the hospital, and you can make it through again. You've survived so many times, and you'll be fine today, right? " Xiao su'er has a trill when she speaks, and she hugs Bo QinGang and sobs.

She was just about to ask the outside security guard and the nanny to come in and help her transport Bo QinGang to the hospital, but Bo QinGang took her hand and said, "it's no use. The last time you took me to the hospital, you didn't rely on the equipment in the hospital to cure me, did you? Why bother to go to the hospital? They will separate us from each other to do the unnecessary rescue. It's better to let me accompany you quietly

"But if you don't go to the hospital, you may not be able to make it this time, Wuwu..."

His tears were surging, but Bo QinGang had already looked down on life and death. Looking at her, she began to smile, "maybe I should have died five years ago. I stole these five years. It is enough to be able to hide by your side and watch you, and have the last few months to accompany me.

Bo's family is yours next. No matter how you manage it, you can sell all the shares if you can't manage it. The rest of the money can make you and Xiao forget rich for a period of time. I know that as the successor of the ang family, you don't lack money, but I'm really sorry for my children as a father... "

Xiao su'er held him in her arms all the time. Her tears fell on his face and mingled with his tears. Both of them cried together. But she didn't stop him from speaking, so she listened quietly until his voice became weaker and weaker, and her breath could not be felt.

"Su'er, the next life is waiting for me..."


Bo QinGang's hand slipped from Xiao su'er's face and hit the floor. The sound was like hitting Xiao su'er's heart. She closed her eyes and hugged him hard and cried out.

"What next life, I want this life, this life we have not had enough, what do you tell me about the next life? Ah

The cry broke through the night sky and passed through the door value of the room to Xiao Mian's ear. He ran out of the room and rushed to Xiao su'er's room. He saw her sitting on the ground with thin tilt in her arms, and rushed to her immediately. "What's wrong with Dad, mom?"

"Son, don't question this time. There won't be another person quietly following me for five years. Your father is dead..."

Xiao su'er couldn't breathe. She took a few deep breaths to say this. Xiao forgot to cry with her and hugged Bo QinGang's body.

Two people cry together. Finally, the nanny at home calls Xiao Shuo and Xiao Yuhan. When several people rush to come, they see the scene of a family of three holding together. However, the thin QinGang in the middle has no breath, and even the body becomes a little stiff.

"Sister su'er..." Bai Qingyue sits beside her and holds her shoulder.

Xiao su'er, as if she could not hear what he said, put her face on her thin and upright face and murmured, "why did you leave so early? You're not forty now! Don't you say you want to have more children with me? You wake up, we can have as many as we want! I was born a football team

"Sister su'er, you don't want to..." Bai Qingyue wants to persuade her again, but she is pulled by Xiao Yuhan from behind. She looks back, and Xiao Yuhan shakes her head with grief on her face.

Bai Qingyue can only stand up without talking and just look at Xiao su'er. The love story between them is the most miserable she has ever seen in her life. So many obstacles have been solved. When they can be together, they are separated by Yin and Yang.

If it is destined to have no relationship, why did you want to let two people together and give birth to the crystallization of love? Isn't it more painful for two people?

"Su'er, even if you are in pain, you have to let Bo QinGang go to safety. In a few hours, after his body is completely hard, he can't even change his shroud. Let go! Let them clean him up and get him on his way. "

After waiting for two hours, Xiao su'er's tears were almost dry, and she still sat still in her arms. Xiao Shuo couldn't bear to talk to her, but Xiao su'er didn't move, as if she had shielded all the information from the outside world.

"Elder sister, you and I know you feel bad, but we also have to help Bo Shao deal with his affairs after finishing. We can't ignore him. If you just hold him like this, his body will be stiff. What should we do then?" Xiao Yu squatted down and began to persuade her.

Xiao su'er still doesn't listen. Xiao Yuhan and Xiao Shuo look at each other. After nodding gently, they go forward one left and one right to pull her apart, but she suddenly yells.

"Don't touch me! Don't move me. If anyone dares to separate me from aan, I won't recognize anyone. Go away! I don't let anyone move his body, he will accompany me and xiaoforget's side, where he will go! I won't do things behind him. I won't let him be cremated. You go! Go

She seems to be possessed by the general, a voice of cry, holding thin tilt ang hands more and more hard.

"Sister su'er, do you want to hold his body all the time? So he will stink and rot, you don't! He doesn't want you to be so miserable because of him Bai Qingyue couldn't bear to cry. Xiao su'er she knew was a girl who lived a free and easy life. She never got caught up in anything. She never saw Xiao su'er like this.Now she is more miserable than when she thought Bo QinGang died five years ago!

"I'll let you go! You go! I want him to stay here. A'ang doesn't like so many people around him. I'll deal with his body. I won't be as mad as you think. Let's go Xiao su'er continued to shout, this time she directly stood up and pushed several people out of the room, accompanied by Xiao forgetting.

After several people were driven out of the room, she went back to Bo QinGang's body and slept next to him. She took his hand and closed her eyes to enter yaolingyu space.

Bo QinGang is no longer a person. His body can only be regarded as an object. In this way, she directly brought his corpse machine into yaolingyu space.

"Master, is he dead? Why is that? You see, I'm blooming. My flowers can cure you, but it's too late... " Xiaoyi tried to show Xiao su'er the flowers blooming on her head.

"It's OK. He's just sleeping for a while. I won't cremate him, let alone bury him! Now science and technology are so advanced that one day the dead can be revived. I will freeze them up and wait for the day when they can be resurrected. "

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