As Lin su'er raised her eyes, she suddenly found that the whole world in front of her was different.

At the same time, Li su'er can clearly see all kinds of pale white light floating in the air.

Lin su'er slowly raised her hand to touch the light, but found nothing to touch.

I can see that the light is like fog in different parts of the space, some strong, some scattered.

And the strongest one is the spirit wood in the middle. I can see that the spirit wood is surrounded by those pale silver light, which is dazzling and bright.

Lin su'er looked down at her body, and found that there was such a faint light on her body.

But this light can't compare with the light around the wood.

Not only that, the light on her body also has strong and weak.

Lin su'er's eyes fell on her wrist, which was different from the light silver light of her body and her parts. However, there was a light gray on her wrist.

When Lin su'er turned her wrist, she felt a sharp pain.

She gasped.

She remembered that she accidentally twisted her wrist when she was reviewing for the exam two days ago. Now the dim spot on her wrist is the place where she sprained her ankle.

Lin su'er finally reacts to this --

she should have been enlightened.

Lin su'er read about the description of Lingyan in books when she was in the ghost doctor Valley in her last life.

To put it simply, to open one's eyes is to see the strength of the spiritual power between heaven and earth through the naked eye.

It's not only the reason why people are sick, but also the reason why they are so weak that they can find out the reason why they are sick.

In short, for ordinary people, kailingyan may not have any effect, but for their doctors, it is the same existence as open hanging!

In the modern world, it is that she opened a pair of naked eye X-rays directly!

Even she can see more clearly and thoroughly than X-rays.

Thinking of this, Lin su'er could not help flashing a light of joy.

Although she had always known that the spirit wood in yaolingyu space was extraordinary, she still did not expect that this spiritual wood could be forced to this extent.

The first fruit can strengthen the body and completely change people's physical quality, even if the second fruit can make people open such a big move!

Lin su'er was happy, but suddenly she thought of something and quickly searched the space.

Lin su'er soon found what she was looking for --

ANGEL kiss.

The diamond ring lies quietly on the palm of Lin su'er's hand. The exquisite cutting surface is still shining with a striking light, but in Lin su'er, it is completely different.

In Lin su'er's eyes, the angel's kiss radiates black light, and the cold breath is like a sleeping evil beast, emitting a dangerous breath.

Lin su'er's eyes were completely cold.

Before that, she suspected that the angel's kiss was carrying cold poison, but at that time she did not have a good method to detect, so she was not sure of her guess.

But now with the eye, she is 100% sure that the angel's kiss really contains a strong cold poison.

She can even reasonably suspect that the reason why Bo QinGang was poisoned by ice cold is that she is also closely related to the angel's kiss.

Thinking of this, Lin su'er looks at the ring in her hand, her eyes are colder.

Because there was no definite evidence before, she did not mention it to Bo QinGang.

But now that she has confirmed it, she must tell Bo QinGang about it.

It's a pity that Bo QinGang has gone abroad. When he comes back, she must make things clear.

In the next few days, Lin su'er has been studying her newly opened eyes, and several days have passed before she knows it.

With the end of the final exam, the whole Huaxia university entered the winter vacation.

As a freshman, Lin su'er doesn't have much internship to do, but it doesn't mean they can do nothing.

The school has arranged many summer social practice activities for them to participate in, and the first of them is to participate in Huaxia visit to the Affiliated Hospital of Huaxia University.

Huaxia University, as the most excellent college of Western medicine in China, is also one of the largest affiliated hospitals, among which the Department of surgery and orthopedics is the world's leading level.

On this day, the school organized freshmen in the city to join the affiliated hospital. Lin su'er and Xia Xiaonan were both in the city. Of course, they took part in the visit.

The affiliated hospital is closely related to the medical school of the University. Generally speaking, many doctors in the affiliated hospital are actually professors in the University.It's like Tian Zhonghan, the vice president of their medical school, and the head of the Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Huaxia University.

Today, Tian Zhonghan happened to be the one who took Lin su'er to visit.

"Students can see that the technology and equipment of our whole affiliated hospital are world-class." Tanaka Han, with scattered freshmen, walked into the equipment room, boasting, "especially these instruments, which have just been imported from abroad recently, and the measurement accuracy and imaging technology are the world's leading level!

As you can see, this is the charm of our western medicine. It can not only give you accurate values, but also help you find out the real cause of your illness. Such accurate science and technology is not what those so-called Chinese medicine can provide. "

When Tian Zhonghan said this, he gave Lin su'er a special look at Lin su'er, who was walking at the end of the crowd. There was no sense of disdain in his eyes.

Of course, the students all know that Lin su'er and Tian Zhonghan are afraid to breathe because of their traditional Chinese medicine achievements. They just bow their heads and pretend to take notes seriously.

But Lin su'er did not take Tanaka's satire to heart at all.

"Dean Tian, I admit that western medicine can provide more accurate values in measurement." "But in terms of identifying the cause of disease, I still think Chinese medicine is better. After all, western medicine only finds the external cause, but traditional Chinese medicine can find the real internal cause of a person's body disorder without relying on equipment, and carry out treatment

Lin su'er is telling the truth.

Just like a person with a cold, western medicine can find out where you are inflamed and how many bacteria and viruses are in your body. But traditional Chinese medicine can find a more fundamental reason, why do you have a cold, which organ imbalance is caused by low immunity.

In short, the two disciplines have a long history. If they can be integrated together, they will be the best.

Lin su'er said this objectively, but Tian Zhonghan felt that Lin su'er was fighting against him. His face was black and blue.

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