Three years later.

Xiao su'er raised her head from a pile of documents. In the past three years, she took over Bo's family in an all-round way, running both in the clinic and in the company. She was also concerned about Xiao's study and life. She was so busy that she often couldn't even have time to eat.

But even with such a busy life, she still takes time out every week to go to Ouyang Luo's hospital. Ouyang Luo has set aside a building in the hospital to do research. In the past three years, she and Xiao su'er have devoted themselves to the study of human resurrection. Many diseases that could not be cured before have been cured. Now they have found a radical cure.

"Du..." The mobile phone is still shaking under the documents. Xiao su'er opens many documents and takes out the mobile phone. Ouyang Luo's three big characters are flashing on the screen.

"Su'er, come to our hospital quickly. The mouse I froze a year ago has been successfully revived today. Come here and we'll see if this technology can be applied to humans. But this mouse... "

"I see. I'll be right here." When Xiao su'er didn't wait for him to finish, she got up, picked up her bag and rushed out of the office Zhang Song followed her with a document to catch up with her, "you'd better sign this word first, we need your document to transfer goods immediately."

"You can sign it for me." Xiao su'er put down this sentence and rushed into the elevator.

For the past three years, Zhang song has been following her to help her. If it wasn't for him, Xiao su'er might have let Bo's back. After all, she really didn't have the talent to do business.

It is Zhang Song who manages everything in an orderly way around her. In the past three years, Bo's family has developed more and more. It can be said that Zhang song has made great contributions.

But Xiao su'er didn't treat him badly and gave him shares in Bo's family. He is not only an assistant but also a shareholder of the company.

Xiao su'er is sitting in the elevator with her heart pounding. Maybe today is the time for Bo QinGang to come back from the dead. Since all the mice can come back to life, should people be able to do the same?

With such an idea, she rushed into Ouyang's Hospital and raised her mouth when she saw the lively mice in the office.

"Is this the mouse we frozen a year ago? It was dead at that time, and it's alive now. So powerful! Do you really have the technology to come back from the dead? Try it on living people

When Xiao su'er saw the mouse, she almost forgot how to speak. She reached out and wanted to touch it, but Ouyang Luo stopped her. "Su'er, come here, I'll talk to you first. A year ago, we used this mouse to do experiments, but it was not poisoned or sick. It just died of suffocation. We are now resurrecting it. It just makes his cells rejuvenate, but there is nothing else in his body that needs our treatment

"So we don't know if we can cure him if he is sick or poisoned. You, do you understand what I mean

Even if the technology of resurrecting from the dead has been mastered by them, they can only resurrect people who did not die because of severe illness or illness. But Bo QinGang just died of poisoning. He was poisoned by ice, and even the most powerful doctors in China could not get rid of it.

Xiao su'er listened to his words, but she still looked at him and nodded, "I understand what you mean, but we'd better try. We can't give up a little hope, can't we?"

"Well, I have reached an agreement with a family that they are willing to test their son who died of drowning for me, and I will pay them. Now that child's body is lying in our freezer, you can go with me.

Ouyang Luo took her into the freezer. She saw the child lying there. It looked like he was about ten years old, almost like her son. If he could be revived, his parents would be very happy!

After three years of research, Ouyang Luo thinks that this technology is not only for Bo QinGang. If it is really successful, it will enable many families to regain happiness. For example, children who run to the restricted area because of mischievous behavior will be happy if their parents can be revived!

"Start now, and let me see if I can revive people." Xiao su'er turned to look at him.

"Good." Ouyang Luo took a deep breath. He took the instrument beside him and clamped it on the child's limbs like doing an electrocardiogram. After ten minutes, there was no reaction. He turned off the instrument and looked at Xiao su'er.

"Well It seems that we have failed. This technology can't be applied to people yet. The mouse may be too small, or some other reason, which has successfully revived us. "

Xiao su'er stood in a daze. After a long time, she laughed out, "ah I was stupid. With such a big dream, you said it would take 10 or even 20 years to have this technology, but I imagined that it would take three years! "

"Su'er..." Ouyang Luo felt deeply guilty. Every time he failed, this feeling would come.

"It doesn't matter. You don't have to feel sorry for me. You didn't need to study this technology. It was forced by me. Since I failed today, I'll go first."Xiao su'er had just opened the door of the freezer when she saw Xia Xiaonan holding the baby and saw her running up immediately, "su'er, you are also here. I'll bring you some food for Arlo. You can eat together."

"Hello, aunt su'er." In her arms, she called her a little white dumpling.

"Good..." Xiao su'er gently touched her small face.

Ouyang Luo also walked out of the freezing room at this time and reached out to take the little girl in Xia Xiaonan's hand. "Today, I'll follow my mother to deliver dinner to my father! Did you listen to the teacher

"I heard it. I remember what the teacher taught me."

"My daughter! The teacher said she was very talented. Just two years old, so smart, your daughter, whatever you want Xia Xiaonan leaned on Ouyang Luo's shoulder and chuckled.

"Of course, she has my IQ and looks like you. She is a perfect child!" Ouyang Luo raised his head with pride.

Xiao su'er looked at their happiest family, and her heart was full of bitterness. If Bo QinGang was still alive, they would be so happy. But now she only had to envy others.

"I won't have dinner with you. I'll go first." After she said this, she immediately turned to leave. Her steps were in a hurry and her back was a bit down and out.

Xia Xiaonan looked at her back and felt very distressed, "husband, is su'er destined to live only one person later?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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