Wang Hangfan knelt down when the whole people were ignorant, until hearing this, the whole talent a lively wake-up, and scolded: "Lin Su, you a small white face to stop! You give me Ah! "

He struggled to stand up, but he didn't know what happened. All the legs he hit Lin Su on the left were numb, and he couldn't stand up at all.

Lin Su has turned around and entered his dormitory at the end of the corridor.

People around saw this scene was also completely silly, until they heard Lin Su Bang close the door, they just woke up in a dream.

"Lying in the groove, what is the special situation, Lin Su hit Wang Hangfan directly? This boy is thin and thin, and he doesn't see the fighting power so much that the cow breaks? "

"I bah, it is not really good for Wang Hangfan. Just now, he was very forced. I didn't expect such a little Bailian to do it. Bai blind this man."

"Ha ha, Wang Hangfan, I didn't say you. Lin Su has gone. How long will you kneel on your knees?"

"Ha ha ha!"

Wang heard the laugh of four weeks, and looked at the front door of Lin Su's closed dormitory, and his hand was clenched.

"Linsu, you little white face." He gnawed, "I must see you look good!"


Lin Su simply cleaned up in the dormitory and went to the classroom to report.

According to the grade evaluation, they are divided into five classes from Class A to class F, each of which will practice in their own classroom.

Their next task is to learn the theme music of the program.

The theme song of the program is a song written by the program team. After they learn the dance and song of the theme song, each contestant shall record a short video of singing and dancing theme music by themselves, and then submit it to the judges for review.

The jury will re evaluate the level based on the performance of the short video of the contestants.

That is to say, this is the first time that the players who have not been well rated are the chance to turn over.

Lin suer had no mobile phone and had no contact with the outside world, but she probably guessed that her votes had fallen after the scandal with Bo Zihan broke out.

So if she wants to stay here, she has to find ways to perform well in the next theme show, or she won't be able to attract fans.

Thinking of this, she quickly packed up, and was ready to go to class F dance classroom to practice theme music.

When Lin suer arrived in the classroom, other players were basically arrived. Wang Hangfan had become the center of class F in a short time. A group of boys squatted in the corner of the classroom and played.

When Lin Sul came in, the classroom was quiet.

Lin suer ignored them, but walked over to get his uniform.

After staying in the dormitory, they can not pass on their own personal clothes, but they need to wear uniforms during the whole program shooting process.

Class A to class F, uniforms are uniform sanitary clothes, which is convenient for dancing practice, but the colors of each class are different. Class A is the most dazzling pink, and class F is the dimmest gray.

Put on this gray dress, it is almost always remind you that you are the worst f-student.

Because each uniform is custom-made according to the height of the player, the clothes are labeled with names.

Uniforms have been sent to dance classrooms in each class, but the boys in class F are playing and playing, and they have not taken clothes. Lin suer was the first to take them.

She looked for a while in a pile of clothes before she finally found the one with her name attached.

But her hand just touched her gray dress, suddenly felt wrong.

A faint, pungent breath, from her clothes.

Lin suer has always been very sensitive to taste because he is a primary school doctor.

And the body is more acute after eating the fruit in the space of the medicine Lingyu, so although the taste is very weak, she still catches it.

It seems to be the taste of strong glue.

Lin su'er immediately realized that he was wrong, and looked up quickly. Indeed, he saw Wang Hangfan and several boys around him who did not know when to stop chatting. At this time, she looked at her, staring at her clothes, and his expression was a little nervous.

Until Lin su'er suddenly looked at them, they quickly moved their eyes and continued to chat.

Lin Suo has something to understand.

Lin suer smiled down and didn't rush to attack. He just grabbed the sticker of his name on his clothes and tore it off, and then he changed the sticker with Wang Hangfan's clothes.

After all this, she took the clothes with her own name, but actually Wang Hangfan came to the corner.

She was not in a hurry to wear it, so she sat in the corner holding the sanitary dress and began to stretch.

Wang Hangfan group of boys saw her not put on the clothes, not a little anxious, but not easy to say.

At this time, the assistant director came in."Everyone is here." The assistant director clapped his hands and said, "if you don't take your clothes, get your clothes. After you put them on, start to prepare for practice. Remember, the camera in the classroom is also on during the practice. Don't forget to pay attention to your own image!"

The assistant director finished and left. Wang Hangfan and his several boys reluctantly went to find their own uniforms.

"Hangge." A boy saw the clothes that Wang Hangfan held in his hand. He couldn't help but wonder, "why do I think your clothes seem a little small?"

"What's more, it's because I'm tall that you feel small." Wang Hangfan casually replied, his eyes staring at Lin Su's direction, waiting for him to put on his clothes, while casually put his clothes on his head.

Then --

"shit! What the hell

Wang Hangfan's curse suddenly rang out in the dance classroom.

When we looked up, we found that Wang Hangfan's sweater was half worn, but suddenly it seemed to be stuck. It could not be plugged in or taken out. The whole person was struggling violently.

"Hangge!" Several boys who had a good relationship with him rushed to help him pull out his clothes. However, they found that the clothes were just like sticking to him. If they pulled them, Wang Hangfan's hair was pulled.

"Shit! Don't talk about it Wang Hangfan immediately burst out in pain, "I'm going to tear off my bloody scalp!"

The boys didn't dare to move. Finally, one of the boys was smart. He ran back to the dormitory and took the scissors. He cut Wang Hangfan's hair. Finally, the clothes were torn off.

Wang Hangfan managed to get rid of the clothes. The whole person was paralyzed on the ground, panting. His hair, which had been carefully treated, was just as handsome as a dog.

In the whole classroom, the boys in class F were afraid to speak. Finally, Wang Hangfan got up and pointed to Lin su'er, who was stretching in the corner.

"Linso, you bastard! You changed my clothes for yours

Wang Hangfan was stupid again.

He obviously smeared super glue in Lin Su's sweater to see him make a fool of himself, but now how can this clothes become his?

Facing Wang Hangfan's question, Lin su'er looks calm.

At this time, she has also put on her sweater. Wang Hangfan's size is a little big on her body, but she doesn't care. She just wriggles her neck and says faintly, "why do you say I changed it?"

"Who else but you!" Wang Hangfan was mad and roared. A piece of skin was torn on his forehead by super glue. With his angry face, the whole person looked very fierce and terrible, "it is clear that there is glue in your clothes!"

Hearing Wang Hangfan's words, Lin su'er couldn't help laughing.

"Wang Hangfan, that's interesting." She looked up at Wang Hangfan, clearly she was sitting on the ground, but at this time she looked up with a sneer, but there was an air of condescending disdain, "how do you know that there is glue in my clothes? Is Did you paint it yourself? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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