At this time, Xia Xiaonan in front of her is no longer that charming and lovely girl, her whole face has become another face -

her handsome nose, knife cut face, like cold pool general eyes, as well as the uncanny facial lines, every place is exquisite handsome and aloof, almost to create a time for the students of this humble dormitory It's still cool and elegant.

Lin su'er's head exploded, almost all of it exploded!

What's the special situation!

How could she see Bo QinGang!?

Lin su'er was so shocked that she couldn't say a word.

But Xia Xiaonan looked at her like this, the eyeground worry not from more very, can't help but come over, "su er, are you ok?"

Xia Xiaonan is worried now, but she looks worried. In Lin su'er's eyes, she has changed into a different one -

what she sees is Bo QinGang, and the whole person leans down to her slightly, and the cold breath is blowing on her face.

Lin su'er's face changed and she pushed away the person in front of her.

"Stay away from me!"

Xia Xiaonan was pushed unprepared, staggering back a step, not easy to stand firm.

"Su'er." She was stunned, but she finally reacted to something, "you Have you got a good effect? "

Xia Xiaonan is very confused.

The same is the dream of love San, why people Li Xiaoqing to see the people they like is as happy as crazy, but su er is a face to see a ghost expression?

Lin su'er took a deep breath and finally forced herself to calm down.

She did not open her eyes and did not look at Xia Xiaonan's handsome face, but tried to calm down: "Xiaonan, you go out first."

Xia Xiaonan looked at Lin su'er, worried. But she didn't dare to listen to Lin su'er's words. She could only put down her water cup.

"Well Soo, I'll go home first? "

With the end of the final exam, most of the students in the school are ready to go home today.

As a local student, Xia Xiaonan is no exception.

Lin su'er nodded, and Xia Xiaonan quickly began to clean up her things.

Xia Xiaonan quickly picked up the things and looked at Lin su'er anxiously, and then left the dormitory.

Until hearing Xia Xiaonan pick up luggage to leave the dormitory, Lin su er's nervous tension finally relaxed.

She closed her eyes and pinched her eyebrows.

What the hell is going on here.

Why did she see Bo QinGang after she drank the dream?

Is She likes Bo QinGang?

As soon as the idea came out of Lin su'er's mind, she quickly shook her head and denied it.

How could it be.

How could she like Bo QinGang.

There must be something wrong with it.

Lin su'er is in a state of confusion, but at this time, her mobile phone suddenly rings.

Lin su'er was not in the mood to see the caller ID, so she connected directly.

"Hello, who?"

"Hello." As soon as the phone was connected, a strange woman's voice was heard in the mobile phone, which was elegant and beautiful. "This is the research and Development Department of medical and health products of Qin's group. Are you miss Lin su'er?"

Lin su'er was upset when she heard this, and the whole person was stunned.

At this moment, she even forgot to continue to tangle with herself. Why did she see Bo QinGang's face after drinking the dream? She just said quickly: "Qin's group? Are you talking about qinhaishan's company? "

The staff at the other end of the phone obviously didn't expect Lin su'er to ask this question. He was slightly stunned, but still quickly replied with professionalism: "yes, Mr. Qin Haishan is indeed the president of our company.

On behalf of Qin's group, I would like to extend an official invitation to you, as a professional consultant of beauty and health products, to work with our company in the research and development of beauty drinks. "

When Lin su'er heard Qin's group calling her, she was a bit surprised at first, but when she heard the other party mention the beauty drink, she immediately responded.

Recently, her beauty drink has been very popular on the Internet. Now, no matter the female stars in the entertainment circle, or the ordinary female students and white-collar workers, everyone wants to buy her beauty drink.

Correspondingly, Qin's enterprises and some other large health products brand beauty drinks, but no one cares about it.

Qin's group originally earned money from female consumers. The decline in sales of beauty drinks has brought great trauma to their turnover. Lin su'er even heard that even the shares of their head office fell sharply because of this.

Of course, Qin's group will not wait to die, and Qin's group is also a company eager for success, so they don't have to spend time and energy to re develop a new prescription that can defeat Lin su'er's beauty drink.

They simply and rudely invited Lin su'er. On the surface, they said they wanted to invite her to be the professional consultant of their company's beauty drinks. In a word, they wanted the prescription of her beauty drink.To understand all this, Lin su'er lowered her head and drew a sneer at her mouth.

All along, she has been waiting for an opportunity to get close to Qin Haishan and find out the truth of her mother's death.

But I didn't expect that this opportunity came so fast!

Thinking of this, Lin su'er quietly raised the corner of her mouth and said to her mobile phone: "cooperation with you is certainly a consideration. But... "

A chill flashed through Lin su'er's eyes.

"But I have one request."


At the same time.


Qin's maternal and infant base.

As the most famous mother and baby base in S City, this luxury mother and baby base of Qin's is located in the best suburban villa next to s city.

Reference room on the top floor of the base.

The dark reference room is dark and humid because no one has cleaned it all the year round, but at this time, there is a long figure standing in the narrow space.

Thin tilt long body and stand, dim light fell on his handsome face, outlined the angular elegant lines.

He was in this too narrow reference room, but his whole body was extremely powerful, which made the originally dark reference room suddenly stained with some incredible glory.

"So." Bo QinGang opened his mouth coldly, and his voice did not take a trace of temperature. "19 years ago, she gave birth to that child here?"

Standing in front of Bo QinGang is Zhang song, who quickly reports the information he has searched.

"Yes, according to the records of the base, Madame did give birth to a child here 19 years ago, but after giving birth to the child, she did not take a rest here, but immediately chose to leave with the child.

We investigated the whereabouts of the wife after she left the mother and child base and found that she went to m country by private plane, but the clue was broken later. "

Bo QinGang listens to Zhang Song's report, but he still doesn't have too many waves.

His cold eyes just slowly swept his hands, Zhang Songgang handed him the means of production, and finally fell on the production date.

Noticing the date written on it, Bo QinGang's deep eyes flashed a trace of imperceptible coldness.



Zhang Song nearby didn't react, but Bo QinGang just repeated without expression: "she was born in March."

Zhang song still didn't keep up with Bo QinGang's ideas, but said in a daze: "Madam did give birth to this child in March, but what's the matter..."

Zhang song just wanted to ask Bo QinGang what the problem was, but he suddenly realized something and his face changed slightly.


My wife was born in March. She was pregnant in October, that is to say, she was pregnant in May of the year before last, but

Zhang song suddenly thought of something, his face turned pale in an instant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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