
Curtis almost jumped out of the stool in fright.

"You say this card is over the limit?" Curtis was not willing to believe, "how can it be! The amount of credit card in this card is 50 million at least. How could it be easily exceeded? "

"I'm sorry, each of the jewelry you just selected costs 20 million yuan. You have selected three jewelry, which add up to 60 million yuan. So I think it's normal to exceed the quota."

Hearing the words of the shopping guide, Qu Si Si almost fainted.

Although she had known for a long time that the price of these so-called customized jewelry was tens of millions, she still did not expect that the price would be exaggerated to this extent!

Each of them costs 20 million, which adds up to 60 million!

In this way, even if it is the card that her boyfriend gave her, it is absolutely impossible to buy it down!

"Miss qu." Qu Si's whole face was pale and had not recovered, but the shopping guide next to her was very considerate and reminded her, "do you have any other cards to pay for?"

Hearing this question, Qu Sisi's face was as white as paper in an instant.

Her fingers couldn't stop trembling, and then she stammered, "I I don't seem to have any other cards with me today... "

Qu Si's words are naturally arrogant. In fact, she has her own card, but the amount of her card is only tens of thousands less. Don't talk about buying tens of millions of jewelry. I'm afraid I can't afford to buy even the cheapest jewelry in the whole store.

But she couldn't admit that she could only pretend to be blunt and say, "I didn't take my card when I went out today. I only took this one."

"Well." The shopping guide lady had a perfect stylized smile on her face. She couldn't see whether she believed Qu Sisi's words or not. She just said with a smile, "in this case, it's better to give these pieces of jewelry to the next Miss Xia."

Hearing this, Trish felt that his lungs were going to explode!

Give it to Xia Xiaonan. Isn't it obvious that you are giving up with Xia Xiaonan!

However, in full view of the public, she still wants to keep a decent smile, holding her head high and pretending to be reserved: "OK, let's give it to Xia Xiaonan."

"Miss Xia." The shopping guide quickly looked at Xia Xiaonan next to her, expecting, "do you still want these jewelry?"

And Xia Xiaonan also did not let her down, immediately said: "of course."

Said, Xia Xiaonan candidly took out the card.


Xia Xiaonan's black card brush over the machine, suddenly issued a harmonious and pleasant voice.

Obviously, the payment was successful.

The shopping guide immediately showed a more sincere and enthusiastic smile to Xia Xiaonan, "Miss Xia, the charge has been successful, I will pack these jewelry for you now!"

"Well, I'll trouble you."

Qu Sisi is beside, as if watching Xia Xiaonan buy these jewels with his card, but the shock inside is almost going to turn the waves!

Xia Xiaonan, this little bitch's card unexpectedly swiped successfully!?

That is to say, the amount of this card in her hand is even more than 60 million!

How can Xia Xiaonan have such a high credit card!?

Qu Si was shocked in his heart.

And next to Xia Xiaonan did have a good package of jewelry, toward her smile, "thinking, thank you for parting oh."

Xia Xiaonan looks pure and innocent, but Qu Sisi heard her words, but she was so angry that she almost fainted.

Xia Xiaonan, this little bitch, is absolutely intentional!

Qu Si was so angry that she almost beat her chest. However, on the surface, she still had to show a perfect and appropriate smile and said, "it's OK. It's just a few jewels. I'll buy it next time."

Xia Xiaonan hooked her lips and didn't expose Qu Sisi's pretentious words. She just took the card from the shopping guide and was ready to leave the jewelry store.

But I didn't expect that just after she turned around, Qu Sisi suddenly screamed --

"Xia Xiaonan, wait for me!"

Xia Xiaonan steps a meal, turn his head to look at Qu Sisi behind him, reluctantly bears the temper to open a way: "Qu Si Si, what else do you have?"

But Qu Sisi can't care to talk to Xia Xiaonan at all. She just goes quickly and grabs the card in Xia Xiaonan's hand and looks down.

Xia Xiaonan's card is a black card inlaid with light platinum. The low-key and luxurious design is extraordinary.

Curtis only looked at it and immediately recognized that it was an unlimited amount of supreme black card.

Supreme black card, unlimited amount, supreme status.

According to Qu Si Si, there are only ten such supreme black cards in China, and the people who own this card are either rich or expensive.But how could Xia Xiaonan have such a noble card?

What happened to him suddenly, and a light of almost ecstasy flashed through his eyes.

She suddenly raised her head and looked at Xia Xiaonan in front of her. Her eyes were full of malice and joy.

"Xia Xiaonan, this card is not yours at all, is it?"

Because the supreme black card is rare and special, the name of the holder will not be written on the card.

But even so, a little bit of Qu Si Si is 100% certain.

That is, such a senior card, absolutely not Xia Xiaonan's identity, some people can have.

What does this represent? It means that this card is definitely not Xia Xiaonan's!

Xia Xiaonan heard Qu Sisi's words, his face slightly embarrassed.

Of course, this card is not hers, but Ouyang Luo's.

But she didn't want to explain that to Trish.

So she just wanted to grab the card from Trish's hand with a cold face, and said without expression, "whose card is it has nothing to do with you."

"Why doesn't it matter?" Qu Si stepped back dexterously, dodged Xia Xiaonan's hand to grab the card, and said with a sneer, "since this card is not yours, how can you brush this card? Xia Xiaonan, tell me the truth. Did you steal this card from other people? "

Qu Sisi deliberately raised his voice very high, and all the people in the store cast their eyes.

But Xia Xiaonan is angry to turn pale.

"Trish, don't talk nonsense. How could I steal someone else's card, which was given to me by a friend I know!"

"Well, tell me which friend gave it to you!" Without hesitation, he continued to ask, "if you can't tell who gave you this card today, it means that the origin of this card is unknown. You must have stolen it!"

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