Ouyang Luo turned to his head and turned to see that Lin Su looked at himself coldly. His eyes were very thick and out of order.

Ouyang Luo raised his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"I mean it clearly." Lin su'er was expressionless, "Xia Xiaonan is not those female stars and models you are chasing. If you dare to provoke her, then don't blame me for being rude."

When Lin su'er said this, she didn't care about herself at all. The man he threatened was the eldest young master and heir of Ouyang family.

She only knows that ouyangluo Playboy's reputation has long been well known. If he really provokes Xia Xiaonan, Xia Xiaonan will be injured again.

Lin su'er can't watch her only friend in the world jump out of one fire pit and jump into the next.

Therefore, after leaving this warning, Lin su'er was too lazy to say one more word and turned away without hesitation.

"Wait, Lin su'er, stop! Make it clear to me! "

Ouyang Luo is angry, want to stop Lin su'er to say clearly, but Lin su'er's back has disappeared in the basketball court.

Ouyang Luo gas does not play out, finally can only take out the mobile phone, crackling with Bo QinGang sent a text message.

And this side.

After leaving the basketball court, Lin su'er soon returned to the stands on the playground.

Around the students are still looking for her and Xia Xiaonan, so the stands are empty.

Lin su'er casually found a seat and sat down. Just about to take medicine, Lingyu space continued to forge medicine. However, as soon as she closed her eyes, she suddenly heard the sound of something falling to the ground.

She was stunned. She opened her eyes and turned her head to find that there was a schoolbag on her seat. What she heard just now was that a medicine bottle in the schoolbag fell out.

Lin su'er raised her eyebrows slightly when she saw her schoolbag.

She recognized that it was Li Xiaoqing's schoolbag.

But how can Li Xiaoqing's schoolbag contain medicine bottle?

As Li Xiaoqing's roommate, Lin su'er doesn't remember Li Xiaoqing's habit of taking any health products or medicines.

Lin su'er felt a little strange. She reached out and picked up the medicine bottle. Originally, she intended to put it into Li Xiaoqing's schoolbag. But when she picked up the medicine bottle, she smelled a faint and strange fragrance.

Lin su'er's movements suddenly stopped.

As a doctor, Lin su'er's sense of smell itself is much more acute than ordinary people. Moreover, after taking medicine Lingyu space, her sense of smell is even more acute.

So even if she only held the medicine bottle, she could clearly smell the strange smell from the medicine.

Lin su'er felt something was wrong. She unscrewed the medicine bottle and sniffed it carefully.

The medicine bottle was empty, and a tablet was gone, but even so, the medicine bottle was still filled with the breath left by the pill.

When Lin su'er recognized the breath, her face completely changed.

She suddenly grabbed a girl who was sitting next to her and was reading a good book. She asked sternly, "where is Li Xiaoqing! Where is Li Xiaoqing? "

The girl who was caught was startled and stammered: "she, she just took some pills from the medicine bottle and then went to the direction of the VIP room."

VIP room?

Lin su'er's face suddenly became more ugly.

She got rid of the girl and ran quickly to the VIP room.


At the same time.

VIP room.

Bo QinGang sat on the sofa, the sun fell on his handsome face, but it was as if coated with a layer of cold, which made people fear.

At this time, standing in front of him, Li Xiaoqing's shirt and skirt had already fallen on her body. Her white skin was almost transparent in the sun, shining with the beautiful light of a girl.

Because of her shyness, her white face showed a faint crimson, she seemed to dare not to look at the man on the sofa, just lowered her head, and her body could not help shivering.

Can be such a shy, but let her whole person look more attractive, as long as a man to see, I'm afraid it will be blood spurt.

But thin tilt Ang's eyes are no waves.

He just sat on the sofa with a pair of black eyes without any temperature. He looked at the woman in front of him as if he was not looking at something beautiful, but something disgusting rubbish.

Li Xiaoqing stood in place, looking at the thin QinGang without any action in front of him, only felt his heart sink a little bit.

The air conditioner in the VIP room is on very well. The cold wind sprinkles on her body, which makes her shiver. But what's colder is her heart.

How could this happen.

Obviously, she has taken off her clothes. Why is she thin or not?

Can't she really get into thin eyes?

Think of this, Li Xiaoqing only feel his heartache Almost in the blood.But when she looked down and saw the two empty cups on the table, her eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness.


She must not give up.

If you can't touch her even if you take medicine, then she and Bo shaoke are really out of the question.


Li Xiaoqing drugged Bo QinGang.

It's the most powerful drug.

She got that bottle of medicine by chance. After she got the bottle, she kept it by surprise, because she thought that she might be able to use it one day.

But what she never expected was that the day would come so quickly.

She didn't regret it at all.

Because this bottle of medicine is used on the man she really wants most.


What Lu Chengsong, what Luo Weiliang, those poor students in the school, she actually did not look up to.

From the beginning to the end, there are only a few men she really wanted.

Only such a noble man as Bo Shao can give her everything she wants; only a perfect man like Bo Shao is the prince charming she really wants.

Therefore, even if it is to sell the body, even with such dirty means, as long as you can get less, she is willing to do it!

And she has confidence in herself. As long as she has intimate behavior with Bo Shao today, and then she can cry and pretend to be pathetic, Bo Shao will surely stay with her.

As long as Bo Shao is willing to stay with her, she believes that by her own means, she can absolutely seize everything Lin su'er has now!

At the thought of this, Li Xiaoqing's hesitation and shyness faded for the last time. She bit her teeth, slowly lifted her feet, and slowly walked to Bo QinGang.

As if she had no bones, she fell on Bo QinGang's body, close to her ears, and her breath was like a faint orchid's voice: "thin little, I'm cold, can you hold me?"

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